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The White List/Blacklist Software report displays a graphical and tabular report on the installation’s summary details of restriction type software, such as Whitelisted, Blacklisted, or None. You can view installation summary details, such as, Asset ID, Asset code, serial number, installations count, and so on, by clicking the hyperlink in the No. of Installations column in the Installations Summary Details table. You can also view Asset details or software installation details by clicking the No. of Installations hyperlink. Admin or Analyst can access the report based on access privileges assigned through roles.

titleAdditional Information

Only Whitelisted software can be installed on a user's desktop. The Blacklisted software can harm computer and can also be a threat to other computer's on the same network. This report helps you to accurately classify and identify software that are not yet categorized as whitelisted or blacklisted, Whitelisted software safe to be installed, and which are the Blacklisted software that cannot be installed.

Therefore, this report helps the Admin/Analyst to view the list of software that are categorized as: None, White Listed, and Black Listed. The key columns for an Admin/Analyst in this Report are: Restriction Type (that indicates: None, White Listed, and Black Listed), and No of Installation which has a count of installation with a link. For an Admin/Analyst, it is important to check Blacklisted software that was already installed on a Desktop or laptop. That becomes the actionable task to check and uninstall Blacklisted software on a laptop or desktop. Because, if a blacklisted software is not uninstalled, it can not only harm the desktop or laptop but also other systems on the network.    

For information about reports, see Viewing Reports.

Steps to access Whitelist or Blacklist Software Report:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Asset Management > Whitelist or Blacklist Software Report.
  2. Click Filters on the Action panel to specify the filter criteria for generating the report.
    The FILTERS pop-up appears.

    Figure: FILTERS pop-up

  3. Enter or select the values for Filter fields as described in the following table. 

    TenantSelect the Tenant from the list available. This is a mandatory field. For more details, view Tenant.
    Restriction Type

    Select the Restriction Type from the following available options:

    • ALL: Displays all the software irrespective of their status.    
    • None: Displays software with no status defined.
    • White List: Displays only that software that are white-listed and approved for installation. 
    • Blacklist: Displays only that software that are black-listed and not approved for installation.
    Include In-Store AssetsSelect the Include In-Store Assets checkbox to view the asset(s) even in the store.
  4. Click SUBMIT.
    The White-listed or Black Listed software Report is displayed. You get a graphical and tabular view of the report.


You can also download the report as JPEG, PNG, PDF, or SVG vector image by clicking the Download icon on the top-right corner of the report. 

Ui tabs
Ui tab
titleWhitelisted or Blacklisted Software Report: Graphical View

You can view a graphical representation of software based on whitelist/blacklist or none restriction types. Each bar represents a restriction type.  Different colors on the bar represents each restriction type.

Figure: Allocated Asset Report: Graphical View

Move the cursor to various sections on the bar graph to view the count of restriction types. 

Click the Download icon on the top-right corner to export the report as JPEG, PNG, PDF, or SVG vector image. You can also refer the INSTALLATION SUMMARY which displays the count for Number of restrictions. There is a hyperlink given in No. of Installations, which you can click to further view the exact details of software with None, White Listed, or Black Listed. The following screen shows a sample output, when you click on Black List.

Figure: Blacklisted Software Details

x-axisThe x axis although indicates No of software, it actually displays the Restriction types. 
y-axisThe y axis though indicates the Restriction Type, it actually displays the count for No of software installed.
Installation Summary
NoneIndicates the software that are not yet categorized into any of the restriction types.
WhitelistIndicates the software that is whitelisted and is marked safe for installation.
BlacklistIndicates the software that is blacklisted and hence cannot be used for installation.
Ui tab
titleWhitelisted or Blacklisted Software Report: Tabular View

Using the tabular view of the Whitelist or Blacklisted software report, you can exactly identify which are the software that are categorized as None, Blacklisted, or Whitelisted restriction type. The key purpose of this report is to check for software that are Black Listed and are already Installed. The key columns in this report are: Software, Restriction Type, and No of Installation.  

Figure: Allocated Asset Report: Tabular View

Click on the No of Installation count for instance for Black Listed software, which actually is of key importance. Upon clicking on the Blacklisted software count, you can identify the software that are Blacklisted and also check in which Store these are located and on which Floor these are installed and by the user who is using the Blacklisted software.

Figure: Installation Details

Click the Refresh Report to fetch latest details for the report. Any changes performed after the Reports page was loaded, will reflect if you click on Refresh Report .


You can perform following actions from the ACTIONS panel of the WHITELIST/BLACKLIST SOFTWARE REPORT page.


Prints the records displayed on the corresponding Table.

Exports the displayed records on the page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

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