Logging Service Requests

Logging Service Requests

SummitAI Service Management Help

 Service Request Management

You can log Service Requests (SRs) related to your various needs, such as laptop requests, RAM upgrade request, keyboard request, software installation request, or information about leave policy, and so on using a configured Service Category as per your requirement. You can speak to CINDE who can help with your queries and raise SRs for you.

You can also log multiple Service Requests at time with the Service Catalogs Package


To log Service Requests from Dashboard and Request module:

  1. On the USER DASHBOARD page (Dashboard menu), click NEW REQUEST under SERVICE REQUEST section. Alternatively, select Request > User > New Service Request.

    Figure: MY DASHBOARD page


    If you are an Analyst, you can log SRs for yourself. Select Request > User > New Service Request. The LOG NEW SERVICE REQUEST page is displayed.

  2. The NEW SERVICE REQUEST page is displayed. Select the Tenant for which you want to log the SR. Select the Category, Sub-Category, and the Catalog/Package for the new SR under the DETAILS section. Alternatively, in the Search field, type in the Catalog/Package name or keyword and click the Search icon. A list of matching Service Catalogs/Package is displayed. Select the Service Catalog/Package for which you want to log the SR.
  3. You can view the Categories, Sub-Categories and the Catalogs/Package in the Tree view and the Carousel view. Click Tree view to view the Categories, Sub-Categories and the Catalogs/Packages in the Tree view. Click Carousel to view the Categories, Sub-Categories and the Catalogs/Packages in the Carousel view. Click  Tile Viewto view the Categories, Sub-Categories and the Catalogs/Packages in the Tile view.

    Figure: LOG SERVICE REQUEST: Selecting Category (Carousel view)

    Figure: LOG SERVICE REQUEST: Selecting Catalog (Carousel view)

    Figure: LOG SERVICE REQUEST: Selecting Category (Tree view)

    Figure: LOG SERVICE REQUEST: Selecting Category (Tile view)

  4. The LOG SERVICE REQUEST page is displayed with the selected information. Based on the Service Catalog/Package and Service you select, the related fields are displayed. Type in the required details. For more information about the fields on the LOG SERVICE REQUEST page, see Field Description.

    Figure: NEW SERVICE REQUEST-Approvals tab

  5. Click SUBMIT. A confirmation message is displayed with the newly created Service Request ID and USER DASHBOARDMY SERVICE REQUESTS and NEW SERVICE REQUEST buttons. Based on the selection of a particular button, the end user is re-directed to the respective page, see screen shot.

    Confirmation pop-up
    Figure: Confirmation Message

  6. Click ADD TO CART to add the SR to the CART.


    To know more about logging multiple Service Requests with Catalogs package, click here.

Field Description 

The following table describes the fields on the LOG SERVICE REQUEST page:





Displays the selected Tenant.


Displays the name of the Service Category to which the selected Service Catalog belongs.

Catalog Name

Displays the name of the selected Service Catalog.

Catalog Type

Displays the Catalog type.

Catalog Description

Displays the description of the selected Catalog.

Request Tab

Type in the required information in the fields displayed in this tab and click NEXT. You are navigated to the Approval tab.

Approval Tab

On the Approval tab, you can view the Approval levels and the Approver details.

Approval Tab
Figure: Approvals tab

Note: You can also set the Approver name if the Approval Type is User Selectable or the Approver name is not configured for the selected Approval Type.

 Log multiple Service Requests at a time with Service Catalog Package

User can create multiple Service Requests at a time with the Service Catalogs Package. Administrator or User who have access needs to create the Catalogs package first on the Configuring Service Catalog Packages page. The configured packages are displayed under the selected category while logging the service Request.

Example: While on boarding new employees, HR needs to create multiple SRs (for laptop and software). The HR head or Administrator can create a Package with those catalogs. The HR can log multiple SRs at a time with this package.

The procedure of logging multiple SRs at a time is same as described above. The only difference is in place of Service catalog Users need to select the configured Package.

Example: If the Package contains three Catalogs, End User needs to fill three catalog information. The mapped fields information are copied from first Catalog to the next catalog.

To create multiple SRs with Package:

  1. On the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page, select the configured Package under the selected Category.
  2. The Package Information is displayed, including the Package Name and serial number. Click NEXT. Based on the Package, the Catalog related fields are displayed. Type in the required details. For more information about the fields on the LOG SERVICE REQUEST page, see Field Description above.
  3. Click NEXT icon to view the Approver details. If the Approver is User Selectable, the Analyst needs to select the Approver.
  4. Click NEXT. the next Catalog appears as per the serial number displayed on the Package Information page.
  5. End User needs to fill in all the Catalogs Information. After Final submission, all the SRs are created.

    Log service Request - Filling Catalog information
    Figure: Log service Request - Filling Catalog information


    • End User needs to fill in all the Catalogs information in the list. After final submission all the SRs are created.
    • Save as Draft option is not available. If the page is closed or interrupted while filling the information, the changes are lost.
    • While Creating SR from Package, CREATE SR FROM EXCEL UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD CATALOG TEMPLATE features are not available in the ACTIONS panel, and ADD TO CART feature is also not available.