

Service Management

Dynamic Approvals for the Change Record Approval Workflow

Now, the Administrators can configure a new Approver type called Dynamic Approver in the Change Record Approval Workflow. In the Dynamic Approval process, the Approvers are assigned dynamically to the dynamic approval levels from the Custom Tables based on the values provided by the users on the NEW CHANGE RECORD page.

Bulk Update of Incidents or Service Requests for Other Workgroups

Bulk Update of Incidents and Service Requests helps Analyst to save effort and time for repetitive configuration update. Earlier, the Analysts could perform a Bulk Update for Incidents and SRs for the Workgroups they had access to. Now, the Analysts can also do a Bulk Update of Incidents and Service Requests of other Workgroups to which they do not have access.

Better Work Allocation With Analyst's Availability Status

In the previous versions of the Application, while assigning Analysts to Incidents or Service Requests, it could not be checked if the Analyst is available or working in the current Shift.

Viewing Problem Records from Other Workgroups

Earlier, Analysts could only view the Problem Records of the Workgroups to which they had Analyst access. Now, the Analysts can also view the Problem Records of other Workgroups to which they do not have Analyst access.

Autofill Control

The Autofill control helps users to automatically search and suggest the option(s) based on the specified keyword. It is useful when the number of records is more in the drop-down list (such as, Common Master, Customer Master, etc.) and user has to scroll the long list to select the required value. It also helps in optimizing the Application performance.

New Incident for User Page While Converting a Call to an Incident

When a Call Record is identified as an Incident or Service Request by the Analyst, the Call Record is auto-closed, and the Analyst is navigated to log an Incident or Service Request.  Now, the Analyst can navigate to the Log New Incident for User page directly and fill in all the required details. This helps the Analysts in easy navigation and quick data entry without navigating through multiple pages.

Checklists for Incident and Service Request Work Orders

Now, the Administrators can configure the Checklists for Incident Work Orders and Service Request Work Orders. Checklists help to ensure that all the required activities are performed in order to resolve a Work Order. These Work Orders are created for Incidents and Service Requests. This, hence, allows a more granular-level checks for resolving Work Orders.

Weekly Consolidated E-mail Notification to SR Approver

Earlier, daily e-mail notifications were sent to the SR Approver for SR approval. Now, a weekly consolidated e-mail notification is sent to the individual SR Approvers for SR approval. Following are the three options that are generally available for each SR to the SR Approver:


Change Caller for Call Records

The Analysts can now change the Caller details for a Call Record. Notifications are sent to the new Caller only if there are any subsequent changes. 
Example: If the Caller Type or Status is changed, notifications are sent to the new Caller. 

Manually Closing Incidents and SRs Overriding Auto-Closure Configurations

The Analysts can now choose to manually close the Incidents and Service Requests, which are configured for auto-closure. This provides more options and flexibility to the Analysts to close the Incidents and Service Requests.

Asset Management

Software Non-Compliance Alerts When Software Installation Exceeds Threshold

E-mail notifications are now triggered to the configured recipients when the installation percentage of a Software exceeds the configured Threshold values.

Viewing Updated Asset Details (Updated via Excel) and More Controlled Process

Now, the Asset details that are updated via Microsoft Excel are moved to Staging first before moving them to Asset Inventory after verifying the details. The updated Asset details can be viewed using the Application interface.

IT Operations Management

Circuit ID Details and Common Device View

Following new features are added:

  • Circuit ID Details for Network Devices and Network Links
  • Common Device View

Restricting Multiple Incidents for Similar Events or Alerts

The Event Correlator is enhanced where instead of creating multiple Incidents for the similar Events or Alerts, a single Incident is created based on the configured Event Processing Rules. 

Oracle RAC and PostgreSQL Monitoring Parameters for Servers

New Monitoring Parameters are added for the Wintel Servers.


Template to Import Users

Earlier, the Administrator needs to create a new template every time to import the User details. Now, the Administrator can easily import the user details with the help of the template available in the SummitAI Application. A new icon, DOWNLOAD USER IMPORT TEMPLATE is added on the ACTIONS panel of the EXCEL IMPORT page. The template can be downloaded by clicking the DOWNLOAD USER IMPORT TEMPLATE icon.

Dynamic Data Masking

Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) is a new feature that limits sensitive data exposure by masking it to non-privileged users. It can be used to greatly simplify the design and coding of security in an  application.

Language Translation

Earlier, the SummitAI application was offering Language Translation options where it was using Google or Microsoft translations. This release onward, Google or Microsoft translation options are no more available. Instead, a more flexible Language Translation feature is available where the organizations can choose the Language Translator they want to use and integrate it with the SummitAI application. Using the Language icon available on the Quick Actions Bar of the SummitAI application, the users can continue to use the Language Translation option.

Orchestration (Beta Release)

SummitAI Advanced Orchestration Application [Beta]

From the Denali version onward, the SummitAI Orchestration will be available as a separate module with the following advancements:

  • SummitAI Orchestration Architecture
  • Orchestration Admin Console and Designer
  • Orchestration Decision Engine

Denali SP1

Service Management

Risk Analysis for Problem Records

Earlier, there was no option to capture risks in the Problem Management module. As a result, the Analysts were not able to assess the risk associated with Problem Records (PR). Now, the Administrator can configure the level of risk, and the Analysts can specify these risks for the Problem Records (PR).

SLA Violation Reason Configuration for Problem Management Module

Now, the Administrators can configure the SLA Violation Reasons for the RCA Violation or Resolution Violation. When the RCA Deadline or Resolution Deadline is violated on the PROBLEM RECORD page, the user can select configured RCA Violation Reason or Resolution Violation Reason

Service Window Configuration for Problem Management Module

The Administrators can now configure the Service Window on the SLA SERVICE WINDOW page of the Incident Management module. The Service Window, which is configured as Considers for Problem Management, are populated in the Service Window drop-down list on the DEADLINE CONFIGURATION page of the Problem Management module.

Linking or De-Linking CIs and Retrieving CI Relationship Using APIs

The following new APIs are added for the CMDB module:

  • Linking CI Relations
  • De-linking CI Relations
  • Retrieving CI Relationship

Linking Services on CI RELATIONS Tab

Now, you can link Services on the Configuration Item ID page. A new option Service is available under the CI RELATIONS tab of the Configuration Item ID page. Services that are linked on the Configuration Item ID page display the CIs under the GENERAL tab of the respective Service on the Services page.

Deadline Configuration for the Problem Management Module

Earlier, there was no Deadline configuration in Problem Management. As a result, the users were able to specify different SLAs for the same type of Problem Records (PRs). Now, the Administrator can configure the RCA Deadline or Resolution Deadline for a combination of the TenantWorkgroupsCategoriesRisks, Priorities, and Problem Record Type (Proactive or Reactive) on the DEADLINE CONFIGURATION page. The configured RCA and Resolution Deadlines are applied for a PR based on the selected TenantWorkgroup, Category, Risk, Priority, and Problem Record Type while logging, or updating the PR.

Export Incident and Service Request Details in PDF

Using this option, the Analysts can export Incident and Service Request details to a PDF file.

Hybrid Remote Desktop Sharing 

Earlier, the Summit Application allows the Administrators to choose either Basic Remote Desktop Sharing or Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing. If the Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing is enabled, the users are not able to use Basic Remote Desktop Sharing and vice versa. This does not provide flexibility for the Customers who want both Basic and Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing. Now, the Administrators can enable both Basic Remote Desktop Sharing and Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing options and the Analysts can choose between the Basic or Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing.

Improved Search Experience 

Now, the End User Dashboard search experience is enhanced with a robust search logic that enables the End Users to find the most relevant search suggestions. Also, now the Search system supports industry-standard operators such as Double Quotes, AND, OR, NOT, etc. The users can search for a combination of keywords using basic operators (AND, OR, NOT, Quotes, Parenthesis, and Asterisk), to produce more accurate and more relevant results for their keyword searches.

Asset Management

Editable Location Info of Reconciled Assets

Now, upon the rejection of reconciled Assets due to an incorrect location on the ASSET RECONCILIATION page, the user can update the Floor and Cubicle details under the Location Info tab of the MY ASSET LIST page. Accordingly, the Administrator can view the modified location details on the RECONCILIATION ASSET REPORT page. 

Notifying Users on Bulk Asset Allocation

Now, E-mail notifications are triggered to the respective users to whom the Assets are allocated during the Bulk allocation process. This applies to Fixed Assets and Non-Fixed Assets (Consumables and Accessories).

Request Type for Fixed and Non-Fixed Asset Allocation

Now, the Analyst can select the Request Type along with Request ID while allocating a Fixed or Non-Fixed Asset (Consumable, Accessories, and Software) to a user. This allows the Analyst to specify the Request ID without a prefix (SR/IM/WO).  The specified Request ID is then linked to the selected Request Type. The Request Type field and the options populated in its drop-down list are available based on the configuration of the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page.

Invalid MAC Address Exclusion List

Now, the user can add an invalid MAC Address to the exclusion list on the  INVALID SERIAL NUMBER/MAC ADDRESS pop-up page.  

MAC Address stands for Media Access Control. It is a hardware identification number that uniquely identifies each device on a network. While discovering machine details, if the discovered MAC Address value matches the string listed on the  INVALID SERIAL NUMBER/MAC ADDRESS pop-up pagethe application ignores MAC Address as a unique identifier. 

More Control Process while Allocating or Deallocating Licenses

Analysts can narrow down the search of Licenses by excluding expired licenses on the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE LICENSE list page. Expired licenses denote consumed, zero quantity licenses, and license less than zero counts. By default, the revised list displays only the available licenses for the allocation process.

Configurable Request ID Linking at Tenant Level

Now, the Request ID linking on the Asset Allocation page is configurable at the Tenant level. After selecting the Restrict Request ID For Asset Allocation check box on the APPLICATION SETTING BY TENANT page, the Incident ID, SR ID, and Work Order ID associated with the selected Tenant are linked to the Assets on the ASSET ALLOCATION page. The Request IDs of other Tenants are not linked and shown as invalid.

Asset Integration Naming for Tenant

Now, the Administrator can configure multiple integrations for the same Tenant instead of configuring one integration method for a Tenant (For a Tenant, data discovered either using SCCM or Lansweeper is posted into the SummitAI database). The specified Integration Name is used as a reference to easily identify and distinguish the Integration types that are configured for a Tenant.

E-mail Parser For Asset Allocation

Earlier, the user would accept or reject the allocated Asset by clicking the Accept or Reject icon on the MY ASSET LIST page. Now, using the E-mail parser feature, the user can also accept or reject the allocated Assets without logging into the application. E-mail Parsing helps in screening E-mails in bulk. Based on the predefined rules, the E-mail parser fetches the specific E-mails.

IT Operations Management

Monitoring Parameters for SQL, Oracle, and HPE 3PAR Storage

Additional monitoring parameters are added to monitor SQL Server and Oracle Server. Also, new monitoring parameters are added to monitor the HPE3PAR Storage. The Parameter grouping helps in better organization and improves searching ability.

AWS CloudWatch Integration

Now, you can integrate AWS CloudWatch with the SummitAI application. Using this integration, the Administrator can view the performance of services that are monitored in AWS CloudWatch on the SummitAI Application under the Reports page. Also, Incidents are logged in the SummitAI application for the configured Alarms on the AWS CloudWatch.


Common Master and User Master APIs

The following new APIs are added for the Common Master and User Master:

  • Creating or Updating the Common Master
  • Creating or Updating the User Master


The Broadcast feature is available to send announcements to a large number of audiences through an SMS or an E-mail. Using this feature, you can schedule, and auto-send all planned activities or announcements to the audience. Based on the urgency of the message to the audiences, you can schedule a planned activity or send it immediately.

Tenant Based Self Service Portal

Now A new Tenant Based Self Service Portal is available to the End Users, where the dashboards are available as tabs based on the Tenants and the Theme configuration. Using these tabs, the End User can switch between the Dashboards of different Tenants and interact with the dashboard based on the business requirements.

Enhanced Search on the End User Dashboard

Now, the End Users have a new search experience on the Self Service Portal. End Users get the categorized search results based on the modules while searching the record details in the Search field. By default, the search records display under the All tab. 

The enhanced search feature works in such a way that the users can select the available Knowledge Base, Incident, or Request records while searching in the Search field. 

Integration and Creation of Advanced Reports Using Exago

Now, you can integrate with Exago reporting tool to create new detailed BI Reports, Reports Summary, and Reports with Charts. Using this integration, the users can create Reports with ease and interact with the Reports without having knowledge on data structure.