Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
IsWebServiceRequest | | Is the Request from Web Service? | |
_Workorder_No | | The unique Identification number of a work order. | |
LoggedAnalystEmailID | | The e-mail Id of the logged-in analyst. Note: It is mandatory to provide LoggedAnalystEmailID value. | |
_Sup_Function | | The name of the Instance code. It defines a business unit, an entity, or a department in an organizational hierarchy. For Example: Info | |
_Status | | The status of the work order. The value of the status should be assigned for this request. | |
_Assigned_Engineer_Email | | The e-mail id of the assigned engineer. | |
_Assigned_WorkGroup_Name | | The workgroup defines a group of members in an Instance or a unit of an organization. | |
_Closure_Code_Name | | The closure code is the status code used by analysts to resolve an Incident. It is applicable only for the auto closure. | |
_Solution | | The resolution comments of work order. | |
_Classification_Name | | The name of the classification of work order. | |
Priority_Name | | The name of the priority of a of work order. | |
_UserLog | | The user communication of work order. | |
_InternalLog | | The internal log of work order. | |
CustomFields | | The custom fields of the specified work order. These custom fields include the following parameters: - GroupName
- AttributeName
- AttributeValue
| |