Audit Log

What is Audit Log?

The Audit Log records the details of the changes made by Administrators in the application. The tracking of these changes is important to troubleshoot a problem or to keep a record of important changes. The changes done in each module are tracked and recorded, and a mail notification is triggered to the configured e-mail recipients.

The Audit Log records the changes, such as adding details, editing/modifying the existing details, activating/deactivating details, selecting or removing details, and so on.

Where is Audit Log Recorded?

The changes are recorded for the configuration pages for the following modules:

 Incident Management
  • Incident Masters - Feedback Configuration
  • Incident Masters -  Category
  • Incident Masters -  Classification
  • Incident Masters -  Checklist
  • Incident Masters -  Closure code
  • Incident Masters - Log Incident Page
  • Incident Masters - Pending Reason
  • Incident Masters - Resolution Code
  • Incident Masters - Incident Handling Evaluation
  • Others - Cost Configuration
  • Others - E-mail Notification
  • Others - SMS Notification
  • Others - Feedback Question
  • Others - Information Ticker
  • Others - Major Incident
  • Others - Rule
  • Others - User Type
  • Others - Auto Work Order Configuration
  • Others - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Mapping
  • SLA Configuration - Impact
  • SLA Configuration - Priority
  • SLA Configuration - SLA Matrix By CI
  • SLA Configuration - Priority Matrix
  • SLA Configuration - Workgroup SLA Window
  • SLA Configuration - SLA Service Window
  • SLA Configuration - SLA Matrix
  • SLA Configuration - Urgency
  • TFS - TFS Configuration
  • TFS - Config WI Field
  • TFS - Configure V-V  Mapping
  • TFS - Configure Mapping Profile
  • TFS - Configure Profile Mapping
 Asset Management
  • Asset Masters - Location and Store
  • Asset Masters - Key Field Mapping
  • Asset Masters - Action Attribute Configuration
  • Asset Masters - Notifications and Templates
  • Asset Masters - Allocation Form Template
  • Software - Software License Mapping
  • Software - Baseline Profile List
  • Software - Software Profile Mapping
  • Software - Software Blacklisting
  • Depreciation - Depreciation Formula
  • Depreciation - GAAP Depreciation
  • Depreciation - Field Mapping
  • Others - Alert Configuration
  • Others - Update Asset Serial Number
  • Others - E-mail Notification
  • Others - Store Threshold
  • Others - Additional Discovery
  • Others - Approval Matrix
  • Others - Application Settings
  • Others - Movement Configuration
  • Others - Local Password Management
  • Mapping - Custom Hardware Variance
  • Application Control - Create/Update Profile
  • Application Control - Master Configuration
  • Patch Management - Configuration
 Service Request Management
  • Service Request Masters - Classification
  • Service Request Masters - Feedback Configuration
  • Service Request Masters - Closure Code
  • Service Request Masters - Checklist
  • Service Request Masters - Feedback Question
  • Service Request Masters - Information Ticker
  • Service Request Masters - Pending Reason
  • Service Request Masters - Resolution Code
  • Service Request Masters - Work Order - Catalog Mapping
  • Recertification - Application Configuration
  • Recertification - User Application Mapping
  • Recertification - Recertification Period
  • SLA Configuration - Impact
  • SLA Configuration - Priority
  • SLA Configuration - Priority Matrix
  • SLA Configuration - Workgroup SLA Window
  • SLA Configuration - SLA Service Window
  • SLA Configuration - SLA Matrix
  • SLA Configuration - Urgency
  • Approval Reminder configuration
  • User Type
  • Service Request Masters - Service Category
  • Service Request Masters - Approver
 Change Management
  • Change Type
  • Change Category
  • Change Advisory Board
  • Category
  • Risk
  • Priority
  • Impact
  • Urgency
  • Priority Matrix
  • Risk Questions And Answers
  • Checklist
  • Lead Period
  • Change Manager
  • Closure Code
  • Defect Severity
  • Defect Priority
  • System Impact
  • Status Configuration
  • Classification
  • Discovery Configuration
  • Change Blackout Window
  • Criticality
  • Make
  • Schedule Maintenance
  • Services
  • CI Relation Type
  • Notification
 Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge Record Approver
  • Category
  • Classification
  • Link External Websites
  • Reason
 Problem Management
  • Approver
  • Auto Creation Settings
  • Category
  • Classification
  • Closure Code
  • Impact
  • Priority
  • Priority Matrix
  • RCA Type
  • Reviewer
  • Source
  • Urgency
  • Users - User List
  • Users - Role Template
  • Users - Custom Tab
  • Infrastructure - Tenant
  • Infrastructure - SMTP Configuration
  • Infrastructure - Workgroup
  • Infrastructure - Analyst
  • Infrastructure - Application Settings
  • Infrastructure - Custom Scheduler
  • Infrastructure - Common Masters
  • Infrastructure - Form Builder
  • Infrastructure - Authentication Configuration
  • Infrastructure - Archival
  • Infrastructure - Theme Configuration
  • Infrastructure - Widgets -New Widget
  • Infrastructure - Widgets -New Widget tab
  • Infrastructure - Widgets -Widget Report
  • Infrastructure - Widgets -Widget Report Access
  • Customer - Customer Custom Tabs
  • Customer - Customer List
  • Customer - Customer/Vendor SLA Matrix
  • Vendor - Vendor List
  • Password Management - Security Question
  • Password Management - Keyword Message
  • Password Management - Mapping Security Questions
  • Automation - Run Book Automation
  • Automation - Run Book Scripts
  • Automation - Script Based Monitoring
  • Discovery & Monitoring - Script Based Monitoring
  • Discovery & Monitoring - Script
  • Discovery & Monitoring - SNMP MIB
  • Discovery & Monitoring - SNMP Based Monitoring
  • Discovery & Monitoring - Vendor MIBs
  • Discovery & Monitoring - Monitoring Account
  • Notifications - Bulletin Board
  • Notifications - Alerts
  • Notifications - Notification Parser
  • Notifications - Notification Template
  • Notifications - Mailbox
  • Notifications - SMS Gateway Configuration
  • Documents- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)


  • To view the Audit report and logged in user details, see Summit Audit Log for Login Accounts in SummitAI Platform.