Under the FIELDS tab, you can select the fields that you want to show in the report.
 Figure: FIELDS tab The following table describes the fields under the FIELDS tab. Field | Description |
Report Designer's Toolbar | Enables you to perform various functions on the reports, such as, create, save, print, e-mail, export and so on.
 Figure: Report Designer's Toolbar The following table describes the icons on the Report Designer's Toolbar: Field | Description |
| Click the icon to create a new report. | | Click the icon to save the report. | | Click the icon to save the report with a new name. | | Click the icon to save the report in PDF format. | | Click the icon to save the report in HTML format. | | Click the icon to view the report in SQL mode. | | Click the icon to export the report as a CSV file. | | Click the icon to export the report in Microsoft Excel. | | Click the icon to export the report in Microsoft Word. | | Click the icon to save the report in XML format. | Results | Select the number of rows that you want to display in the list report. | | Click the icon to e-mail the report. |
| Records | Specify the number of records that you want to display in your report. | Field | Lists the configured fields related to the category that you selected under DATA SOURCES tab. From the drop-down list, select the field that you want to view in the report. | Description | Displays a new title for the field that you added. | Sort | Select the check box to sort the fields from A to Z. | VG | Select the check box to view the field in a group. | A | Select the box to perform calculations, such as +, -, x, % and so on. | Function | Lists the configured functions that are based on the type of data that you access. The functions enable you to perform calculations on the data. There are three types of functions that can be available based on the Data Source you selected: - Text functions
- Date/Time functions
- Numeric functions
For more information about the functions, See Description. Function | Description |
Average | Averages the values in a column. | Count | Counts the number of values in a column. | Count Distinct | Counts the number of distinct values in a column. | Maximum | Takes Maximum value of a field. | Minimum | Takes Minimum value of a field . | Sum | Adds the values in a column. | Sum Distinct | Adds the rows with distinct values in a column. | Group | Groups field values together to get the aggregate value. | Days Old | Calculates the number of days from the present day. | Sum (Days Old) | Adds the number of days from the present day. |
From the drop-down list, select the appropriate function. | Format | Lists the configured formats to display the data. There are three types of functions that can be available based on the data source you selected: - Numeric formats
- Date/Time formats
For more information about the functions, See Description. From the drop-down list, select the Format in which you want to view the data. Format | Description |
0,000 | Displays as a whole number. | 0,000.00 | Displays the number with two decimal points. | $0.00 | Displays the currency with two decimal points | $/100 | Displays the (number/100) in currency format. | 0.0 | Displays the number with one decimal point. | 0.00 | Displays the number with two decimal points. | 0.000 | Displays the number with three decimal points. | 0% | Displays the number in a percentage format. | % of Group (with rounding) | Displays the percentage of a group. The round up of the decimal points are done to only one decimal point. For example, 1.112% is rounded up to 1.1%. | % of Group | Calculates the percentage of the row value to the total value of the group. | Gauge | Displays the value in a linear gauge. | Gauge (variable) | Displays the values on a linear gauge where upper and lower range limits varies based on the subsequent values. The gauge operates on some significant value ranges, such as 0 to 100, or 10 to 10,000, or 100 to 10,000, and so on. | Dash gauge | Displays the value on a radial gauge where the upper and lower range limits are based on the higher number of significant digits. For example, if a value 1,043 is shown on the gauge, the range is displayed from 0 to 10,000. | Short Date | Displays the date in a mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, 03/30/2016. | Long Date | Displays the date in a week, month, numeric day and the year format. For example, Monday, May 09, 2016. | Short Time | Displays the time as hh:mm AM/PM. For example, 02:33 AM. | Long Time | Displays the time as hh:mm:ss AM/PM. For example, 02:33:30 AM. | Full (Short) | Displays the long date format with short time format. For example, Monday, May 09, 2016 02:33 AM. | Full (Long) | Displays the long date format with long time format. For example, Monday, May 09, 2016 02:33:30 AM. | D&T (Short) | Displays the short date format with short time format. For example, 03/30/2016 02:33 AM. | D&T (Long) | Displays the short date format with long time format. For example, 03/30/2016 02:33:30 AM. |
| | Click the Delete icon to remove the selected field. | | Click the Insert Field Above icon to insert a new field above the selected field. | | Click the Insert Field Below icon to insert a new field below the selected field. | | Click the Advanced Field Settings icon to set advance settings related to the field.

The following table describes the fields on this page: Field | Description |
Column Group | Enter a label name for the column. If more than one column have the same label, the columns are displayed in a group under the label. | Break Page After VG (PDF) | Select the check box to add a page break in the PDF report, each time a different value is detected in the field. | Multiline Header | Select the check box to display the header with multiple lines, if the header length is greater than the width that is set for each column. | Hide this field | Check the check box to hide the field when the report is displayed. | Separator | Check the check box to visually group the fields. | Sort (z-a) | Check the check box to sort the fields in descending order. | Italic | Check the check box to display the values of the field in Italic. | Bold | Check the check box to display the values of the field in Bold. | Width | Enter the width of the column in Pixel. | Label Justification | Click the box to set the alignment of the Label to Left, Right or Middle. | Value Justification | Click the box to set the alignment of the values in the column to Left, Right or Middle. | Subreport | Select the drill-down report from the drop-down list. The list contains the reports for which drill-down keys are set. If you select Automatic, the sub report gets selected automatically by matching the drill-down keys to the fields. | Drill-Down Style | Select the drill-down style to view the sub report. | Url | Specify a URL that you want to appear in the field. | Subtotal Function | Select a customized function from the list that you want to display with the field. If you select Expression, enter an expression for the subtotal. | Gradient Cells Shading | Select the check box to choose Gradient color for shading of the cells. | Text Highlight | Enables you to specify a syntax to highlight the text for a given range. The syntax format is a to b:Color, where a to b specifies the range of text and Color specifies the color that you want to highlight the text. | Cell Highlight | Enables you to highlight the cell for a given range. | Value Ranges | Enables you to specify a syntax for the text that appears when the column is filled with a specific range of numbers. The syntax format is a to b:Color, where a to b specifies the range of numbers and Color specifies the text that appears when the column is filled with the range of numbers. | Expression | Enables you to define a customized mathematical or SQL expression to display as the value of the cells. | Expression Type | Select the expression type for the expression that you defined in the Expression field. | Group By Expression | Select the check box to include the field in a group | OK | Click the button to save the settings. |
| Drag this icon to change the field order. | Add Subtotals | Select the check box to view total count under each numeric column. | Hide Grid | Select the check box to hide the report. | QUICK ADD | Click the button to quickly add multiple fields to the report at the same time.

On this pop-up page, select the fields that you want to add in your report, and then click OK | ADD PIVOT | Click this button to generate a pivot report along with the tabular report.

| REMOVE ALL | Click this button to remove the field values. | DESIGN FORM | Click this button to design a form.
| CONTINUE TO SUMMARY | Click this button to access the SUMMARY tab. | PREVIEW | Click this button to get a preview of the report that you designed. |