Configuring Knowledge Management Module

Configuring Knowledge Management Module

You can configure the various components of the Knowledge Management module. 

To configure Knowledge Management module:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  2. On the TENANT page, select the domain name from the Domain drop-down list and click SUBMIT.

    Figure: FILTERS: Domain

  3. The TENANT List page is displayed. Select the Tenant Name for which you want to configure the Knowledge Management module.

    Figure: TENANT page: List of Tenants

  4. The TENANT Details page is displayed. Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel.


    On the above TENANT Details page, Domain, Tenant Code, Display Name, and Description about the selected Tenant is displayed. If the Active check box is selected, it indicates that the selected Tenant is an active Tenant. The various module configured, not configured, and disabled for the Tenant is displayed on the page by the different color check marks:

    • Orange indicates not configured module.
    • Green indicates configured module.
    • Grey indicates disabled module.

    Figure: TENANT page: DETAILS

  5. Under the MODULES section, select the module as KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT.

  6. The details about the Knowledge Management module are displayed. For more information about the fields, see Field Description.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the THEME SETTINGS and DETAILS sections of TENANT page:





Select the Theme that you want to apply for the Tenant. Only the Themes configured on the THEME CONFIGURATION page are displayed in the Theme drop-down list.

Allow Users to Select Theme

If selected, the users can select the Theme on the MY PROFILE pop-up page that they want to apply for the Tenant. For more information about selecting a Theme on the MY PROFILE pop-up page, see Viewing/Updating Your Profile Details.


Allow Editing for Approver

Select this check box to allow the Approver to edit the Knowledge Record fields on the Knowledge Record ID page.

Allow Editing for Publisher

Select this check box to allow the Publisher to edit the Knowledge Record fields on the Knowledge Record ID page.


This section explains all the icons on the ACTIONS panel of the TENANT page.


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Tenants.

Figure: TENANT page: List of Tenants

  • To update a Tenant detail, click the configured Tenant Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • To display the inactive Tenants, click the Include Inactive check box.


When the list Tenants is displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW and TENANT LABEL DISPLAY actions are displayed on the ACTIONS panel.

  • Click ADD NEW to configure a new Tenant.
  • Using the TENANT LABEL DISPLAY action, you can configure a name for Tenant label. Type in the name for the Tenant label in the Tenant Label Display text box. Click SUBMIT to save the changes.


Click SHOW TENANT to view the details of the selected Tenant. The TENANT page is displayed.

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