Agent Online Status Report

The Agent Online Status report displays a tabular report regarding the variance of discovered assets that have been contacted or not contacted by Proxy servers over a period of time. 

 Additional Information

Agent Online Report gives an Analyst/Admin an efficient comprehensive summary of the current status of discovered assets with respect to their communication with proxy servers. This report primarily displays the variance details of the assets.

With the help of this report, an Analyst can take immediate remedial actions on assets who are not contacted by proxy servers over a period of time. 

Admin or Analyst can access the report based on access privileges assigned through roles.

For more information about Asset Management  reports, see Viewing Reports.

Steps to access Agent Online Status Report:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Asset Management > Agent Online Status Report.
    The Agent Online Status report is displayed. 

    Figure: Agent Online Status Report
  2. Click Filters on the Action panel to specify the filter criteria for generating specific report.
    The FILTERS pop-up appears.

    Figure: FILTERS pop-up
  3. Enter or select the values for Filter fields as described in the following table. 

    TenantSelect the Tenant from the list available. This is a mandatory field. For more details, view Tenant.
    CustomerType in any Customer name configured for the selected Tenant.
    CitySelect a City from the options available.
    CountrySelect a Country from the options available.
    From DateSelect the date from which you need to view the discovery details.
    To DateSelect the date to which you need to view the discovery details.
    VersionSelect any specific version from the options available.
    View BySelect the Status of the asset from this drop-down if you need to filter out discovered assets on the basis of Status of assets.
    Search By & Search Value

    The Search By and Search Value fields are interdependent fields and work together to enhance the search result. Based on the selected value of the Search By field, Search Value displays the respective options.  

    • Allocated User
      Select this option in Search By drop-down list to generate the online status report for a specific user.  Subsequently, type in and select the name of a specific user in the Search Value.
    • All Users
      Select this option in the Search By drop-down list to generate the online status report for all the users that exist in the User Master. 
    • IP Address, Host Name, Version, City, Country, Serial No etc. are the other options available in the Search By field. Subsequently, type in corresponding values in the Search Value. If you do not know the exact value of any attribute, enter few characters related to the value.
      The online status report gets generated for all the values that match the specified characters. Using this option, the online status report of multiple assets with similar partial values gets generated within no time. 
    Proxy NameSelect the required Proxy Server name from the list of options available.
  4. Click SUBMIT.
    The Agent Online Status report is displayed.

    Figure: Agent Online Status Report

By default, the variance discovery status of the current day is displayed under the section, AGENT ONLINE STATUS.

Click the Refresh Report to fetch latest details for the report. Any changes performed after the Reports page was loaded, will reflect if you click on Refresh Report .


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the AGENT ONLINE STATUS report.


Prints the displayed report records.

Exports the displayed records on the report page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Exports the entire list of records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Deletes the selected asset records from the report page.