Re-authenticate Credentials
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Owned by Enterprise IT
Apr 23, 2024
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This API authenticates the logged-in users credentials are valid or not using the following API Request with details.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
ADM_IsCredentialValid | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "ADM_IsCredentialValid", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "SAASOrgID": "0", "LoginUID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "MobileVersion": "5.10.3", "Password": "test@123", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "OrgID": "1", "TokenID": "", "ReturnType": "JSON", "UserName": "" }, "objUserInformation": { "UserName": "abcd", "Password": "2424" } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
User Name | STRING | Name of the Instance. For Example: Info | TRUE |
Password | STRING | Is the SR logged for a user? | TRUE |
Sample Response
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "981AD4388ECCA7B74DE8078B7F702468FC188F3AE1C4CF80AD0BF9D5CAC876DD96AF3CF64F5CCEE7CD48996C3023FB3EA25BE55BE3EF7903EA0C191535908BDC0BEA12DAC06F2C8E5AEC7C98678DDB934263952EA8A072A06F893A4FDE2EE29AFA06221F3D86377E487517579B557D6611C0127647171D013D692C9C7E51DB30756DBC9F8D0005F45AA6E94F8341A2D8", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": [ { "CR ID": "1492", "CR NO": "CR1492", "change_request_id": 1492, "Logged Time": "2022-02-09 16:28:06", "Status": "Initial Authorization", "ApprovalStatus": "Pending for Approval", "Category": "Medium", "Classification": "Normal", "Owner Workgroup": "CM workgroup", "Impact": "Medium", "Priority": "P1", "Deadline": null, "BackoutPlanTested": "Yes", "Description": "", "sup_function": "Info", "Planned Start Time": "2022-02-10 00:00:00", "changetypeid": 1, "Change Type": "Normal", "Assigned Workgroup": "CM workgroup", "Sup_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "TaskEffortInDays": "0", "IsMailProcessPending": null, "Information": "", "Risk_Id": 10, "Impact_Id": 2, "Authorize_Status": "", "Authorizer_Log": "", "Information_Log": "", "Configuration_Team_Log": "", "Requestor_Id": 1756, "Actual_Start_Time": null, "Actual_End_Time": null, "Has_Attachments": false, "Downtime_Required": false, "Business_Impact_Of_Change_Failure": "efes", "Back_Out_Plan": "", "Authorizer_Id": 0, "Change_Manager_Log": "", "Change_Advisory_Board_Member_Log": "", "Post_Implementation_Review": "", "Change_Managment_Database_Updated": "", "Reviewer_Id": 0, "PageSource": false, "IsCIUpdation": null, "Last_Updated_Datetime": "2022-02-09 16:33:19", "ManualEscalationLevelID": null, "ManualEscalationDate": null, "Criticality_Id": 8, "TriggerForChange": null, "PlannedPIRDt": null, "ActualPIRDt": null, "Review_Date": null, "DescriptionShort": "", "ChangeCategoryID": 38, "ChangeCategoryRootIds": "38", "RequestorName": "Burhanuddeen", "CI Ids": null, "TotalApprovalLevel": "4", "CurrentApprovalLevel": "2", "CanApproveOrReject": "True", "Planned End Time": "2022-02-11 00:00:00", "IsMandatoryFieldForApprover": "0", "ApprovalStatuses": "Yes,No,On-Hold,Refer Back To Initiator,Refer Back To Authorization", "MandatoryFieldsForLogCR": "Support_Function,Support_Function_Name,Classification,Change_CategoryID,ChangeTypeName(or ChangeTypeId),Requestor_Name(or Requestor_Id),Owner_Workgroup(or Owner_Workgroup_Id)", "RequestedBy": 1756, "RequestedByName": "Burhanuddeen", "IsEnableBulkApproval": true, "IsDisableCRAuthorization": true, "IsDisableCRApproval": false, "IsDisableCRCustomerApproval": false, "ApprovalType": "CAB", "VoteForApproval": "false", "Objection": "true", "IsInProcessQueue": 0, "IsStandardTemplateEnabled": false, "Category_Id": 38, "ROWNUM": "1", "TotalRows": 1 } ], "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.
Confluence Cloud Migration Alert: Please refer to known issues you may encounter in Confluence Cloud: