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Scroll export button scope current template-id 4fda9400-a7df-4ede-a95f-e4ae5fcf4796 caption Download this Page add-on Scroll PDF Exporter
scope | current |
template-id | 4fda9400-a7df-4ede-a95f-e4ae5fcf4796 |
caption | Download this Page |
add-on | Scroll PDF Exporter |
You can retrieve the selected Service Catalog details using the following API Request with details.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
SR_GetSelectedCatalogDetail | POST |
Code Block | ||||
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{ "ServiceName": "SR_GetSelectedCatalogDetail", "objCommonParameters": { "SR_RequiredParameters":{ "InstanceCode":"LH001" }, "ServiceRequestProperty":{ "Instance":"LH001", "CatalogID":38 }, "_ProxyDetails": { "SAASOrgID": "0", "LoginUID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "MobileVersion": "1.6.0", "Password": "test@123", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "OrgID": "1", "TokenID": "", "ReturnType": "JSON", "UserName": "" } } } |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | ||||||||||||
Instance |
| Name of the Instance. For Example: Info |
| ||||||||||||
Catalog ID |
| Is the SR logged for a user? |
Code Block | ||||
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{ "Errors": "", "Message": null, "Output": "", "TokenID": "BA7AA01F7D57CFE2F3A5C5FB1E9803E8C05969D6DAF123C376F4205DFF749222FDE27B3A895399931EB73F6A1B58E1A4EA742C043D343AA1D06801D4FC8E1A7CF576A4EA270F5926481581035668A6D8570F6CE1B20150B547A0167E624FCD6619124FED503702548FA84A148546396DD06CA9801643E8EE4DCB9FF6AB49B6CF06717ACB", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "CatalogDetails": { "DScript_MobileScript": "", "CatalogDetail": { "OrgID": 1, "CatalogID": 38, "PackageID": 0, "CatalogName": "SR_Re-Auth1", "SupportFunction": "LH001", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryID": 1, "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogDescription": "SR_Re-Auth1", "NoOfApprovals": 0, "Workgroupid": 14, "Workgroupname": "Application Support", "EnableLocation": false, "LogSRInUserLocation": false, "LogSRInUserCustomer": false, "IsPackage": false, "StrCatalogId": null, "VendorDependent": false, "VendorUID": 0, "VendorName": null, "CatalogImage": null, "CostCenterID": 0, 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Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.
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