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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Denali HF01, Problem Management)
What's New?
The following Mobile App APIs are added for the Problem Management module:
- Approver Access for Problem Records API
- Retrieving Problem Record Lists for Approval API
- Retrieving Problem Record Details API
- Requesting for Pre-Authorization of Problem Records API
- Requesting for Authorization of Problem Records API
- Requesting for RCA Approval of Problem Records API
- Requesting for RCA Review of Problem Records API
To authenticate the APIs, use the Form or API login details. Create a User with the required Role Template access, use these details to authenticate, and execute the APIs. For more information, see Adding Users.
Approver Access for Problem Records API
Use this API to provide Approver access to the user to approve the Problem Records.
API Details
{ "ServiceName": "LoginApp", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "LoginUID": 1004, "ReturnType": "JSON", "Password": "XXXXX", "UserName": "john@xyz.com", "AuthType": "FORM", "SAASOrgID": "0", "ProxyID": 0, "MobileVersion": "5.9.0", "TokenID": "", "RequestType": "mobile", "OrgID": "1" } } }
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "65741A54610AB0DBEE57707885DE97DD7A63A46C7BD46976344AF8EF6F147F30E70 47883B10B7C824A0CC3E871B6F05CF4A15DECC4AA5EBAD1EA5450AD000C2039359F10B2A8762BEB2F3B1 4C66687F78455795BC5738979D79C246C9ECAC10E586AD5CD5FA06D12084F6CA61379289FBC2633DF414A901D922800A2E0788736", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "User": { "UserDetails": [ { "UserId": "1274", "EmailId": "john@xyz.com", "UserName": "John", "TimezoneMins": "330", "CustomLogo": "", "IsExecutive": "True", "HasNTID": "0", "Org_Id": "1", "Org_Name": "xyz", "Designation": null, "Location": "2909", "Location_Name": "Bengaluru", "WsVersion": "5.10.0", "CallMe": "FALSE", "GPS": "FALSE", "Feedback_IM&SR": "NULL", "RPT_Widgets_Access": "True", "InstanceLable": "Abc", "Feature": "", "UserProfileImage": "/denali-hf01-non-gdpr-dev-userprofileimage-attachments/4875e410-b828-4158-afe8-c655b5e91c45.PNG", "DisplayDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd", "DisplayDateTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt", "ExpiryTime": "900", "SessionIdleTimeout": "90", "IsAppLogEnabled": "false", "License_Modules": "CM,IM,KIOSK,CMDB,DB,KM,RB_S,RDP_S,RPT,SUMMIT,CM,IM,KIOSK,PM,CMDB,DB,KM,PFM,RM,RPT,SUMMIT,ADDON_RA, ADDON_GM,IM,KIOSK,DB,KM,RPT,SUMMIT,DB,RPT, SUMMIT,DB,RPT,SUMMIT,DB,RPT,SUMMIT,EPROC,DB,RPT,SUMMIT,DB,RPT,SUMMIT,DB,RPT,SUMMIT,PT,DB,RPT,SUMMIT,AVM,AM,SR,SMSMGMT", "PM_ApproveRecords_Access": "True", "UserLicenseDetails": "{\"LicenseEdition\":\"SM_EP\",\"IsConcurrentAnalyst\":false,\"IsLoggedInAsEndUser\":false,\"ConcurrentLicenseCount\":0, \"IsSessionKilled\":false,\"DomainId\":null,\"SupFun\":null,\"WorkgroupId\":null,\"LimitationCount\":null,\"IsPoolLicConsidered\":false, \"SessionId\":null,\"IsSessionExpired\":false,\"WorkgroupParentID\":null}", "LoginUID": "6870", "IsMultiLogin": "False", "IsGDPRAccepted": "True", "IsGDPREnabled": "False" } ], "DBDetails": [] } }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Retrieving Problem Record Lists for Approval API
Use this API to retrieve the list of Problem Records that require approval from the Approver.
API Details
{ "ServiceName": "PM_GetApproveProblemRecords", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "UserName": "john@xyz.com", "OrgID": 1, "ReturnType": "JSON", "Password": "XXXXXX", "APIKey": "", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "TokenID": "EBAEF614B9B4433505F5558B676700108309D1D5BB9B868A4F26C3B2AF197FAD4094883367D2E99520B818D90FCEFED9DF94495682841545 C32EC54403419FAA96B6668A3B7D3FB53894C9D52CB6A835D76B3E02E4248B64315525F3753AEF98643A48B4B10F24C99DC51CC09FA DC481E1258723F4D89E971EDECC15E06F8DF6" }, "SearchProblemParameters": { "Status": "", "Instance": "", "Caller": 0, "FromID": "", "ToID": "", "FromDate": null, "ToDate": null, "CurrentPageIndex": 0, "PageSize": 15, "SortColumn": "", "SortOrder": "" }, "RequestType": "Mobile" } }
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "73710A91EF83868D3CD0005AF2609F91C424C3F82D8A20EFA5A1244F27F4BC7BFD21D726A5B0F95630563BCE30A06141FE4CC25928CF2FED0B3499D 6DF1AEE9443C7AD0BC7076A9EEC7A096603751FF56492786416E65A1C033A565806907CEE9251A732A908B4864947EEED2054FB47840FBCE15B95F8F11FF3DED4363F8799", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "ProblemRecords": { "RecordCount": 6, "DataCollection": [ { "ROWNUM": 1, "Problem_ID": "GuWL0zB36D05mi0p6N5dtg%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 6, "Problem ID": "1425", "Logged Time": "2020-06-05 16:30:26", "Status": "RCA Submitted", "Category": "IT - Laptop", "Workgroup": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "Impact": "High", "Priority": "Low", "DeadLine": "2020-06-26 00:00:00", "Description": "dfasdfsad", "Symptom": "asdfasdf" }, { "ROWNUM": 2, "Problem_ID": "V2kaN10Yh7QCpGRvrtlozQ%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 6, "Problem ID": "1424", "Logged Time": "2020-06-05 16:29:32", "Status": "RCA Submitted", "Category": "IT - Laptop", "Workgroup": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "Impact": "High", "Priority": "Low", "DeadLine": "2020-06-26 00:00:00", "Description": "sadfasdfsa", "Symptom": "sadfasfdasdf" }, { "ROWNUM": 3, "Problem_ID": "OHmr4DPru%2ftMkGYpm45KmQ%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 6, "Problem ID": "1422", "Logged Time": "2020-06-05 16:02:01", "Status": "RCA Submitted", "Category": "IT - Laptop", "Workgroup": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "Impact": "High", "Priority": "Low", "DeadLine": "2020-06-12 00:00:00", "Description": "PR1 desc", "Symptom": "Symptom" }, { "ROWNUM": 4, "Problem_ID": "sy0RqYmb70y6c1xPk49soA%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 6, "Problem ID": "1420", "Logged Time": "2020-06-05 15:58:45", "Status": "RCA Submitted", "Category": "IT - Laptop", "Workgroup": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "Impact": "High", "Priority": "Low", "DeadLine": "2020-06-26 00:00:00", "Description": "sdfasdfasdf", "Symptom": "asdfsadfasfd" }, { "ROWNUM": 5, "Problem_ID": "E3CSkOd2aPhnesBIp7lNqA%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 6, "Problem ID": "1416", "Logged Time": "2020-06-01 17:51:38", "Status": "New", "Category": "IT - Laptop", "Workgroup": "IT Servicedesk", "Impact": "High", "Priority": "Low", "DeadLine": "2020-06-03 00:00:00", "Description": "Test description", "Symptom": "test symptom" }, { "ROWNUM": 6, "Problem_ID": "WdE0DrF0tGc2B0gYXLyBQg%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 6, "Problem ID": "1403", "Logged Time": "2020-05-14 15:15:48", "Status": "RCA Submitted", "Category": "Email", "Workgroup": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "Impact": "High", "Priority": "Low", "DeadLine": "2020-05-18 00:00:00", "Description": "Description", "Symptom": "Symptom" } ], "GridViewDisplayColumns": [ { "LabelName": "Problem_ID", "Value": "Problem_ID", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "Problem ID", "Value": "Problem ID", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "Logged Time", "Value": "Logged Time", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "Status", "Value": "Status", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "Category", "Value": "Category", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "Impact", "Value": "Impact", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "Priority", "Value": "Priority", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "DeadLine", "Value": "DeadLine", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false } ], "TileViewDisplayColumns": null, "LastUpdated_Time": null } }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
The default values for the following parameters should be specified:
- For the Status parameter, the value is Pending For Approval.
- For the Instance parameter, the value is ALL.
Validation Errors
Following errors are displayed if the Status and Instance parameter values are not valid:
- Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Status.
- Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Instance.
Retrieving Problem Record Details API
Use this API to retrieve the details of a specific Problem Record.
API Details
{ "ServiceName": "PM_GetProblemRecordDetails", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "UserName": "john@xyz.com", "OrgID": 1, "ReturnType": "JSON", "Password": "XXXXXX", "APIKey": "", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "TokenID": "EBAEF614B9B4433505F5558B676700108309D1D5BB9B868A4F26C3B2AF197FAD4094883367D2E99520B818D90FCEFED9DF94495682841545C 32EC54403419FAA96B6668A3B7D3FB53894C9D52CB6A835D76B3E02E4248B64315525F3753AEF98643A48B4B10F24C99DC51CC09FADC481E1258723F4D89E971EDECC15E06F8DF6" }, "TicketID": "1402", "RequestType": "Mobile" } }
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "7EDB8FC99EF4ED87FA78B23F68AA9DA466F9FDE9A58685A325A93F3469C1F1744FCF35F7269552D1EBEE5E2A2A754E0CB7368B68D3900E0B5 AE3132EA722D5EF1B68F009B6B7FE14724D5877AA470A99959F79B3873D8F56476716273268575C7DDC246D1086C0F639B9B8FC114AAA2C8E3104E33AA5460CF8358241CF935987", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "ProblemRecord": { "PR_Details": { "ReOpened": false, "ReOpenedRemarks": "", "_Problem_Reviewer_Log": "", "Org_Id": 1, "UserID": 0, "Problem_Ticket_Id": 1402, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Ticket_Registration_Time": "2020-04-27T10:57:41", "Status": "RCAApproved", "Classification_Id": 2, "Classification": "IT - SM Team", "Category_Id": 217, "Category": "Test Auto Closer", "Source_Id": 2, "Source": "Phone", "Requestor_Id": 3, "Requestor_Emp_Id": "123", "Requestor_Name": "G/E/John", "Requestor_Mail_Id": "john@xyz.com", "Requestor_Location_Name": "US(srv)", "Requestor_Customer_Name": "xyz", 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}, { "Key": "PriorityDisplay", "Value": "Low" }, { "Key": "CallerName", "Value": "Neha Kumar" }, { "Key": "EID", "Value": "GWJarZ4FJqK%2bHfgshhmPKg%3d%3d" } ], [ { "Key": "ID", "Value": 1399 }, { "Key": "Problem", "Value": 1399 }, { "Key": "Status", "Value": "New" }, { "Key": "Log Time", "Value": "2020-03-31 18:49:38" }, { "Key": "Symptom", "Value": "testing the functionality" }, { "Key": "PriorityDisplay", "Value": "Low" }, { "Key": "CallerName", "Value": "Soumya" }, { "Key": "EID", "Value": "CwTFgQN2RMrKE2BK27a%2fAA%3d%3d" } ] ], "Project": [ [ { "Key": "ID", "Value": 17 }, { "Key": "Project", "Value": "PM Test" }, { "Key": "Status", "Value": "In-Progress" }, { "Key": "Start Date", "Value": "2020-06-03 05:30:00" }, { "Key": "Name", "Value": "PM Test" }, { "Key": "End Date", "Value": "2020-06-11 05:30:00" }, { "Key": "% Completed", "Value": 0 }, { "Key": "EID", "Value": "FxANYI1wxyM5QKpxLyPl9w%3d%3d" } ] ], "Release": [], "Service Request": [], "Work Order": [ [ { "Key": "ID", "Value": 459 }, { "Key": "Work Order", "Value": "459" }, { "Key": "Status", "Value": "Assigned" }, { "Key": "Log Time", "Value": "2019-11-11 13:56:48" }, { "Key": "Symptom", "Value": "Bug validation " }, { "Key": "PriorityDisplay", "Value": "P1 - Short" }, { "Key": "CallerName", "Value": "Soumya" }, { "Key": "EID", "Value": "QBq40rCqg5SlfiSjsUu01w%3d%3d" } ], [ { "Key": "ID", "Value": 573 }, { "Key": "Work Order", "Value": "573" }, { "Key": "Status", "Value": "Resolved" }, { "Key": "Log Time", "Value": "2019-12-16 13:48:58" }, { "Key": "Symptom", "Value": "Testing Testing Testing Test..." }, { "Key": "PriorityDisplay", "Value": "Priority P1" }, { "Key": "CallerName", "Value": "Lavanya B S" }, { "Key": "EID", "Value": "sKEa1r1bKaXvbf5e03NVDg%3d%3d" } ], [ { "Key": "ID", "Value": 574 }, { "Key": "Work Order", "Value": "574" }, { "Key": "Status", "Value": "Resolved" }, { "Key": "Log Time", "Value": "2019-12-16 14:58:21" }, { "Key": "Symptom", "Value": "Service Request Service Requ..." }, { "Key": "PriorityDisplay", "Value": "P1" }, { "Key": "CallerName", "Value": "Lavanya B S" }, { "Key": "EID", "Value": "iP2jq49ZMxOg0iB2%2fCVqzA%3d%3d" } ] ] }, "PreAuthorizers": [ { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 1452, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Approver 1", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "Approver1@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 3, "Problem_Manager_Name": "G/E/John", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "john@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 1274, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Samuel", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "samuel@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" } ], "Authorizers": [ { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 1452, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Approver 1", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "Approver1@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 3, "Problem_Manager_Name": "G/E/John", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "john@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 1274, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Samuel", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "samuel@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" } ], "RCAApprovers": [ { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 1452, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Approver 1", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "Approver1@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 3, "Problem_Manager_Name": "G/E/John", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "john@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Manager_Id": 1274, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Samuel", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "samuel@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" } ], "RCAReviewers": [ { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Reviewer_Id": 257, "Problem_Manager_Name": "canno test1", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "canno.test1@summitqa.COM", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Reviewer_Id": 4, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Michale", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "Michale@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Reviewer_Id": 2, "Problem_Manager_Name": "Alex", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "alex@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" }, { "Org_Id": 1, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Workgroup_Id": -1, "Workgroup": "ALL", "Problem_Reviewer_Id": 212, "Problem_Manager_Name": "user2", "Problem_Manager_Email_Id": "user2@xyz.com", "Active": true, "rnk": "1" } ], "WorkgroupOwner": [ { "wg_Id": 1, "Org_Id": 1, "sup_function": "Info", "Sup_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "wg_Name": "IT Infrastructure", "wg_Display": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "callLogDisplay": true, "owner": "4", "Master_WG": false, "SLA_Id": null, "Sub_Sup_Function": null, "CM_CMDB_Enabled": true, "RspAlert": false, "RsoAlert_50PC": false, "RsoAlert_75PC": false, "RsoAlert_100PC": false, "WGLocation": "0", "active": true, "IsDefault": false, "Location_Name": null, "LocationNameGrid": "ALL", "Employee_Name": "Peter", "FromEmailId": null, "FromName": null, "Costper_Hour": null, "OwnerEmpId": "SU0228", "OwnerContactNo": "9620531419", "OwnerEmailId": "michale@xyz.com", "SendMailsToExecutive": false, "IM_Enabled": true, "SR_Enabled": false, "ParentID": null, "CL_Enabled": true } ], "AuthorizationApproverMode": "False" } }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
TicketID is a mandatory parameter.
Validation Errors
Following error is if the TicketID parameter value is not specified:
Unable to get Problem Record details: Problem Request Id (TicketID) is Required.
Requesting for Pre-Authorization of Problem Records API
Use this API to request Pre-Authorization of a Problem Record.
API Details
{ "ServiceName": "PM_ProblemRecordApproval", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "UserName": "john@xyz.com", "OrgID": 1, "ReturnType": "JSON", "Password": "XXXXXXXX", "APIKey": "", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "TokenID": "EBAEF614B9B4433505F5558B676700108309D1D5BB9B868A4F26C3B2AF197FAD4094883367D2E99520B818D90FCEFED9DF94495682841 545C32EC54403419FAA96B6668A3B7D3FB53894C9D52CB6A835D76B3E02E4248B64315525F3753AEF98643A48B4B10F24C99DC51CC09FADC481E1258723F4D89E971EDECC15E06F8DF6" }, "objPM_Problem_Ticket": { "Problem_Ticket_Id": "1411", "PreAuthorizerName": "Peter", "PreAuthorizationStatus": "Authorize", "PreAuthorizationRemarks": "Authorizer Remarks - Postman", "PreAuthorizerId": 1274, "PreAuthorizerId_Imp": null, "PreAuthorizationDate": "/Date(1590498415904+0000)/" }, "RequestType": "Mobile" } }
Problem_Ticket_Id parameter is mandatory.
{ "Errors": "", "Input": null, "Message": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OrgID": 0, "Output": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OutputID": 0, "OutputObject": null, "TokenID": "FEE7A7C150F6CA55AE4DBE10853B4E662E106EE506A003859ED79A7A6CA659E8BDC3D34AE585CF3B29DFC4017FD5A1AC1D3E7A88 3F6127283DCA5B951F536786F91C00CF485809247A8C85A827F4AA28D85E340FAEBD4B4065E7A59CEB7AE7CD4EC7022E131BB327A5E1D11CE256CA53B6ED46E35F92071EF9FD9B798424EA54" }
Validation Errors
Following errors are displayed:
- For an invalid or unspecified Problem_Ticket_Id parameter value:
- Unable to update Problem Record: Problem Request Id(TicketID) is Required.
- Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Problem Ticket Id(Problem_Ticket_Id).
- If the PreAuthorizationStatus value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid PreAuthorizationStatus. - If the PreAuthorizerId value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: User(PreAuthorizerId) does not have access of Problem Record Approval. For an invalid Status:
Unable to update Problem Record: The Problem Record is in a [*status*] state and cannot be updated.Note:
The invalid statuses are rcarejected, cancelled, closed, initial authorization, resolved, testing, in-progress, and reviewed.
Requesting for Authorization of Problem Records API
Use this API to request Authorization for a Problem Record.
API Details
{ "ServiceName": "PM_ProblemRecordApproval", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "UserName": "john@xyz.com", "OrgID": 1, "ReturnType": "JSON", "Password": "XXXXXXX", "APIKey": "", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "TokenID": "EBAEF614B9B4433505F5558B676700108309D1D5BB9B868A4F26C3B2AF197FAD4094883367D2E99520B818D90FCEFED9DF94495682841545 C32EC54403419FAA96B6668A3B7D3FB53894C9D52CB6A835D76B3E02E4248B64315525F3753AEF98643A48B4B10F24C99DC51CC09FADC481E1258723F4D89E971EDECC15E06F8DF6" }, "objPM_Problem_Ticket": { "Problem_Ticket_Id": "1411", "Approver_Name": "Peter", "Approval_Status": "Authorize", "Approval_Remarks": "Authorizer Remarks - Postman", "Approver_Emp_Id": 4, "Approver_Emp_Id_Imp": null, "Approval_Date": "/Date(1590500419258+0000)/" }, "RequestType": "Mobile" } }
Problem_Ticket_Id parameter is mandatory.
{ "Errors": "", "Input": null, "Message": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OrgID": 0, "Output": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OutputID": 0, "OutputObject": null, "TokenID": "FEE7A7C150F6CA55AE4DBE10853B4E662E106EE506A003859ED79A7A6CA659E8BDC3D34AE585CF3B29DFC4017FD5A1AC1D3E7A883F6127283DCA5B951F5 36786F91C00CF485809247A8C85A827F4AA28D85E340FAEBD4B4065E7A59CEB7AE7CD4EC7022E131BB327A5E1D11CE256CA53B6ED46E35F92071EF9FD9B798424EA54" }
Validation Errors
Following errors are displayed:
- For an invalid or unspecified Problem_Ticket_Id parameter value:
- Unable to update Problem Record: Problem Request Id(TicketID) is Required.
- Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Problem Ticket Id(Problem_Ticket_Id).
- If the Approval_Status value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Approval_Status. - If the Approver_Emp_Id value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: User(Approver_Emp_Id) does not have access of Problem Record Approval. - For an invalid Status:
Unable to update Problem Record: The Problem Record is in a [*status*] state and cannot be updated
The invalid statuses are rcarejected, cancelled, closed, initial authorization, resolved, testing, in-progress, and reviewed.
Requesting for RCA Approval of Problem Records API
Use this API to request for RCA Approval of a Problem Record.
API Details
{ "ServiceName": "PM_ProblemRecordApproval", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "UserName": "john@xyz.com", "OrgID": 1, "ReturnType": "JSON", "Password": "XXXXXXX", "APIKey": "", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "TokenID": "EBAEF614B9B4433505F5558B676700108309D1D5BB9B868A4F26C3B2AF197FAD4094883367D2E99520B818D90FCEFED9DF94495682841545C32EC54403419FAA96B666 8A3B7D3FB53894C9D52CB6A835D76B3E02E4248B64315525F3753AEF98643A48B4B10F24C99DC51CC09FADC481E1258723F4D89E971EDECC15E06F8DF6" }, "objPM_Problem_Ticket": { "Problem_Ticket_Id": "1411", "RCA_Approver_Name": "Peter", "RCA_Approval_Status": "Approved", "RCA_Approval_Remarks": "RCA Remarks - Postman", "RCA_Approver_Emp_Id": 174, "RCA_Approver_Emp_Id_Imp": null, "RCA_Approval_Date": "/Date(1590560722858+0000)/" }, "RequestType": "Mobile" } }
Problem_Ticket_Id parameter is mandatory.
{ "Errors": "", "Input": null, "Message": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OrgID": 0, "Output": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OutputID": 0, "OutputObject": null, "TokenID": "FEE7A7C150F6CA55AE4DBE10853B4E662E106EE506A003859ED79A7A6CA659E8BDC3D34AE585CF3B29DFC4017FD5A1AC1D3E7A883F61 27283DCA5B951F536786F91C00CF485809247A8C85A827F4AA28D85E340FAEBD4B4065E7A59CEB7AE7CD4EC7022E131BB327A5E1D11CE256CA53B6ED46E35F92071EF9FD9B798424EA54" }
Validation Errors
Following errors are displayed:
- For an invalid or unspecified Problem_Ticket_Id parameter value:
- Unable to update Problem Record: Problem Request Id(TicketID) is Required.
- Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Problem Ticket Id(Problem_Ticket_Id).
- If the RCA_Approval_Status value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid RCA_Approval_Status. - If the RCA_Approver_Emp_Id value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: User(RCA_Approver_Emp_Id) does not have access of Problem Record Approval. - For an invalid Status:
Unable to update Problem Record: The Problem Record is in a [*status*] state and cannot be updated.
The invalid statuses are rcarejected, cancelled, closed, initial authorization, resolved, testing, in-progress, and reviewed.
Requesting for RCA Review of Problem Records API
Use this API to request RCA Review of a Problem Record.
API Details
{ "ServiceName": "PM_ProblemRecordApproval", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "UserName": "john@xyz.com", "OrgID": 1, "ReturnType": "JSON", "Password": "XXXXX", "APIKey": "", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "TokenID": "EBAEF614B9B4433505F5558B676700108309D1D5BB9B868A4F26C3B2AF197FAD4094883367D2E99520B818D90FCEFED9DF94495682841545C32 EC54403419FAA96B6668A3B7D3FB53894C9D52CB6A835D76B3E02E4248B64315525F3753AEF98643A48B4B10F24C99DC51CC09FADC481E1258723F4D89E971EDECC15E06F8DF6" }, "objPM_Problem_Ticket": { "Problem_Ticket_Id": "1411", "RCA_Reviewer_Name": "Peter", "Reviewer_Approval_Status": "Approved", "Reviewer_Approval_Remarks": "Reviewer_Approval_Remarks", "RCA_Reviewer_Id": 4, "RCA_Reviewer_Id_Imp": null, "RCA_Review_Date": "/Date(1590571904161+0000)/" }, "RequestType": "Mobile" } }
Problem_Ticket_Id parameter is mandatory.
{ "Errors": "", "Input": null, "Message": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OrgID": 0, "Output": "Problem Record details are updated successfully. Problem RECORD ID- 1411", "OutputID": 0, "OutputObject": null, "TokenID": "FEE7A7C150F6CA55AE4DBE10853B4E662E106EE506A003859ED79A7A6CA659E8BDC3D34AE585CF3B29DFC4017FD5A1AC1D3E7A88 3F6127283DCA5B951F536786F91C00CF485809247A8C85A827F4AA28D85E340FAEBD4B4065E7A59CEB7AE7CD4EC7022E131BB327A5E1D11CE256CA53B6ED46E35F92071EF9FD9B798424EA54" }
Validation Errors
Following errors are displayed:
- For an invalid or unspecified Problem_Ticket_Id parameter value:
- Unable to update Problem Record: Problem Request Id(TicketID) is Required.
- Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Problem Ticket Id(Problem_Ticket_Id).
- If the Reviewer_Approval_Status value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: Invalid Reviewer_Approval_Status. - If the RCA_Reviewer_Id value is not valid, the following message is displayed:
Unable to update Problem Record: User(RCA_Reviewer_Id) does not have access of Problem Record Approval. For an invalid Status:
Unable to update Problem Record: The Problem Record is in a [*status*] state and cannot be updated.Note:
The invalid statuses are rcarejected, cancelled, closed, initial authorization, resolved, testing, in-progress, and reviewed. All the status values are case-sensitive.
- No labels