Agent Online Status Report

The Agent Online Status report displays a tabular report about count of Agents contacted and not contacted as per the filter criteria set. You can view the details about the Agents by clicking the hyperlinks. For information about reports, see Viewing Reports.



This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the AGENT ONLINE STATUS report.


Click Filters icon on the ACTIONS panel to specify the filter criteria to display records in the Agent Online Status report.

Figure:  FILTERS pop-up page


The Search By and Search Value fields are interdependent fields and work together to enhance the search result. Based on the selected value of the Search By, Search Value displays the respective options. The user views a user-specific report. 

  • Allocated User
    Select this option in Search By drop-down list to generate the online status report for the users that exist in the User Master. Subsequently, type in and select the name of the Agent in the Search Value.

  • All Users
    Select this option in the Search By drop-down list to generate the online status report for the users that yet exist in the User Master. Subsequently, type in and select the name of the Agent in the Search Value. If you do not know the exact name of the Agent, enter few characters related to the agent's name. The online status report gets generated for all user names that match the specified characters. Using this option, the online status report of multiple users with similar partial names gets generated at a time. Based on the selection, the online status of the agents is displayed.


Click PRINT TABLE to print the displayed report records.


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the record displayed in the report to Microsoft Excel.


Select an Asset from the list and click DELETE to delete the Asset.