Configuring Feedback_SR

Configuring Feedback_SR

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 Service Request Management

You can configure the Feedback Management for a Tenant, Workgroup, Classification or Category. Based on your configuration, the End User is able to provide Feedback, after the Service Request (SR) is Resolved/Closed.

To configure Feedback:

  1. Click Request > Configuration > Others > Feedback Configuration. The FEEDBACK CONFIGURATION page is displayed.


  2. Select the TENANT, fill in the required Information and click SUBMIT to configure the Feedback feature. For more information about the fields on the FEEDBACK CONFIGURATION page, see Field Description.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the FEEDBACK CONFIGURATION page:



Enable Feedback For Tenant

If this check box is selected, the Feedback feature is enabled for the Tenant and the user is prompt to provide feedback after the SR is Resolved/closed.


This section displays the configured feedback questions for the selected Tenant sorted by Group. The same questions are displayed on the FEEDBACK page. Administrator can configure Feedback Questions in various languages for the End User. The End User can view the Feedback Questions in the same language selected for the application. After configuring the Feedback Questions, Administrator can configure these questions in different languages for End Users.
For more information about configuring Feedback Questions, see Configuring Feedback Questions_SRM.
For more information about configuring Feedback Questions in different languages, see Configuring Feedback Questions in Different Languages.


If Workgroup, Classification, and Category are configured, feedbacks are not required for the resolved or closed SRs matching the criteria configured under this section.

Feedback percentage

Specify the % of Service Requests for which the feedback mail should be sent to the End Users. For example, for HR Tenant, the number of resolved or closed Service Requests in a day is 100. The Feedback Percentage is specified as 40%. Feedback e-mails are sent to 40 randomly selected resolved or closed Service Requests.

Max. No. of Feedback Per User