Retrieve Caller Pending Requests for Approvals
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Owned by Enterprise IT
Apr 23, 2024
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You can retrieve caller's SRs that are pending for approvals using the following API Request with details.Ā
To authenticate the below API, seeĀ API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
SR_GetUserPendingApprovals | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "SR_GetUserPendingApprovals", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "SAASOrgID": "0", "LoginUID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "MobileVersion": "1.6.0", "Password": "XXXX@XXX", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "OrgID": "1", "TokenID": "", "ReturnType": "JSON", "UserName": "" }, "ServiceRequestProperty": { "CurrentPageIndex": 0, "OrgID": "1", "UserID": "24", "PageSize": 20, "Status": "Pendingforapproval", "SearchKeyword": null, "SortColumn": "ServiceTicketID", "SortOrder": "DESC", "FromID": "", "ToID": "", "str_FromDate": "", "str_ToDate": "", "Caller": null, "Instance": "All" }, "SR_RequiredParameters": { "DelegationMode": false, "DelegateeUserID": 0, "LogSRForUserMode": false, "LogSRForUserID": "22" } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Delegation Mode | STRING | The mode or medium of the delegation. | TRUE |
Delegation User ID | STRING | The unique identification of the users delegation. | TRUE |
Log SR for User Mode | STRING | User mode to log a SR. | TRUE |
Log SR for User ID | STRING | Unique identification number of the user to log a SR. | TRUE |
Sample Response
{ "Errors": "", "Message": null, "Output": "", "TokenID": "5CEFBD46903F075B7C293A2D38818A16AE6E0EF0092E26382B49794FEAC2DD5A9515F0B676370B7B2B8346D20AA93D1C77D84FF8438E6DE29387F8D7363FDB3F1193F233F6E82280746242A084234CC52E1ABBC851BA52F26CA245D606586C722763869E4B59EA12EC23A557C5FAB9A3FCACBC1DD0DB4DB7ECBA66ECCFCD44594CF8DC81", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "ApprovalDetails": { "ApprovalList": [ { "ROWNUM": 1, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "761", "ServiceTicketID": "778", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR778", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-14 20:07:38", "CallerName": "veenaEU", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "RM Approver", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "Lawson", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 10, "RequestorID": 11826, "SR_Remarks": "RM Approver RM Approver RM Approver", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\RM Approver", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 2, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "642", "ServiceTicketID": "659", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR659", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-01 19:06:54", "CallerName": "NT Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR Re-Auth ( Approve SR )", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 1125, "RequestorID": 8057, "SR_Remarks": "jtsjyskyskyskyskgsjgsjtsjtss", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR Re-Auth ( Approve SR )", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 3, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "641", "ServiceTicketID": "658", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR658", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-01 18:58:22", "CallerName": "NT Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR Re-Auth ( Create SR )", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 1124, "RequestorID": 8057, "SR_Remarks": "ghus ngsysjfahfajfts", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR Re-Auth ( Create SR )", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 4, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "639", "ServiceTicketID": "656", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR656", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-01 18:48:16", "CallerName": "NT Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR Re-Auth ( Create and Approve SR )", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 1126, "RequestorID": 8057, "SR_Remarks": "gddhyegsgdhdhdgksjttkkteketj", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR Re-Auth ( Create and Approve SR )", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 5, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "638", "ServiceTicketID": "655", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR655", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-01 18:42:05", "CallerName": "NT Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR Re-Auth ( Approve SR )", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 1125, "RequestorID": 8057, "SR_Remarks": "dhhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdh", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR Re-Auth ( Approve SR )", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 6, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "637", "ServiceTicketID": "654", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR654", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-01 18:40:24", "CallerName": "NT Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR Re-Auth ( Create SR )", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 1124, "RequestorID": 8057, "SR_Remarks": "kgdkgskhdkhdkyydkydjf", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR Re-Auth ( Create SR )", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 7, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "634", "ServiceTicketID": "651", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR651", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-01 18:20:12", "CallerName": "NT Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR Re-Auth ( Create and Approve SR )", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 1126, "RequestorID": 8057, "SR_Remarks": "ysjgsjyskgsjgskgsjtsjggssgk", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR Re-Auth ( Create and Approve SR )", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 8, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "632", "ServiceTicketID": "649", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR649", "LoggedOn": "2022-09-01 18:16:04", "CallerName": "NT Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR Re-Auth ( Create SR )", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 1124, "RequestorID": 8057, "SR_Remarks": "zkgskgdkydkyluduldukgdmgskhdludkhdkyd", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR Re-Auth ( Create SR )", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 9, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "465", "ServiceTicketID": "465", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR465", "LoggedOn": "2022-08-12 17:38:38", "CallerName": "Harshitha", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "Single level APP 1", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 1107, "RequestorID": 33, "SR_Remarks": "its for testing ignore it", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\Single level APP 1", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 10, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "464", "ServiceTicketID": "464", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR464", "LoggedOn": "2022-08-12 17:38:12", "CallerName": "Harshitha", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "Single level APP 1", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 1107, "RequestorID": 33, "SR_Remarks": "Its for testing ignore it", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\Single level APP 1", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 11, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "463", "ServiceTicketID": "463", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR463", "LoggedOn": "2022-08-12 17:35:36", "CallerName": "Harshitha", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "Single level APP 1", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 1107, "RequestorID": 33, "SR_Remarks": "Its for testing ignore it", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\Single level APP 1", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 12, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "462", "ServiceTicketID": "462", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR462", "LoggedOn": "2022-08-12 17:26:17", "CallerName": "Harshitha", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "Single level APP 1", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 1107, "RequestorID": 33, "SR_Remarks": "Its for testing ignore it", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\Single level APP 1", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 13, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "450", "ServiceTicketID": "450", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR450", "LoggedOn": "2022-08-11 22:26:11", "CallerName": "NT Aparna", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata - Mail to SR", "CatalogName": "Mail to SR Catalog 1", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "TCS", "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 68, "RequestorID": 7053, "SR_Remarks": "check box not checked in custom attributes", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata - Mail to SR\\Mail to SR Catalog 1", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 14, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "272", "ServiceTicketID": "272", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR272", "LoggedOn": "2022-07-20 17:46:43", "CallerName": "NT Aparna", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata - Mail to SR", "CatalogName": "Mail to SR Catalog 1", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "TCS", "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 68, "RequestorID": 7053, "SR_Remarks": "", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata - Mail to SR\\Mail to SR Catalog 1", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 15, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "236", "ServiceTicketID": "236", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR236", "LoggedOn": "2022-07-18 17:44:36", "CallerName": "Sapthagiri", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata - Mail to SR", "CatalogName": "Mail to SR Catalog 1", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 68, "RequestorID": 51, "SR_Remarks": "", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata - Mail to SR\\Mail to SR Catalog 1", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 16, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "170", "ServiceTicketID": "170", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR170", "LoggedOn": "2022-07-06 17:43:03", "CallerName": "Veena", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "Multi TechselectApprover", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 36, "RequestorID": 25, "SR_Remarks": "testing this feature testing this feature", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\Multi TechselectApprover", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 2, "TotalApprovalLevel": 2, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 17, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "163", "ServiceTicketID": "163", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR163", "LoggedOn": "2022-07-06 15:35:19", "CallerName": "Veena", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "2nd approver", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 60, "RequestorID": 25, "SR_Remarks": "2nd Approver 2nd Approver", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\2nd approver", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 2, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 18, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "142", "ServiceTicketID": "142", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR142", "LoggedOn": "2022-07-05 21:09:56", "CallerName": "Veena", "SupportFunctionName": "SR Tenant", "CategoryName": "Basic Category", "CatalogName": "TechSelect Approver", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "SR", "CatalogID": 12, "RequestorID": 25, "SR_Remarks": "TechSelect Approver TechSelect Approver", "CatalogFullPath": "Basic Category\\TechSelect Approver", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 2, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" }, { "ROWNUM": 19, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "106", "ServiceTicketID": "106", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR106", "LoggedOn": "2022-07-01 13:27:20", "CallerName": "Veena", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "SR_Re-Auth2", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "QA", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 39, "RequestorID": 25, "SR_Remarks": "", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\SR_Re-Auth2", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "True" }, { "ROWNUM": 20, "TotalRows": 21, "Ticket_ID": "103", "ServiceTicketID": "103", "ServiceTicketIdDisplay": "SR103", "LoggedOn": "2022-07-01 10:37:29", "CallerName": "Subrata", "SupportFunctionName": "Light House (Subrata Dangar Tenant)", "CategoryName": "Subrata Basic Catalog list", "CatalogName": "Normal Catalog with Approver", "Status": "Pending for Approval", "Type": "Notification", "Customer": "Lawson", "Location": "Banglore", "Sup_Function": "LH001", "CatalogID": 47, "RequestorID": 24, "SR_Remarks": "DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this e-mail transmission is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended only for the addressee(s) stated above. If you are not an addressee, any use, dissemination, distribution, publication, or copying of the information contained in this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify us by telephone or e-mail the sender and delete the e-mail from your system. Whilst we have taken reasonable precautions to ensure that any attachment to this e-mail has been swept for viruses, e-mail communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free, as information can be corrupted, intercepted, lost or contain viruses. We do not accept liability for such matter or their consequences.New SR via email", "CatalogFullPath": "Subrata Basic Catalog list\\Normal Catalog with Approver", "CurrentApprovalLevel": 1, "TotalApprovalLevel": 1, "IsMandatoryAvailable": 0, "TicketActualStatus": "Pending for Approval", "IsForwardTo": false, "StatusSummery": " Pending for Approval=20, Pending for Approval (On Hold)=1", "ReAuthenticateType": "otp", "ReAuthenticateMedium": "Mobile|E-mail", "ReAuthenticateOTP_Validitity": 5, "IsReAuthenticateUser_CreateSR": "False" } ], "Status": [ { "CM_ID": 975, "Parent_ID": 0, "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus", "CM_Value": "Pending for Approval", "CM_Sort": 1, "CM_ValueInt": null, "CM_ValueStr": "Pendingforapproval", "SystemVal": true, "Active": true, "Org_Id": 1, "TimezoneID": null }, { "CM_ID": 976, "Parent_ID": 0, "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus", "CM_Value": "Approved", "CM_Sort": 2, "CM_ValueInt": null, "CM_ValueStr": "Approved", "SystemVal": true, "Active": true, "Org_Id": 1, "TimezoneID": null }, { "CM_ID": 977, "Parent_ID": 0, "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus", "CM_Value": "Rejected", "CM_Sort": 3, "CM_ValueInt": null, "CM_ValueStr": "Rejected", "SystemVal": true, "Active": true, "Org_Id": 1, "TimezoneID": null }, { "CM_ID": 978, "Parent_ID": 0, "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus", "CM_Value": "Forwarded", "CM_Sort": 4, "CM_ValueInt": null, "CM_ValueStr": "Forwarded", "SystemVal": true, "Active": true, "Org_Id": 1, "TimezoneID": null }, { "CM_ID": 1062, "Parent_ID": 0, "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus", "CM_Value": "On Hold", "CM_Sort": 5, "CM_ValueInt": null, "CM_ValueStr": "OnHold", "SystemVal": true, "Active": true, "Org_Id": 1, "TimezoneID": null }, { "CM_ID": 2291, "Parent_ID": 0, "CM_Type": "SRApproveListStatus", "CM_Value": "Referred Back", "CM_Sort": 6, "CM_ValueInt": null, "CM_ValueStr": "ReferredBack", "SystemVal": true, "Active": true, "Org_Id": 1, "TimezoneID": null } ], "DelegatedUser": [] } }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, seeĀ Status and Error Messages.
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