Ping options like Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are used to check the reachability of the system IP address. In SummitAI Discovery module, Ping Protocoloptionchecks the connectivity or reachabilityof the system in a specific IT landscape.
The Ping Protocol now includes NONEoption which enables Analyst to skip advanced Discovery (Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)) and get straight into the basic Discovery activity.
Figure: Discovery – Job Cloning
Why is it pivotal for use?
Disables the Ping option for discovery of devices in a secured environment.
How is Summit implementing it?
In the Discovery Ping Protocol feature, Analyst can add the following functionality:
Disable the Ping Protocol using NONE option.
What are the benefits of Ping Protocol feature in Discovery Module?
Helps to skip advanced Discovery and enables basic scan activity for specific job.
Allows the Analyst to disable the ping protocol by selecting NONEoption from the Discovery job template.
Discovery job - Ping ProtocolUI capabilities
This section discusses the UI capabilities of the Discovery job - Ping Protocol feature.
Disabling the Ping Protocol
To disable the Ping Protocol, perform the following steps:
Select Admin> Advanced>Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery. The JOB DETAILS page is displayed.
Click ADD NEW on the ACTION panel to create a new discovery job. Figure: Create new discovery job
Click Ping Protocol as NONE from the drop-down list to skip the ping.
Figure: Ping Protocol options
If you select an option other than NONE under Ping Protocol, then NONE option is displayed under Extended Discovery,
This NONE option under Extended Discovery checks the heartbeat or reachability of the system.
Click ADD TO LIST and then SUBMIT. Figure: Submit the Discovery details