Viewing Updating My Workgroup Service Requests

Viewing Updating My Workgroup Service Requests

You can view the Service Requests (SRs) in your Workgroup and take appropriate actions whenever required. You can view all the SRs that belong to your Workgroup, along with some basic attributes of the SR, such as SR ID, Status, Request Date, Workgroup, Caller, and so on. Different color flags indicate the age of the SRs, that is, the time period between the time the SR was raised and the current time. The various color codes indicate the Priority of the SRs. You can select for SRs as per your requirement by specifying a search criteria (see: Filter ) and can also bulk update them (see: Bulk Update under ACTIONS).

To view or update My Workgroup SRs:

  1. Select Request > User > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List. Alternatively, on the ANALYST DASHBOARD page (Dashboard menu), under SERVICE REQUEST, click MY WORKGROUP to view the SRs assigned to your Workgroup.
  2. On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, you can view all the SRs that belong to your Workgroup.
    • You can view the SRs in the Tile view or Tabular view.
    • You can search for the SRs using the Filter section.
  3. Click the SR ID of the SR that you want to view or update. The corresponding SERVICE REQUEST page is displayed. For more information about the fields and the actions you can perform on the SERVICE REQUEST page, see Viewing/Updating Service Request Details.
  4. View or update the SR details and click SUBMIT to save your changes.

Assigning SRs to Yourself

You can assign SRs to yourself by clicking the  icon. You get a confirmation message. Click OK.

Viewing/ Updating SRs Assigned to You

You can view or update the SRs assigned to you. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select your name in the Assigned To list (see: Filter). Alternatively, on the ANALYST DASHBOARD page (Dashboard menu), under SERVICE REQUEST, click ASSIGNED TO ME to view the SRs assigned to you (see: Analyst Dashboard). You can also bulk update SRs assigned to you (see: Bulk Update).

Various Sections of the Page

This section explains the various highlighted sections of the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page.

Figure: SERVICE REQUEST LIST page (Tile View)

Figure: SERVICE REQUEST LIST page (Tabular view)


Hover the mouse over Service Request Subject or Description to view the Subject or Description in a pop-up as shown below or hover the mouse over () in Subject or Description to view the Subject or Description in a pop-up as shown below.

The Description pop-up displays only the first 500 characters of Service Request Description. To view complete information, click SR ID.

 See Screenshot

Figure: Service Request List page - Subject pop-up

Figure: Service Request List page - Description pop-up

 Section 1

The information panel displays the following information about Service Request that belong to your Workgroup or Assigned Workgroup:

  • Total Service Requests: Click the Total Service Requests count to view all the Service Requests on the Service Request List page.
  • Open Service Requests: Click the Open Service Requests count to view only the Open Service Requests on the Service Request List page.
  • Resolved Service Requests: Click the Resolved Service Requests count to view only the Resolved Service Requests on the Service Request List page.
  • Current Month Open Service Requests: Click the Current Month Open Service Requests count hyperlink to view only the Current Month Open Service Requests on the Service Request List page.
  • Response SLA Met: Click the Response SLA Met count (percentage number) to view the Service Requests that met the Response SLA on the Service Request List page..
  • Resolution SLA Met: Click the Resolution SLA Met count (percentage number) to view the Service Requests that met the Resolution SLA on the Service Request List page.


Click  icon to view Filter section, View and Configure Columns fields.

 Section 2

There are three fields in this section.

  • View
  • Filter
  • Configure Columns


What is a view?

A View consists of a set of pre-defined filter conditions. By selecting a View, the analyst can view the records that meet the filter conditions or criteria defined in that View. An Analyst can create or delete Views from both the Tabular view or the Tile view.


A view created by an analyst is not available to another analyst.

Create a New View:

To create a new View, the user needs to define Filter conditions.

Adding Filter Conditions:

A filter condition consists of the following parts:

  • Field: Each field is a column in the table.
  • Operator: Each field type has its own set of valid operators. Based on the field type the operators are displayed.
  • Value: Each field has its own set of valid values determined by the Field type and Operator.

What is a Filter Operator?

In literal terms, an operator specifies how parameters relate to one another. The following table describes the list of operators with a short description.


Based on selected field, the operates are populated in the Operator field.

Operator NameOperatorFunction

Find an exact match with the entered value. 

Not Equals!=

Find a match that should not be equal (exactly) to the entered value.

Is one ofIN

Find matches with any one of the options that you select. 

Is not one ofNOT IN

Find matches that do not match with any of the selected options.

Less than<Find a match where the numerical value is less than the entered value.
Greater than>Find a match where the numerical value is greater than the entered value.
Less than or equal to<=Find a match where the numerical value is equal or less than the entered value.
Greater than or equal to>=Find a match where the numerical value is equal or greater than the entered value.
BetweenBetweenFind a match where the numerical value is between the first and second value inclusive. 

Create a view to get a list of General Service Category Open SRs of Information Technology Tenant. In this case, add conditions as shown below.

  1. Click Apply to view records that meet the above filter conditions.
  2. Click Save As New. The SAVE VIEW pop-up is displayed.

  3. Type in the details for the other required fields under the ViewsFilters, and Configure Columns section. For more information about the fields under these sections on the SAVE VIEW pop-up page, see Field Description.
  4. Click Submit. A new View is created.
  1. Field Description

    The following table describes the fields on the SAVE VIEW pop-up page:

    View Name

    Type in the name for the View.

    Set As DefaultSelect the Set As Default check box to view the SRs that meet the filter conditions or criteria defined in that View. It reduces the user effort and time for repeated search actions with the same filter criteria.
    FieldEach field is a column in the table. Select the required field from the drop-down list.
    OperatorBased on selected field, the operates are populated in the Operator field. Select the required operator from the drop-down list.
    ValuesEach field has its own set of valid values determined by the field type and operator. Specify the values.
    Configure ColumnsConfigure Columns option allows the Analyst to customize columns to appear and the order in which they appear in the Tabular or Tile view according to individual preferences.
    Display Type

     (Tabular View) icon: Click this icon to configure columns for Tabular view.

     (Tile View) icon: Click this icon to configure columns for Tile view.

    Available ColumnsLists the available columns.
    Selected Columns

    Lists the selected columns.


    1. Drag and drop the columns to be displayed on the page from the Available Columns to the Selected Columns

    2. Drag up or down to set the sequence in which the columns should be displayed on the page.

Apply a View

Search and select the View from the drop-down list.

Set as Default:

To Set Specific View as Default:

  1. Search and select a View from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Set As Default link to make it default view.


    The selected view is set as default.

Edit View

To Edit Specific View:

  1. Search and select a View from the drop-down list.

  2. Click (Edit) icon. The EDIT VIEW pop-up page is displayed.

  3. Type in the details for the required fields under the ViewsFilters, and Configure Columns section. For more information about the fields under these sections on the EDIT VIEW pop-up page, see Field Description.
  4. Click Submit.


    • The filter conditions of the selected view are reflected in the form of breadcrumbs/pill (refer below screenshot). Upon clicking a specific pill, the Analyst can view the values selected for that filter condition.

    • Click  (delete) icon to remove a specific filter condition. The list page reloads and shows records based on remaining filter conditions.
    • Click  (delete) icon to remove a specific filter value. The list page reloads and shows records based on remaining filter values.
    • Click  (Reset) to reset the conditions to the initially configured condition for the selected view.
    • Click Clear to reload the list page with the view, which was set as the default view.

Delete View

To Delete Specific View:

  1. Search and select a View from the drop-down list.

  2. Click (Delete) icon. The DELETE VIEW pop-up page is displayed.

  3. Click Delete to delete the view.


Under the filter section, specify filter conditions or criteria to view a particular set of Service Requests.

Adding Filter Conditions:

A filter condition consists of the following parts:

  • Field: Each field is a column in the table.
  • Operator: Each field type has its own set of valid operators. Based on selected field, the operates are populated in the Operator field.
  • Value: Each field has its own set of valid values determined by the field type and operator.


In the Field drop-down the analyst can view the following field groups.

  • User Attributes
  • Standard Attributes
  • Date
  • Additional Attributes
  • Custom Fields

Under the Custom Fields section, the Analyst can view the Custom Attributes or Fields added for the Service Request Management module. For Custom Fields, the Operators are displayed based on Custom Field selection.

FieldsOperator NameOperatorFunction

User Attributes

  • Requestor
  • Logged By
  • User Type
  • Customer
  • Location
  • Caller Location

Standard Attributes

  • Workgroup/Assigned Workgroup
  • Analyst/Assigned To
  • Status
  • Service Category
  • Classification
  • Impact
  • Urgency
  • Priority
  • SLA Service Window
  • Pending Reason
  • Closure Code
  • Resolution Code
  • Source
  • Medium

Find an exact match with the entered value. 

Example: Caller Location = New York

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view Service Requests logged from the New York location.

Not Equals!=

Find a match that should not be equal (exactly) to the value entered.

Example: Caller Location != New York

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view Service Requests logged from all locations except the New York location.

Is one ofIN

Find matches with any one of the options that you select. Can select one or more options.

Example: Caller Location IN New York, New Jersey.

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view Service Requests logged from New York, or New Jersey, or both locations.

Is not one ofNOT IN

Find matches do not match with any of the selected options.

Example: Caller Location NOT IN New York, New Jersey.

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view Service Requests logged from all locations except the New York and New Jersey locations.

FieldsOperator NameOperatorFunction

User Attributes

  • User Contact Number

Standard Attributes

  • Scheduled Requests
  • Has Attachment
  • Response SLA Violation
  • Resolution SLA Violation
  • Has Workorders
  • Child Service Requests
  • View All Service Requests
  • Response SLA
  • Resolution SLA
  • Show Requests Update By Email

Additional Attributes 

  • Service Catalog

Find an exact match with the entered value. 

Example: Has Attachment = Yes

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view only the service requests that contain attachments.

Standard Attributes

  • Description
  • Solution
  • Subject
  • Approval Remarks


Use this operator, when you know your value/text, but not the exact value/text.

ExampleDescription Contains VPN. Displays all the service requests where Description Contains VPN.

Note: In the Values field, the users can search for a keywords (user input) using basic operators (AND, OR, NOT, Quotes, Parenthesis, and Asterisk), to produce more accurate and more relevant results.

FieldsOperator NameOperatorFunction

Standard Attributes

  • SR ID
  • Aging (In Hours)


  • Log Time
  • Updated Time
  • Resolved Time
  • Updated Since (In Days)
  • Pending For (In Days)


Find an exact match with the entered value. 

Example: SR ID = 75810

Less than<

Find a match where the numerical value is less than the value entered.

Example: SR ID < 75810

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view the Service Requests whose SR ID is less than 75810.

Greater than>

Find a match where the numerical value is greater than the value entered.

Example: SR ID > 75810

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view the Service Requests whose SR ID is greater than 75810.

Less than or equal to<=

Find a match where the numerical value is equal or less than the value entered.

Example: SR ID <= 75810

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view the Service Requests whose SR ID is less than or equal to 75810.

Greater than or equal to>=

Find a match where the numerical value is equal or greater than the value entered.

Example: SR ID >= 75810

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view the Service Requests whose SR ID is greater than or equal to 75810.


Find a match where the numerical value is between the first and second value inclusive.

Example: SR ID Between 2561 and 2567

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view 2561, 2562, 2563, 2564, 2565, 2566, and 2667.

Is one ofIN (SR ID)

Find matches with any one of the options that you select. Can select one or more options.

Example: SR ID IN 2561, 2563

On the Service Request List page, the Analyst can view the 2561 or 2563 or both Service Requests.

 Section 3

Following are the various options available in this section:

  • Refresh Interval: Click the list to specify the time period after which you want the records on this page to be refreshed.
  • Tile View  icon : Click this icon to view the Service Requests in a Tile view.
  • Tabular View  icon : Click this icon to view the Service Requests in a Tabular view.
  • Records Per Page: Click the list to specify the number of SRs to be displayed on this page.
  • Click on the particular page number to navigate to that page.  Click  to go to the previous page or click  to go to the next page.

This section displays the list of SRs as per the view (Tile or Tabular) selected and the filter (see: Filters) criteria. If no filter criteria is specified, all the SRs assigned to the Workgroup are displayed. This section displays the basic information about the SR, such as SR ID, Status, Workgroup, Priority, Analyst assigned, and so on. It also displays Age and SLA. All the various images/ icons you see in this section are explained in the following table:



Click the icon to display the option, Create Change Record (see: Creating Change Records (CRs) in Service Management.

Click the icon to assign the SR to yourself (see: Assigning SRs to Yourself) .

Service Request Age

The colored flag on the Service Request tile indicates the Age of the Service Request, that is, for how many days an Service Request is open. Following are the color codes for Age:

Green Flag

Indicates that the Service Request is opened for 0-2 days.
Orange FlagIndicates that the Service Request is opened for 2-5 days.
Purple flagIndicates that the Service Request is opened for 5-10 days.
Red FlagIndicates that the Service Request is opened for more than 10 days.

Click this icon to view the SR summary.

SR ID Summary pop-up page
Figure: SR ID Summary pop-up page 

The page displays the details about the selected SR. The information is displayed based on the values provided in the Service Request Details page. For more information about the fields in the Service Request Details page, see Viewing/Updating Service Request Details.

The following icons are displayed only when an Analyst/External User/End User updates the Service Request using the e-mail option.

Last Updated by End User Using E-mail icon  is displayed for the SRs that are updated by an End User using the e-mail option.


To display the Service Request with the above mentioned icons, on the Service Request Management TENANT configuration page, the Display "Show SRs Updated By E-mail" Check Box on Filters and "Last Updated by Analyst Using E-mail" Icon check box must be enabled. If selected, the Show Requests Updated By E-mail filter filed displayed in the Field drop-down. For more information on this configuration see, Configuring Service Request Management Module.

This icon is displayed only when an Analyst does the recent update on the SR using e-mail option.

The  icon on the Service Request indicates that it is a Parent Service Request. Click  icon to see the Child Service Request List pop-up.


The  icon on the Service Request indicates that it is a Child Service Request. Click  icon to see Parent Service Request details page.

Evaluation icon

Figure: SERVICE REQUEST LIST page - Evaluation icon

Click the  icon to create and assign tasks to Analysts or to evaluate the Service Request tasks. 


  • Select Enable Evaluation check box on the TENANT page to display the Evaluation icon for the selected Tenant on the Service Request List page. For more information, see Configuring Service Request Management Module.
  • Only the Analyst who is configured as an evaluator can create and assign tasks to Analyst. For more information, see Configuring SR Evaluator.
  • The Assigned Analyst evaluate the tasks and provide the comments.

The color code of the Evaluation icon indicates the different status of the evaluation process. The following are the color codes of the Evaluation Icon:

Icon Color


Indicates that the Evaluation is not started.

Indicates that the Evaluation completed with open task.

Indicates that the Evaluation completed.


Under the GENERAL tab, the Evaluator can view the general details about the SR. The fields displayed under this tab are configured on the Form Builder page. For more information see, Configuring Custom Fields for Service Request Management.



If the Analyst does not posses Evaluator access, then the fields under the GENERALRELATIONSHIP, and ACTIONS tab are grayed out.


Under the RELATIONSHIP tab, the Evaluator can link IncidentsChange Records, Problem Records, Knowledge Records, and Service Requests.


To link records,

  • Click the  control next to the LINK. Click the module name in the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed. 
  • Specify the search criteria and click SEARCH.

    Figure: RELATIONSHIP pop-up page

    Select the record to be linked and click LINK.

    Figure: RELATIONSHIP pop-up page

  • The linked record is displayed under LINKED INCIDENT RECORDS section of the RELATIONSHIP tab.

    Figure: RELATIONSHIP tab


Under the TASKS tab, the Evaluator can define various tasks related to the Service Request and assign it to the Analysts.

Figure: SERVICE REQUEST SUMMARY pop-up page - TASKS tab

The following table describes the fields under the TASKS tab on the SERVICE REQUEST SUMMARY pop-up page:

Field Description
TaskType in the task details 
OwnerSelect the Owner (Analyst) from the drop-down list.
Due DateSelect the Due Date for the task.
StatusSelect the required Status from the drop-down list.
ResolutionThe assigned Owner (Analyst) updates the Resolution post task completion.
AddClick this icon to add new task.
 Section 4


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page.


Click BULK UPDATE to update multiple Service Requests (SRs) at a time. You may need to bulk update related SRs or SRs of similar type. Select the SRs that you want to update by clicking the check boxes (Tabular view) or clicking the Service Request tiles (Tile view). On clicking the BULK UPDATE icon, the BULK UPDATE pop up page is displayed. You can specify the updated values for few fields of the selected SRs.

BULK UPDATE pop-up page
Figure: BULK UPDATE pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the BULK UPDATE page:




Select the new status for the selected Service Requests.


Select the new Workgroup for the selected Service Requests.


Select the new Classification for the selected Service Requests.

Assigned To

Select the Analyst assigned to the selected Service Requests.


Select the new Category for the selected Service Requests.

Service Window

Select the new Service Window for the selected Service Requests.


Select the new Urgency value for the selected Service Requests.


Select the new Impact value for the selected Service Requests.


Select the new Priority for the selected Service Requests.

Private Log

Specify the comments in this field.

Response SLA Reason

Specify the response reason for the selected Service Requests.

Resolution SLA Reason

Specify the resolution reason for the selected Service Requests.

Do not update if above values are already saved

Select this check box if you do not want to update changes to the Service Requests if these changes are already made.


Click the EXPORT TO EXCEL icon on the ACTIONS panel to export Service Requests on a particular page to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.


Click the EXPORT ALL icon on the ACTIONS panel to export all the records to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.