Viewing List of Change Records CRs

Viewing List of Change Records CRs

You can view the list of Change Records (CRs) to which you have access.

  • You can view the CRs in the Tile view or Tabular view.
  • You can search for the CRs using the Filters icon on the ACTIONS panel.

To view or update CRs:

  1. Select Change > User > Change Record List. Alternatively, if you are an Analyst, you can view the CRs assigned to your Workgroup or you by selecting Dashboard > ANALYST DASHBOARD > CHANGE RECORD > MY WORKGROUP or ASSIGNED TO ME.
  2. On the CHANGE RECORD LIST page, a list of all the CRs is displayed.

Figure: CHANGE RECORD LIST page (Tile view) 

CHANGE RECORD LIST page (Tabular view)
Figure: CHANGE RECORD LIST page (Tabular view)

 3. Select the CR NO of the CR that you want to view or update. The following page is displayed with all the details about the CR. For information about the fields on the CHANGE RECORD ID page, see Creating Change Records



On the Workflow section, click the block to view the details.

Closing CRs

The CAB members can change the Status of a CR to Closed and update the PI Review details to close the CR. It is mandatory to update the post implementation details before closing a CR.

Figure: CHANGE RECORD ID: Status is Closed


Canceling CRs

Only the Change Requestor of a CR or Change Manager can cancel the CR by changing the Status of the CR to Canceled with Reason for Cancellation. Once the CR is authorized, the Status of the CR is changed to Initial Authorization and the CR cannot be canceled.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CHANGE RECORD LIST page.


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the CRs. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop up page is displayed. The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:

 FILTERS pop-up page
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:




Select a View from the list to display the Change Records. You can create different Views with different filter criteria to display a set of Change Records.

Icon_Create View.png

Click Create View icon Icon_Create View.png to save the filter criteria and view the Change Records. On clicking the icon, a new text box is displayed where you can type in the View name and save the filter criteria. Select the required View from the View drop-down list to view the Change Records using same set of filter criteria.
While specifying the View name, enable the Set as default view check box to view the Change Records with the saved filter criteria by default.

  • If Set as default view check box is enabled, the new View or the edited View becomes the default View on the FILTERS pop-up page.
  • If Set as default view check box is not enabled, the system-defined default View of the FILTERS is displayed.


Select the Tenant from the list.

Change Type

Select the Change Type from the list. The approval process takes place based on the selected Change Type.

Owner Workgroup

Select the Owner Workgroup from the list.


Select the status from the list.

Assigned Workgroup

Select the assigned Workgroup from the list.


Type in the name of the initiator and select from the list. See Searching Users.

Change Record ID

Type in the Change Record IDs in the From and To text boxes.

Configuration Items ID

Type in the CI IDs in the From and To text boxes.

Registration From Date

Select the registration from date.

Registration To Date

Select the registration to date.

Planned Start Date

Select the planned start date of the CR.

Planned End Date

Select the planned end date of the CR.


Select the name of the Analyst and select from the drop-down list to whom the CR is assigned.


Select the Priority from the list.


Click NEW CHANGE RECORD to create a new Change Record. For more information about creating Change Records, see Creating Change Records (CRs).


Click CONFIGURE COLUMNS to customize the columns on the page. For more information, see: Personalizing Pages.

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