Service Desk Intelligence

Service Desk Intelligence

Service Desk Intelligence

In addition to automatically resolving some selected IT service issues as described in Conversational Digital Agent, SummitAI also has the functionality of AI-driven automatic Categorization and Classification of all Incidents and Service Requests so that the human Analyst’s job is made faster and simpler. Analysts can view and apply the AI suggestions by clicking the CINDE icon on the ACTIONS panel of the Incident/Service Request details page. A pop-up page is displayed with Suggestions. However, the Predictions made by AI model is a reflection of past data. If sufficient records exist with “proper” data, the field Predictions are in conjunction with that.

The Service Desk Intelligence makes the Analyst's job easier by auto-filling the following fields of the Incident based on the CINDE predictions:

  • Category
  • Classification
  • Workgroup
  • Impact
  • Urgency
  • Analyst

Based on the user's inputs, such as Symptom and Description, CINDE does the following actions:

  • Scans all the available history of records.
  • Identifies the similar Incidents.
  • Understands the human responses to the Incidents in the past.

Analyst Prediction and Assignment

CINDE predicts the best fit Analyst for an Incident and Service Request and assigns it to the Analyst.  Based on the Category and Workgroup, CINDE filters the Analysts based on the following criteria:

  1. Workgroup or Location
  2. Skills of an Analyst 


    CINDE predicts the skills of Analysts only when the Category is mapped with the skills of an Analyst.

  3. Shift of an Analyst


    • CINDE predicts the Shift of an Analyst only when the Analyst is mapped to a Shift. Based on the Incident or SR logged time, CINDE assigns the Incident or SR to the Analyst who is working in that particular Shift.
    • The Service Desk Intelligence is now smarter where it keeps a check on Analysts leaves while predicting the best fit Analyst and assigning Incidents and Service Requests. 

For Example:

Let us consider the following conditions in which CINDE makes predictions:

  • Category as C1,  Workgroup as W1, and Analysts under W1  are A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, and A10.
  • Skill mapped to C1 is JavaScript
  • Shift as S1
  • Analysts under W1 with the skill JavaScript and in Shift S1 are A1, A3, A7, A9, and A10.

Based on the above information, CINDE evaluates the Analysts and finds the best fit by using the following considerations:

  • Time taken by each of the Analysts to resolve such Incidents in the past.
  • Probability of the Incident getting reopened.
  • Workload of the Analyst.
  • Any SLA violations of the existing Incidents assigned the Analyst.
  • Suggests best Analyst for the Incident and assigns the Incident to the Analyst.


The CINDE SUGGESTIONS icon  is displayed only when Show as recommendation option is selected on the CATCH AND DISPATCH CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Advanced > AI Configuration > Catch and Dispatch Configuration).


  • Reduces the Average Response Time of Incidents and Service Requests.
  • Reduces the error rate of Categorization, Classification, Prioritization, and work assignment.

  • Reduces the number of interactions to resolve the tasks.
  • Improves the overall Customer Satisfaction (CSAT).


The Administrators can configure AI related settings on the Application Settings page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings). The following fields are added to configure the Assistant: Enable Assistant, Assistant Name, Assistant Key, Tenant, and Assistant Base URL. For more information about the APPLICATION SETTINGS page, see SummitAI Platform Online Help.

On the ROLE TEMPLATE- MENU CONFIGURATION page (Admin> Basic > Users > Role Template> Click ADD MENU CONFIGURATION icon on the ACTIONS panel) select the ADMIN module, under the AI Configuration section, select the menus and sub menus to which the users should have view/edit access. These menus should be selected for the Administrators so that they can do the settings on the CATCH AND DISPATCH CONFIGURATION page.

On the CATCH AND DISPATCH CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Advanced > AI Configuration > Catch and Dispatch Configuration)the Administrators can configure the Catch and Dispatch settings for CINDE to gather and display recommendations to the Analysts. Based on this configuration, CINDE applies the settings, or displays the recommendations to the Analysts. The Administrators can also choose to deactivate the settings.

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