Configuring Asset Application Settings_AM

 SummitAI Asset Management


Configuring Asset Management Module

Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder

Configuring My Asset List Page

Custom Scheduler Jobs

Asset Masters

Configuring Location And Store

Configuring Asset Purpose

Configuring Action Attribute

Configuring Fault Type

Configuring Solution Type

Configuring Notifications and Templates

Configuring Allocation Form Template

Configuring Key Field Mapping

Configuring Data Templates

Configuring Field Display Order on Fixed Asset List Page


Software Request Mapping Form

Adding/ Updating Software

License Mapping

Blacklisting Software

Configuring Software Baseline Profiles

Software Baseline Profile Mapping

Configuring Software License

License Key Mapping


Configuring Depreciation Formula

Configuring GAAP Depreciation

Configuring Depreciation Field Mapping

Configuring Custom Depreciation Formula


Discovery Mapping

Configuring CMDB Mapping

Procurement Mapping

Account Mapping

Configuring Custom Hardware Variance

Mapping ServiceNow Category

Application Control

Creating and Updating Profile

Mapping Profiles

Configuring Application Control Messages

Configure Software and Executable Execution Type

Viewing Software Process List

Endpoint Compliance

Endpoint Dashboard

Viewing Endpoint Profile List

Configuring Endpoint Profile

Viewing Dynamic Endpoint

Configuring Dynamic Endpoint

Mapping Endpoint Profile

Patch Management

Viewing Patch List

Creating Asset Groups

Configuring Patches


Configuring Asset Application Settings

Configuring Asset Movement

Configuring Asset Alerts

Configuring Store Threshold

Configuring Asset Scan Domain List

Configuring Local Password Management

Configuring E-mail Notifications

Configuring Asset Integration Details

Configuring Additional Discovery

Scheduling Asset Physical Verification

Configuring Product Price

Adding Software Deployment Profile

Approval Matrix

Configuring Approval Matrix

Configuring Approver Role

Mapping Approver

Deactivation Approval Matrix

Configuring Deactivation Approval Matrix

Configuring Approver

Configuring Location-Wise Approvers

SUMMIT Software Center

You can configure various parameters for Allocation, Deallocation, and Contract Management on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page.

To configure Asset Application Settings:

  1. Click Asset > Configuration > Others > Application Settings. The APPLICATION SETTINGS page is displayed.


  2. Select the required check boxes for configuration and click SUBMIT. For more information about the fields on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page, see Field Description.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page:




Display Cubicle

If selected, the Cubicle field is displayed on the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page while allocating an Asset to a user.

Display Project

If selected, the Project field is displayed on the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page while allocating an Asset to a user.

Display Custom Project

If selected, the project based on the user is displayed while allocating an Asset.

Display Project field values from Common Master

If selected, the Project field values configured on the COMMON MASTERS page are displayed. For more information about configuring fields on the COMMON MASTERS page, see Configuring Common Masters in General Online Help.

Display Request ID

If selected, the Request ID field is available while allocating Assets.

Mandatory Request ID

If selected, the Request ID field becomes mandatory while allocating a Fixed Asset.

Enable Request ID validation with Incident/Service Request Module

If selected, the Request ID is validated with Incident Management/ Service Request Management module and the Incident/ Service Request ID is auto-populated in the Request ID field .

Auto-select Store/Floor based on User location

If selected, the Floor/Store is auto-selected based on the user's location while allocating an Asset.

Auto-select Store/Floor based on Asset IP Address

If selected, the Floor/Store is auto-selected based on the Asset IP address while allocating an Asset.

Auto-select Floor

If selected, the Floor is auto-selected based on the user's Floor while allocating an Asset.


Display Reference ID Field

If selected, the Reference ID field is displayed on the DE-ALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page.

Mandatory Reference ID

If selected, the Reference ID becomes mandatory on the DE-ALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page.

Reference ID Label Name

Specify the label name to be displayed on the DE-ALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page.


Mandatory Account Manager

If selected, the Account Manager becomes mandatory while configuring a Contract.

Mandatory Escalation

If selected, Escalation field becomes mandatory while configuring a Contract.

Mandatory Category

If selected, the Category field becomes mandatory while configuring a Contract.

Mandatory Contact

If selected, the Contact field becomes mandatory while configuring a Contract.


Enable Movement Approval for Non-Fixed Assets

If selected, Approval is mandatory for the movement of Non-Fixed Assets.


RAM Units

You can select the Unit as MB or GB. The selected value for RAM Units is considered while importing newly discovered Assets and for Hardware Variance Baselining.

Enable E-mail Alerts for Asset Allocation

If selected, the e-mail alerts are sent to the users while allocating Assets on the NEW DISCOVERY page.


Enable Asset Movement Details, Deallocated Asset Details, and Updated Asset Details

If selected, the Asset Movement Details, Deallocated Asset Details, and Updated Asset Details are displayed on the Asset Transaction Details report.

Display Endpoint Compliance Tab on Asset Details Pop-up Page

If selected, the Endpoint Compliance tab is displayed on the Asset Details pop-up page.

Display Patch Details Tab on Asset Details Pop-up Page

If selected, the Patch Details tab is displayed on the Asset Details pop-up page.


Mandatory Publisher

If selected, the Publisher becomes mandatory while adding software inventory.

Mandatory License model

If selected, the License Model becomes mandatory while adding software inventory.

Display Currency Unit

If selected, currency units are displayed while adding or updating the Non-fixed Assets.

Enable Tabs for End Users that are Displayed on Asset Details Pop-up Page

Select the tabs that should be displayed to the end users on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page.

Currency Unit

The field is enabled only when you select the Display Currency Unit check box. Configure the currency units that you want to display while adding or updating the Non-fixed Assets.

Enable Core Factor and Allocated License Fields as Per PVU-Based Allocation

If selected, the Core Factor and Allocated Licence fields are enabled for editing on the LICENSE ALLOCATION page based on the selection of PVU Based in the License Type field. For more information, see Allocating/ Deallocating Licenses.

Create Service Request for Asset Recertification Actions

Based on the selection of the check boxes, Accept, Reject or Return, Service Request is created when the user clicks the actions ACCEPT, REJECT or RETURN on the ACTIONS panel of the MY ASSET LIST page. For more information about MY ASSET LIST page, see My Assets.

Display Asset Purpose Field while Accepting Reconciled Assets  

If selected, the Asset Purpose field is displayed on the MY ASSET LIST page while accepting a Reconciled Asset. For more information about MY ASSET LIST page, see My Assets.

Mandatory Asset Purpose Field  

If selected, the Asset Purpose field becomes mandatory while accepting a Reconciled Asset.

Upload Attachments while Rejecting Reconciled Assets

If selected, the Attachment field is displayed on the MY ASSET LIST page to upload attachments, if you select the Reject Type value as Need to Deactivate/Dispose while rejecting a Reconciled Asset.  For more information about MY ASSET LIST page, see My Assets.

Mandatory Attachment Field  

If selected, the Attachment field becomes mandatory while rejecting a Reconciled Asset.  

Attachment Label Name

Specify the label name for the Attachment field.


Enable Selection of the Parent Location

If selected, the Parent Location can be selected instead of Store/Floor in the Location field of the SEARCH ASSET pop-up page.

Enable Row “Total” to Display Total Numerical Value

If selected, the "Total" row is displayed on the SEARCH ASSET pop-up, ASSET INVENTORY, and ASSET TRANSACTION DETAILS report pages. This row displays the sum of the total numerical values of a column.

Mandatory Deactivation Date

If selected, the Deactivation Date field becomes mandatory while deactivating an Asset on the DEACTIVATE ASSET page.

Mandatory Sales Price

If selected, the Sales  Price field becomes mandatory while deactivating an Asset on the DEACTIVATE ASSET page.

Set Maximum Asset Cost Limit

If this checkbox is selected, then the configured asset cost limits for Administrator and Branch Users become enable.

Maximum Asset Cost Limit for Administrators 

The limit specified in this field becomes the maximum limit of the asset cost that the Administrators can provide while adding and/or updating the asset(s).

Maximum Asset Cost Limit for Analysts

The limit specified in this field becomes the maximum limit of the asset cost that the Analysts can provide while adding and/or updating the asset(s).