The Asset Physical Verification report displays a drop-down list of Physical Verification requests and their respective statuses. You can view the Physical Verification Request ID, Request Type, No. of Selected Categories, No. of Selected Types, Status of verification, the E-mail Ids of the Users to whom the details are notified, Physical Verification approval details, and so on. You can also drill-down the reports to view the approval details by clicking the icons in the View Approval Details and View Asset Approval Details columns and the Manual Verification details by clicking the icon in the View Manually Verified Assets column. Admin or Analyst can access the report based on access privileges assigned through roles. 

Asset Physical Verification Report provides extensive details on many important factors. This report is of utmost importance because when audits are conducted Asset physical verification completion is mandatory. Analysts or Admins can extract this report and understand which are the assets in the organization that still require a Physical verification, is Physical verification initiated, if initiated is it Completed or In Progress and so on. Asset Approvals and Manually verified assets can be viewed as well.

For information about reports, see Viewing Reports.

Steps to access Asset Physical Verification Report

1.Navigate to Reports Asset Management > Asset Physical Verification Report.

2.Click Filters on the Action panel to specify the filter criteria for generating the report. The criteria FILTERS pop-up appears. 

Figure: Filters pop-up

3. Enter or select the values for Filter fields as described in the following table.  




Tenant is similar to department in an organization, example : Operations, IT. Select the Tenant name from the list. This is a mandatory field. For more information, see Configuring Tenants


Enter the specific from and To dates if required. This field is not mandatory.

Request TypeRequest Type values are Store, Customer, Floor, Division. Select All can be chosen too.
StatusThe Status of whether or not Asset Physical verification is In Progress or Completed.
From Date

Specify the From date to generate a report specific to that starting date.

To Date

Specify the To Date to generate a report till the mentioned date. 

Request ID

Unique ID specific to Asset.

4. Click SUBMIT.

The Asset Physical Verification Report is displayed

5. Select the Request ID checkbox and click VIEW MANUALLY VERIFIED ASSETS to view the drop-down list of manually verified Asset details. 

Select Request ID check box and VIEW MANUALLY VERIFIED ASSETS. For more information, refer table.

Select the Request ID check box and VIEW VERIFIED ASSETS. For more information, refer table.

6.Click the icon in View Approval Details Column to view the following report pop-up. Approval details consists of different levels of approval - Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Refer the following figure.

7. Click the icon in View Asset Approval Details Column to view the following report pop-up.

8.Click the icon in View Manually Verified Assets Column to view the following report pop-up.

Few of the fields that are present in the report are explained in the following table. 

Request typeThe mode of request for Asset physical verification that was initiated.
Is Exclusion Applicable?Should the physical verification be skipped / excluded. Possible entries here are Yes or No.
Verification StatusIf the Asset was verified the Verification status will be Found, otherwise Not Found.
Verification RemarksAny remarks, extra information is captured here.
Approver LevelThere may be numerous levels of approvals for a particular verification. Example: Level 1, Level 2.
Approver RoleThe role of the approver level. Example: Store executive, Manager and so on.
Updated ByThe name of the employee who added or updated the Verification details.

Click the Refresh Report to fetch latest details for the report. Any changes performed after the Reports page was loaded, will reflect if you click on Refresh Report 


You can perform the following actions from the ACTIONS  panel of the Asset Physical Verification Report page. 




Prints the displayed report records. 


Exports the displayed records on the page to a Microsoft Excel sheet. 


Displays List of Physically verified Assets.

Displays List of Manually verified Assets.

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