If the Approver has uploaded E-Signature in User Profile, the corresponding E-signature will be displayed in the Approval Details section of the service request. For this feature to be available, you should enable the tenant level configuration for the same. For more information, refer the details under For Approver tab of Configuring SR Management.
Case 1: E-Signature Uploaded
With the configuration enabled, the uploaded Approver E-Signature is displayed in the Approval Details section of Service Request under a new column Signature. This is displayed only in the tabular view of the Approval Details section.
Figure: Approval Details Section in a Service Request with E-Signature
Case 2: E-Signature Not Uploaded
If the Approver has not uploaded the E-Signature, the corresponding column will be displayed blank in the Approval Details section.
Figure: Approval Details Section without E-Signature
Also, while approving the service request, in the APPROVE SERVICE REQUEST pop-up, a note will be displayed informing the user that 'E-Signature is enabled' and asks for confirmation whether the user wants to upload the signature or not.
Click the hyperlink here to upload the E-Signature. Click Submit to continue approving the service request without uploading the E-Signature. The approver may decide whether to upload his E-Signature or not.
For more information on adding E-Signature in User Profile, see Updating User Profile.