Viewing and Updating My Cart Items

Viewing and Updating My Cart Items

SummitAI Service Management Help

 Service Request Management

Users can add SRs to the Cart to create multiple SRs at a time. The option of adding an SR to the Cart is available if configured by Administrator. For more information, see Configuring Service Request Management ModuleYou can view all the Cart items added to the Cart in MY CART ITEMS page and log multiple SRs.

To view or update My Cart items:

  1. Click Request > User > My Cart Items. All the SRs added to Cart are displayed on the MY CART ITEMS page.

    MY CART ITEMS page
    Figure: MY CART ITEMS page

  2. You can set filters to view specific Cart items. Click Filters icon to view the FILTERS pop-up page.

    Filters pop-up page
    Figure: Filters pop-up window

    The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:




    Select the Tenant in the drop-down list.


    Select the category of the Cart item.

    SRC ID

    Specify the Service Request Cart ID range in the From and To fields.

    Log Date

    Specify the SR log date range in the From and To fields.

  3.  You can also filter the Cart items for the users for whom you are the delegated user. Select the required user name in the Delegated Users drop-down list to view the cart items related to the user.

    Delegated Users
    Figure: Delegated Users

  4. Select the Cart items and click CHECKOUT CART to create SRs for the selected items.
  5. Click the SRC id to view the Cart item details or update it. Click CHECKOUT if you want to raise an SR for the Cart item, or click UPDATE CART to save the modifications done to the Cart item.

    New Service Request CART ID page
    Figure: New Service Request CART ID page

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