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Service Request (SR) expiry mails were sent to End users who logged the SR in a frequency of 90 days, 45 days, 20 days,15 days, 7 days, 3 days, 2 days and 1 day prior to SR expiry. This SR expiry information was not communicated to Analysts. Therefore, Email notifications are sent to the Analyst and Workgroup (to which Analyst belongs) to notify them regarding the expiration of Service Request and extension of Service Validity Request. These mails are sent to Analyst only 7 days and 3 days prior from the SR validity expiry. This email will only consist of link to open Service Request and not link to extend Service Request. With this feature introduced to Analysts, they are now updated on information regarding Service Request extensions.
In addition, a new icon indicating the number of days left prior to the service validity expiration date is also introduced in the Service Validity Request screen for Analyst. This icon will change the color based on status of validity.


Consider the case where in the Service validity email is sent to End User, John. SR875 is the SR John has logged. This consists the expiry details & the option to extend the validity of SR. End users can initiate Asset return requests too. But there is no update or information to Analyst, Fredrick Norton  regarding Service Request expected extensions. Hence Email notifications are sent to Analyst with a predefined frequency to update about Service Validity.

The following figure explains the types of email notifications sent to the Workgroup to which Analyst belongs to.  

Figure: Email notifications to Workgroup on Service Validity  

If Service Validity period is more than 7 days, then the Email notification will be sent on 7 and 3 days to validity expiry date. If Service Validity period is less than or equal to 7 days, then the logic with which the emails will be sent is explained in the following table:

Figure: The frequency with which the SR expiry notification is sent  


If the Service request is raised with 4 days validity or extended request has 4 days validity then, the Email notification will be sent on 2 days and 1 day before validity expiry date. Or if the Service request is raised or extended with 6 days validity then, the Email notification will be sent on 3 days and 1 day from expiry date to the workgroup.

Figure: Sample Email that is sent to Workgroup notifying the expiry date of Service Request

After the Workgroup is notified about expiry date of Service Request as a next step an Email notification is sent which will notify that the extension request for the Service Request has been initiated. This email will only consist of link to open Service Request and not link to extend Service Request. This email is to notify the workgroup that the extension request is initiated, and a new extension request has been created which is awaiting approval. 


Earlier when End user John logs extension request to SR875. An extension of SR mail is sent to John with extension link to extend SR. Once the extension request is initiated a new SR is created, which is SR901. This new SR will have all the details of the original SR. Now, Analyst Fredrick Norton and the Workgroup also will receive a SR extension mail


Once the extension request is initiated a new SR created for extension will be mapped to the original SR. This new SR will have all the details of the original SR.  

Figure: Sample mail sent to Workgroup notifying about the extension request initiated 

As a final step, Email notification must be sent to entire workgroup to notify that extension request is approved. 


John’s Extension request of SR875 that was initiated and a new SR901 has been created for the extension which is pending for approval. SR901 which has all the details of the original SR (SR875) which will be mapped to SR875is awaiting approval. Once the extension request is approved, SR901 will be approved, and analyst can work on it. The status of SR875 will remain as it is, and the notifications will be stopped post new extension SR is created. 

Figure: Sample mail sent to Workgroup notifying about the extension of SR approved. 

Differentiate between Normal and Service Validity Request 

Earlier there was no way an Analyst could differentiate between a SR and a Service Validity Request on Analyst Service Request page. An is introduced for Service Validity Request, which indication was earlier present to only End users now its introduced to Analysts too. This makes it evident and easier for Analysts to differentiate between Service Validity Request and other Service Requests.

Figure: Highlighted Icon is added to Validation SR as an indication to Analyst 

Though this arrow icon is only indicative and not functional, this icon is configured to change the color based on the days left to expiry. When the mouse is hovered over the icon, a tooltip will highlight showcasing the expiry days. 

The following table describes the color description of the Service Validity icon:


Grey color indicates that more than 7 days are left for Service Request validity expiration. 

Yellow color indicates that less than or equal to 7 days are left for Service Request validity expiration.

Red color indicates that the Service Request validity has expired.

Consider a Service Validity Request SR875, the indicative arrow icon color will change based on days left to expiry. 

Case 1: More than 7 days are left for validity expiration of SR875. 

Figure: Service Validity request expiry days > 7 days. 

Case 2: Less than or equal to 7 days are left for validity expiration of SR875 but not yet expired

Figure: Service Validity request expiry days <=7 days. 

Case 3: The validity of SR875 has expired  

Figure: Service Validity request expired. 

When the extension of Service Request is approved the Analysts can view the new Service Request created with arrow sign and view the current Service Request. 

Consider the following two scenarios -  

Scenario 1: Consider Service Request, SR875. The extension request of SR875 is approved for 6 days. Then SR875 will no longer have arrow icon, a new SR901 is created. This will have all the details of SR875 mapped to it.  

The arrow icon color for SR901 will depend on the extended availability – 


Grey color indicates that more than 7 days are left for Service Request validity expiration. 

Yellow color indicates that less than or equal to 7 days are left for Service Request validity expiration.

Red color indicates that the Service Request validity has expired.

Scenario 2: Consider Service Request, SR875. The validity is extended by less than 7 days. In this case the arrow icon in front of SR901 will be yellow color and then turn to red color when it is expired. 

The status of SR875 will remain the same that is before and after extension request the status of SR875 will not change. Extension for 6 days is provided. New created SR901 will have yellow colored arrow to highlight the status as amber as 6 days are left for expiry. 

Refer the following figure. 

Figure: The status and arrow icon change of SR875 and SR901 

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