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You can view the detailed Software Variance for the Assets. Each Asset attribute has a baseline. If there is a variance to the specified baseline, the Asset is highlighted with colored flags. For more information, see Software Variance.
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The Software Variance feature of installed and uninstalled software is available only for the Assets that are in the Allocated status. This feature is not available for the Assets that are in the In-store Status. |
To view Software Variance:
Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Variance > Software Variance. The SOFTWARE VARIANCE page is displayed.
On the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page, a FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select the Tenant, Category, specify a Search By option (Asset ID, User Name, Serial Number, Host Name) and other details. Click SUBMIT.
Figure: SOFTWARE VARIANCE page: FILTERS pop-up pageA table listing details of Assets matching the filter criteria is displayed. For more information about the fields in the table, see Field Description.
Figure: SOFTWARE VARIANCE pageNote title Note: The Assets available under the LIST section follows an order based on priority. According to this, the summary variance Assets top the list. The detail variance Assets, no variance Assets, and non-discovered Assets come accordingly. You can view the Assets only for the locations assigned to you on the ROLE TEMPLATE page.
Baselining/ Uninstalling the Software Variances:
You can uninstall the Software Variance in the Actual Inventory. You can also make the Software Variance baseline in the Asset Management Data.
To Uninstall/ Baseline Variances for Installed Software
On the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page, select the Asset with the
flag. The SOFTWARE VARIANCE DETAILS pop-page is displayed.
On the SOFTWARE VARIANCE DETAILS pop-up page, select Software Summary in the Software View drop-down list to view the Variance in the Software Summary. A table with the summary of the Software Variance is displayed. The Variance in Software Summary is displayed in orange and the Software Detail is displayed in blue color.
Figure: SOFTWARE VARIANCE DETAILS pop-up pageOn the SOFTWARE VARIANCE DETAILS pop-up page, select the check box in the Baseline field and click SUBMIT to accept the Software Variance for the Asset. If you do not accept the installation, select the check box in the Uninstall field and click UNINSTALL to uninstall the software. A pop-up page with the SOFTWARE LIST TO BE UNINSTALLED section is displayed.
Select Agent or Remote in the Update Software By drop-down and click UNINSTALL. The baselined or uninstalled software are not displayed as Variance.
To Baseline Variances for Uninstalled Software:
- On the FILTERS pop-up page of the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page, select Uninstalled in the Variance Type drop-down list to view the list of uninstalled software.
- On the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page, select the Asset with the
flag. The SOFTWARE UNINSTALL VARIANCE DETAILS pop-page is displayed. The Variance in Software Summary is displayed in orange and the Software Detail is displayed in blue color.
Figure: SOFTWARE UNINSTALL VARIANCE DETAILS pop-up page - On the SOFTWARE UNINSTALL VARIANCE DETAILS pop-up page, select the check box in the Baseline field and click SUBMIT to accept the uninstallation. After you make it baseline, orange highlight disappears.
Anchor Field Description Field Description
Field Description
Field Description | |
Field Description |
The following table describes the fields on the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page.
Field | Description |
Asset ID | Displays the ID of the Asset. |
Serial Number | Displays the serial number of the Asset.
Host Name | Displays the host name of the Asset. |
Emp. ID | Displays the employee ID of the user to whom the Asset is allocated. |
Employee Name | Displays the name of the user to whom the Asset is allocated. |
Last Updated | Displays the last date and time, when a Software is installed, updated, or uninstalled. |
Baseline | You can baseline the software that are in Actual Inventory and move it to the Asset Management Data. Select the check box for the Asset you want to baseline and click SUBMIT. |
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page:
Click PRINT TABLE to print the LIST table.
Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the records displayed on this page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
Click EXPORT ALL to export all the records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
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