Software Variance
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
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Software Variance is the variance in the Software properties of the Actual Inventory Data (based on the most recent Asset scan) compared to the Software properties specified in the Asset Management Data (the last updated Asset Management stored data) . Using the Software Variance, the Asset Managers can verify the latest Actual Inventory Data against the Asset Management Data and update the Asset Management Data with the new Software or new version of the Software installed on the Asset. The Actual Inventory Data is the latest discovered data of an Asset. Asset Managers can also identify unauthorized or Warned Software installations.
Example: If an user updates a new version of Software installed on the Asset, during Asset Discovery Scan, this variance in the version number is displayed by the application. Asset Managers can verify this against the Asset Management Data and update it. The Asset Manager can uninstall the application or update the Asset Management Data. If a Software listed as a Warning Asset is installed by the user, it is listed as a Software Variance.
- Quick identification of any unlicensed or warning list Software
- Update Asset Management Data accurately and avoid any discrepancy
- Take appropriate actions: Update the Asset Management Data or uninstall the Assets found in Actual Inventory Data, see Update/ Uninstall Software.
Accessing the Feature
Viewing Software Variance
You can view the Software Variance on the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page (Asset > User > Manage Asset > Variance > Software ), see Viewing Software Variance.
To configure Software Variance, Software needs to be Baselined by creating Baseline Profiles and subsequently the Baseline Profiles need to be mapped to the Assets (see: Software Baseline Profile Mapping_AM). These two configurations are required for the Software Variance report.
Configure Software Variance Alerts
You can add Alert Notifications for Software Variance, see Configuring Asset Alerts. Select Alert Type as Software Variance.
Custom Scheduler Job
Relevant Custom Scheduler Job needs to be configured for the Software Variance report/alert to function correctly. Following is the Custom Scheduler Job for Software Variance and its recommended settings:
Asset Variance Alert: Responsible for sending the alert notification e-mail when any software change is discovered. This job
should be configured on the SummitAI Application Server. It is recommended to schedule this job to run once every day.