Adding Contract or Agreement Details

Adding Contract or Agreement Details

What is Contract Management?

Using Contract Management, you can add Vendor Agreements and other required Contract details. You can add multiple Contracts to an Agreement. The Assets can be linked to these Contracts for tracking and reference. E-mail alerts can also be configured to notify the Administrator before a Contract expires.

Managing Contracts

Adding Contracts

To add Contract details:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Contract Management.

  2. On the ACTIONS panel of the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page, click ADD NEW.

  3. On the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page, fill in the required fields and click SUBMIT.  A submitted Contract is an Approved Contract. Click Save Draft if you want to continue to add details later (See: Draft)


Field Description

The following table describes the fields of the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page:




Contract ID

Specify the Contract ID.


Type in the program name.


Select frame agreement from the list.

Program Number

Type in the program number.

Enrollment Type

Specify the enrollment type.

Enrollment Number

Specify the enrollment number.

Enrollment Owner

Select an enrollment owner from the list.

Product and Price List Reference

Upload the product and price reference document, if any.

Contract Start Date

Click the Calender icon to select a start date for the Contract.

Contract End Date

Click the Calender icon to select a end date for the Contract.

Enrollment Status

Select an enrollment status.


Select a reseller from the list. Select the check box to send e-mail notifications to the reseller.


Select a vendor from the list. Select the check box to send e-mail notifications to the vendor.

Contract Reference

Upload the Contract reference document, if any.


Indicates the status of the Contract.

  • If selected, the Contract is active.

  • If not selected, the Contract is inactive.


Type in the remarks.


Select a Category from the list.

Sub Category

Select a sub-category from the list.

Account Manager

Type in the name of the Account Manager.

Contact Account Manager

Type in the name of the Contract Account Manager.

Product Head

Type in the name of the Product Head.

Sales Head

Type in the name of the Sales Head.

License Type

Select license type from the list.

Purchase Quantity

Type in the purchase quantity.

Contact First Level

Type in the name of the First Level Contact person.

Contact Second Level

Type in the name of the Second Level Contact person.

First Level Escalation

Type in the name of the First Level Escalation Contact Person.

Second Level Escalation

Type in the name of the Second Level Escalation Contact Person.


Specify the name of the SCM SPOC (Supply Chain Management Single Point of Contact). SCM SPOC is the focal point for the services and facilities involved in SCM functions. 

User Dept SPOC

Specify the name of the dept SPOC (Department Single Point of Contact). Dept SPOC is the focal point for the services and facilities of a department.

Legal SPOC

Specify the name of the Legal SPOC (Single Point of Contact). Legal SPOC is the focal point for all the legal compliances of the department.


  • The various fields available on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page are based on configurations made by the Administrator on the APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page (see: Configuring Asset Application Settings).

  • The e-mail notifications related to Contract expiry are sent to the SCM SPOC, User Dept SPOC, and Legal SPOC if the Contract SPOC check box is selected on the ASSET ALERT CONFIGURATION page (see: Configuring Asset Alerts). Also, these fields, their display names, and mandatory/optional configurations are made on the APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page (see: Configuring Asset Application Settings).


Under the ATTACHMENT REFERENCES section, the users can add the links for multiple attachments with no size limit. All the files that the user wants to refer under the ATTACHMENT REFERENCES section should be uploaded on a Document Repository (example: SharePoint) that the users are using so that they are live links. Appropriate access should be provided to the users trying to access these files.


Field Description

The following table describes the fields available under the ATTACHMENT REFERENCES section:



Reference For

Select a value for the Reference For drop-down list. The options displayed in the drop-down list are configured on the COMMON MASTER TYPE page. The MASTER TYPES value should be CONTRACTATTACHMENTTYPE (see: COMMON MASTER).


Specify the URL of the document.

Reference For

Displays information about the URL.


Displays the URL of the document.

Linked On

Displays the date when the URL was added or updated.


Click to edit the record.


Click to delete the record.

Adding Contracts as Drafts

 Click here.

Saving New Contract as Draft

You can save a new Contract as Draft.


Editing Contract in Draft Status

You can edit a Contract that is in Draft status and save the Contract as Draft again. The previously updated data is overwritten by the later

updates. A Draft can be also discarded using the Discard Draft button.

Draft Contract

Figure: Draft Contract

Editing Approved Contract and Saving as Draft

You can edit an Approved Contract and save the Contract as Draft and submit later. You can edit the Draft version of the Approved 

Contract by clicking on the Draft Contract ID on the list page or by clicking on the link available on the Approved Contract ID page. 

Approved Contract with Draft ID

Figure: Approved Contract with Draft ID

You can make changes and save the Contract as Draft, or Discard the Draft, or submit the Contact. When a Contract is submitted, the status of the Contract is updated to Approved status.

 Save Draft

Figure: Save Draft

Both the Approved and Draft Contracts are displayed on the Contract Management list page. For more information, see Adding Contract or Agreement Details.


  • The Draft Contracts are not displayed in the Reports. Also, no notifications are sent for the Draft Contracts.

Various Actions on CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Page

This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page.


Click SHOW LIST to view the list of Contracts.



  • The Contracts are displayed to the users based on Contract Access Template configurations (see: Contract Access Template).
  • By default, only Approved Contracts are displayed on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT list page. The users can select the Status as Draft on the FILTERS pop-up page to view the Draft Contracts.


Click Filters to set the filter criteria to view the Contract details. 

 Click here.

On the FILTERS pop-up page, specify the required details. For more information about the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page, see Field Description. Click SUBMIT.

Figure: FILTERS pop-up page 

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page:

TenantSelect the Tenant from the drop-down list.
StatusSelect the Status from the drop-down list, Approved or Draft.
View  BySelect the View By condition from the drop-down list.
  • If Expiry Date is selected, select the range of dates in the Expiry Date From and To fields.
  • If  No. of Days of Expiry is selected, specify the  number of days after which the Contracts are going to expire. 
Search BySelect the Search By from the drop-list. On selecting the required option, provide the Search Value from the dependent dynamic field. Based on the values selected in the Search By field, the Search Value may be a text box, drop-down list, or Date field.
Search  Criteria

Specify multiple conditions to extract a specific set of Contracts. Click the  button to add multiple search conditions. Click the  button to to clear the Search Criteria


Search Criteria

Let's say that the user has selected Search By as Contract ID and typed in Search Value as CON11. And, the user added multiple conditions in the Search Criteria field, i.e., Contract ID = “CON1, CON2, CON 15” AND Enrollment Owner = “Naveen” AND Enrollment Owner = “Navi” AND Contract ID = “CON11”. A search is performed based on the combination of specified Contract IDs and Enrollment Owner. 

Search Criteria
Figure: List Page

Comparison between Search Value and Search Criteria

Example: If a user types in Search Value as Naveen, all the Contracts, which contain “Naveen” as the Enrollment Owner are displayed on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT list page.


If the user specifies Naveen in the Search Criteria field, all the Contracts in which the Enrollment Owner value is equal to “Naveen” are displayed on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT list page.



Click CATEGORY-ROLE MAPPING icon to configure the Category, Role, and Users on the CATEGORY-ROLE MAPPING page. The LIST section displays list of mapped Users should receive the Contract notifications for selected Categories and Role.

 Click here.

On the CATEGORY-ROLE MAPPING page, specify the required details. For information about the fields on the CATEGORY-ROLE MAPPING page, see Field Description. Click SUBMIT to save the mapping details.

Category-Role Mapping page

Figure: Category-Role Mapping page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields of the CATEGORY-ROLE MAPPING page:

TenantSelect a Tenant from the drop-down list.
CategorySelect a Category from the drop-down list.
RoleSelect a Role from the drop-down list.
Notify ToSpecify the recipients who are to be notified for a particular Category and Roles selection about the Contract expiry.
ActiveIndicate the status of the Category-Role Mapping.
  • If selected, the configured Category-Role mapping is active.
  • If not selected, the configured Category-Role mapping is inactive.


You can configure the numbers of days for which advance notifications should be sent to the selected Role for Contract expiry.  The LIST section displays the list of notifications configured for the the selected Category-Role.

 Click here.

On the CATEGORY-ALERT CONFIGURATION pop-up page, specify the required details. For information about the fields on the CATEGORY-ALERT CONFIGURATION page, see Field Description. Click SUBMIT to save the configuration details.

Figure: Category-Alert Configuration page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields of the CATEGORY-ALERT CONFIGURATION page:

TenantSelect a Tenant from the drop-down list.

Select a Category from the drop-down list.

RoleSelect a Role from the drop-down list. Only the Roles mapped to the selected Category on the CATEGORY-ROLE MAPPING pop-up page are displayed in this drop-down list.
Alert In Advance

Type in the number of days to notify the user in advance about the Contract expiry.


  • Users can type in multiple values using comma (,) as a separator while adding new Category-Role mapping configurations, however, while updating the existing Category-Role mapping configuration, a single value of up to 999 is allowed.
  • The days that are already configured for the set of Tenant, Category, and Role cannot be repeated.


If the Category-Alert configuration is set for the Tenant selected as Filters Contract where Category is Category 01, Role is SME Manager, and Alert in Advance (In Days) is 2,4,6,8. If the user is trying to add one more configuration for the same set of Tenant, Category, and Role, with values 2,4,10, 12 in the Alert in Advance (In Days) field, the Application displays a validation message, “The specified value 2,4 in Alert In Advance (In days) field are already configured for the selected Category-Role mapping. Activate the configuration if it is in inactive status”. The user needs to update the configuration individually for each day (10 and 12 days).

ActiveIndicate the status of the Category-Alert configuration.
  • If selected, the configured Alert configuration is active.
  • If not selected, the Alert configuration is inactive.


Category-specific users are notified only when the followings configurations are set:


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the records displayed on this page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.


Click EXPORT ALL to export all the records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Maintaining Various Versions of Contract

 Click here.

You can view the version history of a Contract under the VERSION HISTORY tab of the CONTRACT ID page. After a Contract is submitted, the version history is generated for the Contract.


All the Contract changes except the Draft Contract changes (after the final submission of the Draft Contract) under the ATTACHMENT REFERENCE  section capture under the VERSION HISTORY tab of the CONTRACT ID page. However, the changes made under other tabs get captured.



The following table describes the fields under the VERSION HISTORY tab of the CONTRACT ID page:

Field Description
Contract Version

Displays the version number of the Contract. Click the Version Number to view the configured Contract details.


On updating any detail of a Contract, the changes are saved in a new version of the Contract. A new Contract version number is generated.  This Contract versioning helps users to track the changes made in the various versions of a Contract. However, the relationship between a Contract and Asset remains the same irrespective of the Contract Version number. The RELATIONSHIP tab is not displayed for Contract Versions on the Contract Version pop-up page. The RELATIONSHIP tab of a Contract is displayed only on the main CONTRACT page.

Change HistoryClick to view the change history. For more information, see CHANGE HISTORY.
ProgramDisplays the program name.
Created ByDisplays the name of the Analyst/user who created or modified the Contract.
Created OnDisplays the date on which the version is generated for the Contract.
Submitted ByDisplays the name of the Analyst/user who submitted the Contract. The submitted Contracts are the Approved Contracts.
Submitted OnDisplays the date on which the Contract version is submitted.


  • A Contract Version number is created upon submitting a Contract.
  • You can see last 10 records under the VERSION HISTORY tab.
  • In the following scenarios, a Contract Version number is created. However, no data is displayed in the Change History:
    • If no changes are made in the Contract under GENERAL tab and submitted.
    • If no changes are made in the Contract under GENERAL tab, but changes were made under RELATIONSHIP Tab (such as, Linking or delinking), and submitted.


Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the various changes made on the Contract. You can view the changes that are made to a particular field on the Contract, the user who made the changes, the date and time when the change was made, and also the previous and new values for the particular field of the Contract. This information is useful to track the various changes made on the Contract.

CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page
Figure: CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page

  • To update a Contract, click the required Contract ID. Make appropriate changes, link or unlink the Asset(s) from the Contract, and then click SUBMIT

     Click here.

    You can link or unlink Asset(s) from the Contract using the Link or De-link option, respectively. When you link an Asset to the Contract, the Asset is displayed under the RELATIONSHIP tab.

    Figure: RELATIONSHIP tab

    To link an Asset to a Contract:

    1. Under the RELATIONSHIP tab, in the Link drop-down list, select Link Assets.
    2. On the RELATIONSHIP pop-up page, ensure that Link Asset is selected in the Relation drop-down list, specify other filter criteria, and then click SEARCH. The list of Assets are displayed.

      Figure: RELATIONSHIP pop-up page: Linking Asset

    3. Select the Asset(s) that you want to link to the Contract, and then click LINK at the lower-right corner of the RELATIONSHIP pop-up page.

    To unlink an Asset from a Contract:
    1. Select the Asset(s) under the RELATIONSHIP tab, and then click De-Link.

      Figure: RELATIONSHIP tab: Unlinking Asset

Managing Agreements 

Click AGREEMENT DETAIL to view the Agreement details. 

 Click here.

On the AGREEMENT DETAILS page, select the Tenant and type in the required details. For information about the fields on the AGREEMENT DETAILS page, see Field Description. Click SUBMIT to save the Agreement details.


Field Description

The following table describes the fields of the AGREEMENT DETAILS page:

Agreement IDSpecify the Agreement ID.
PublisherSelect a publisher from the list.
Agreement No.Type in the Agreement number.
AgreementSelect an  Agreement from the list.
Start DateClick the Calendar icon to select a start date for the Agreement.
Agreement Owner (Organization)Select the Agreement Owner.
End DateClick the Calendar icon to select an end date for the Agreement.
Agreement StatusSelect an Agreement status from the list.
Agreement ReferenceAttach Agreement references. Click the Upload icon to browse and upload the document.
ActiveIndicates the status of the Agreement.
  • If selected, the Contract Agreement is active.
  • If not selected, the Contract Agreement is inactive.


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the Agreement details to Microsoft Excel.


Click CONTRACT MANAGEMENT to add, view or update the Contract details for the Agreement.

E-mail Alerts

You can configure e-mail alerts for Assets. These alerts are notified through e-mails to the specified users. Select the Alert Type as Custom Type (see: Configuring Asset Aerts).

Custom Scheduler Jobs

The job, Contract Management Alert, should be configured for the e-mail notifications. For more information, see Custom Scheduler Job