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You can retrieve all the details of a specific CI using the serial number, classification, or device host name of the CI. Use the following API Request to retrieve the details of a CI in the CMDB.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization .
Service Name HTTP Method CMDB_LoadCIRecords POST
Below are the sample request to retrieve a CI.
Ui tabs Ui tabDJango Sample RequesttrueNew Status Request ParametersParameter Name Type Description Mandatory InstanceName Name of the Instance.
For Example: Info
Device_Host_Name Name of the Device or the Host. Serial_No Unique Serial number of the CI. Classification Classification of the CI.
DJango Sample Responsetrue
Ui tabtitle CI with Classification
DJango Sample RequesttrueNew Status Request ParametersParameter Name Type Description Mandatory InstanceName Name of the Instance.
For Example: Info
Classification Classification of the CI. IsIncludeInactive Indicates whether the CI is active state or not.
If the value is true, the CI becomes inactive. If the value is false, the CI becomes active. CurrentPageIndex Current Index of the page that you are looking into.
For Example:
If each page contains 10 records and there are 10 pages. Items from 1 to 10 are displayed when you specify the CurrentPageIndex value as 1.
PageSize Number of records that should be displayed per each page.
For Example:
Consider you specified the PageSize value as 100. Based on the CurrentPageIndex, the API Response displays 100 records.
DJango Sample Responsetrue
Ui tabtitle CI with Classification Hierarchy
DJango Sample RequesttrueNew Status Request ParametersParameter Name Type Mandatory Description Notes InstanceName Name of the Instance.
For Example: Info
Classification Classification of the CI.
The classification name of the CI with the child inside should be specified as follows:
For Example:
"Server\\Wintel Server" is an example of Parent\\Child in which Server is the Parent and Wintel Server is the child. Both are separated using \\. IsIncludeInactive Indicates whether the CI is active state or not.
If the value is true, the CI becomes inactive. If the value is false, the CI becomes active. CurrentPageIndex Current Index of the page that you are looking into.
For Example:
If each page contains 10 records and there are 10 pages. Items from 1 to 10 are displayed when you specify the CurrentPageIndex value as 1.
PageSize Number of records that should be displayed per each page.
For Example:
Consider you specified the PageSize value as 100. Based on the CurrentPageIndex, the API Response displays 100 records.
DJango Sample Responsetrue
Status and Error Codes For more information, see Status and Error Messages
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