Call Management_1

Call Management_1


What is Call Management?

A new Call Management module is added to track all the Calls (via Application, E-mail, Web, or Phone) received by the Level 1 Support Team of an organization. The Analyst can log the call details as Enquiry, Incident, or Service Request (SR). If the customer reported issue cannot be categorized as Incident or Service Request, the Call Record should be logged as Enquiry. Later, the Analyst can create Incident/SR from the Call Record. The Call Record is closed automatically after the Incident/SR is created from it. The Analyst can create the Call Record as Incident/SR only for the Internal Users of Summit. For external Users, a Call Record can be logged only as Enquiry.

Call Management - Process Flow

Call Management Workflow

Figure: Call Management Workflow


Administrator needs to provide the Call Management module access to the Analysts on the ROLE TEMPLATE page and create the Call Type on the CALL TYPE page. Administrator also needs to enable Workgroups for the Call Management. The selected Workgroups are displayed on the CALL RECORD DETAILS page while creating the new Call Record.

The End User can also log the Call Record as Enquiry by sending e-mails to the Parser. The Administrators need to configure the Notification Parser for the Call Management module (see: Configuring Notification Parser).