Event Management

Event Management

An Event is any significant change in the state of a device, observed while monitoring. Event Management allows constant monitoring of devices, and categorizes events (as Critical, Warning, Alert and Information) to take relevant actions, whenever required.

Figure: Event Management Workflow

Monitoring of devices involves the following parameters:

  • Availability Parameters: Availability of the service being monitored.
  • Utilization Parameters: Utilization level of the resources, by a service, being monitored.

An Event occurs whenever any significant change in the above listed monitoring parameters occurs. The User is notified about the Event through SMS or E-mail. The criticality of the Event is categorized in the following order:

  1. Critical
  2. Warning
  3. Alert
  4. Information

Based on the criticality of the Event, an Incident can be created as an action to resolve the cause of the Event. Once the cause of the Event is resolved, the corresponding Incident can be closed.

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