Survey Report

Survey Report


The Survey Report displays the Average Rating provided for each Questions under the selected Survey. The Administrator can also export the rating provided for each question by the Participated Users.

To view the Survey Report:

  1. Select Reports > Admin > Survey Report. The SURVEY REPORT page is displayed.

  2. On the ACTIONS panel, click the Filters and select the required Survey. The SURVEY REPORT page is displayed with details of the selected Survey.

    Survey Report
    Figure: Survey Report

The report displays the average rating provided for each question under the selected Survey

Click the hyperlink corresponding to No. of User field to view the list of Users targeted for the Survey.

Figure: User List


  • Click  to export the records displayed in the page to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.
  • Click  to export all the record to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.

Click the hyperlink corresponding to No. of Participants field to view the list of Users participated in the Survey.

        Figure: Participated User List


  • Click  to export the records displayed in the page to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.
  • Click