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Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Platform, Sierra SP1 HF01)
What's New?
A Web Service is a method of communication between two applications or electronic devices over web. You can either use predefined web services that are in-built in the SummitAI application or build custom services based on your organization's requirement.
Now, the authentication method for the above-mentioned Web Services can be changed from Token-based API authentication to the User id and Password-based authentication.
The default Token-based API authentication was implemented in the Sierra HF01 Release. Now, if a customer who has already upgraded to the Sierra HF01, wants the User ID and Password -based authentication, can enable it again.
To enable the User id and Password-based authentication, the Administrator needs to add the following key in the SummitAI web.config file:
<add key="IsAPIKeyDisabled" value="true" />
If the key is not added in the web.config file or if the value of this key is set as false, by default, the Token-based API based authentication is enabled to log into the Application. For more information on Web Services, see Configuring Web Services in the SummitAI Platform Online Help.