Merged Features for Elbrus SP3 HF03

Merged Features for Elbrus SP3 HF03

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Elbrus intermediate release notes consist of the following sections:


This document is useful for Administrators, Analysts, and Requestor/End User of the application for configuring, monitoring, and executing tasks using the IT Service Management Suite.


In Elbrus Patch Release Notes, the following improvements are introduced:

Issue #

Issue Description




The Requestor/End User is allowed to upload attachments and provide remarks, which Approvers then view, upload, and download.

The Requestor/ End User, and Approver in the approval group see the attachments but they cannot edit or download them. Actions are not recorded in the change history.


Create a new Service Request Catalog and log the Service Request under the same Catalog

Select Enable the attachment control check box in the catalog configuration.

For detailed steps, refer the following links:


Create Service Catalog (Admin)

Create New Service Request (Requestor/End User)

Approve Service Request (Approver)

View My Service Request (Requestor/End User)

View Service Request details (Analyst)

The Service Catalog is created with Enable the Attachment Control option where Requestor/End User and Approvers can upload, view, and download the attachment and provide remarks for the Service Request.

All the Approval Attachment Grid details are displayed for Requestor/End User and the Approver.

All the changes done by Requestor/End user and Approver are displayed under Change History

Analyst is able to view the Attachment Grid details on Service Catalog details page.

In Elbrus Patch Release Notes, the following new features are introduced:

Feature name

Feature Description

Feature Benefits

Mark Assets as Reusable

User persona: Analyst / End User

Mark Assets for reusability and optimize resource utilization by promoting the reuse of assets.

For more details, refer to the following link:

Mark Assets as Reusable

Beneficial for cost savings 

Efficient allocation of resources 

Optimize resources and minimize unnecessary asset acquisitions

Feature name

Feature Description

Feature Benefits

Asset Reusability

User persona: Admin / Analyst / End User / Approver

Asset reusability maximizes value by utilizing existing assets for multiple purposes, reducing the need for new purchases.

This feature helps you in:

Searching and booking assets for reusability.



Booking History


Beneficial for cost savings

Efficient allocation of resources

Optimize resources and minimize unnecessary asset acquisitions

Feature name

Feature Description

Feature Benefits

Send Reminder Mail to Temporary Asset Owner

User persona: Analyst / End User

A reminder can be sent to the temporary asset owner when the asset return date gets closer.

For more details, refer to the following link.

Send Reminder Email

Reduced Overdue Asset

Streamlined Processes

Resource Allocation

Feature name

Feature Description

Feature Benefits

Mail notification to Requestor and Approvers

User persona: Analyst / End User

In Asset Reusability, four new email notification templates have been introduced to notify asset owners when requestors seek the allocation of reusable assets.

For more information, refer Mail notification to Requestor and Approvers

Enhance communication in asset management

Reducing ambiguity


Persona: Admin

  1. Create a Service Catalog from the Service Catalog Management Module.

  2. On the ADDITIONAL INFO tab, select the Enable the Attachment Control check box in the catalog configuration.

Note: For the catalogs created, without enabling the Enable the Attachment Control check box, the requests created under that catalog will not have approver attachment controls.

Create Service Catalog: Persona (Admin)

To create Service Catalog, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Create Service Catalog.

Figure: Create Service Catalog

2. On the ADDITIONAL INFO tab select the Enable the Attachment Control check box in the catalog configuration.

Figure: Enable the Attachment Control

3. Click Save, to create the Service Catalog.

Create New Service Request: Persona (Requestor/End User)

To create a new Service Request, perform the following steps

1.Navigate to Request > New Service Request.

Figure: New Service Request

2. Create a New Service Request. While creating the Service Request, the Requestor/End User must select the relevant Service Catalog to the requirement.

3. Click Submit to submit the Service Request.

Note: A Service Request has multi-level work approvals.

Approve Service Request: Persona (Approver)

To approve Service Request, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Request > Approve Service Request.

Figure: Approve Service Requests

2. Click the pending Service Request to view the details of the Service Requests.

Figure: Pending Service Request

3. The details provided by the Requestor/End User are displayed under the Approval Attachment Grid.

Figure: Approval Attachment Grid

4. Click APPROVE SERVICE REQUEST icon on the right side panel. A pop up window APPROVE SERVICE REQUEST is displayed where Approver is allowed to select the Approver Status from the drop down menu.


5. Upload the Attachment if any and specify the Remarks. Click Submit.

Figure:  Approve Service request pop-up


  • A Single or multiple documents (all types) are allowed to be uploaded, as the APPROVER SERVICE REQUEST page has multiple attachment controls.
  • All the attachments and remarks are visible to the Requestor/End User, Approvers (multi-level), and Analyst.

My Service Requests: Persona (Requestor/End User)

To view the approver feedback on my Service Request, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Request > My Service Requests.

  2. The Service Request is sent back to the Requestor/End User with the Approval Status and the Remarks provided by Approver.

  3. Click against the Service Request ID to view the details of the Service Request.

Figure: My Service Request

4.  The Attachments and Remarks uploaded by the Approver are displayed in the Service Request details page for the Requestor/End User and on Approve Service Request Page of Approver from the Approval Attachment Grid.

Figure: Approval Attachment Grid page

Note: When the Approver selects the Approval Status (Approved, Rejected, Refer back, Forward to, and On-hold) option and uploads any type of document as an attachment in the APPROVE SERVICE REQUEST pop-up, all the details are displayed in the attachment grid.

5. Click CHANGE HISTORY icon to view all the changes that occurred on the Service Request.

Figure: Change History page

6. The CHANGE HISTORY details are displayed.

Figure: Change History details page  


View Service Request List:  Persona (Analyst)

To view Service Request list details, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Request > Service Request List. 

Figure: Service Request List

Note: Service Request List page is visible only for Admin and Analyst personas.

  1. To view the required Service Request ID, click Filters on the top right-hand side of the page and select the details. Click Apply to view the Service Requests Lists.
  2. Click the link against the Service Request to view the details of the Service Request Details.

Figure: Service Request List page

4. Click CATALOG DETAIL to view the details of the Service Request.

Figure: Service Request Details page

5. The Service Catalog Details are displayed with the Approval Attachment Grid.

Figure: Service Catalog Details page

Mark Assets as Reusable

Asset Reusability feature focuses on optimizing resource utilization by promoting the reuse of assets. Instead of procuring new assets unnecessarily, users can search for and identify existing assets that

meet their requirements. This feature is particularly beneficial for cost savings and efficient allocation of resources. This allows the users to utilize assets for temporary usage or allocation.

User persona: Analyst / End user


  • Asset owner to delegate his role for ‘My Asset List’ page to Lab Coordinator. 
  • Asset owner/delegate to update the asset availability for Reusable Assets. 
  • Only the assets allocated to the Asset Owner will be available for the delegated user to update or perform actions on. 
  • Asset should be in Accepted


  1. Navigate to Asset > Manage Assets > My Asset List
  2. Change the filter to view only those Assets which are accepted. Click Filters > From Status dropdown menu select Accepted. The list of Assets which are accepted is displayed. 
  3. Select the Assets which you want to make reusable by clicking on the checkboxes next to Asset ID.
  4. Click icon from the Actions panel to update Asset reusability. The following pop-up is displayed:

Figure: Reusability pop-up 

Select the sub status as Reuse
Select the From Date and To Date for reusability of the Asset.
Provide relevant remarks for making the Asset available for reuse under Remarks  

3. Click Submit to submit the details and make the asset available for reusability. Revoke button will be disabled when marking the asset reusable for the first time.


You can mark only those Assets for reusability which are allocated to single user. If you choose an Asset that is allocated to multiple users, then it will show a validation message, as shown in the below screenshot, and Submit and Revoke buttons are disabled:

Figure: Validation message 

If an Asset is marked for reusability, then the following actions are disabled on that Asset: 

  • Return
  • Reconciliation
  • Update Asset
  • Reallocate
  • Deallocate

Figure: Asset marked for reusability

Only Add and Update actions are enabled.

Reusability From Date and Reusability To Date cannot be a past date. If you enter a past date, then the following validation message is displayed: 

Figure: Validation message

Revoke Reusability

To revoke the asset from reusability, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Asset > Manage Assets > My Asset List.

  2. Select the Asset marked for reusability and click Reusability from the action panel.

Figure: Reusability

3. On the Update Asset Reusability pop-up, click Revoke to revoke the asset from reusability.

Figure: Revoke

On the pop up click OK to revoke the asset.

Figure: Revoke asset

Asset Reusability

Asset reusability refers to utilizing existing assets for multiple purposes or projects over time, instead of purchasing new ones. This approach involves identifying, tracking, and managing assets that can be repurposed in various contexts, thereby maximizing their value and minimizing unnecessary expenses.

This feature empowers Asset Owners, Delegates, and End Users to efficiently manage and repurpose assets within the organization. By enhancing asset utilization, reducing redundancy, and optimizing resource investment, asset reusability ensures that the full potential of each asset is realized, leading to significant cost savings and increased operational efficiency.


  1. Asset Reusability information must be updated by Asset Owner on My Asset List
    (Asset > User > Manage Assets > My Asset List)

  2. New Asset Reusability menu option should be available under Asset module.
    (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Reusability)

Action widgets under Asset Reusability

To check and use action widgets under Asset Reusability, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Reusability.

  2. In the FILTERS pop-up, select the required Tenant, Sub Status, and other options (non-mandatory fields are optional).
    Click SUBMIT.

Figure: Filters pop-up

3. Asset Reusability List page is displayed with the following details.

Figure: Asset Reusability List page

Search & Book

Search & Book tab can be used for searching reusable assets and booking them based on availability ​

To access the Search & Book List Page, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Reusability.
  2. In the FILTERS pop-up, select the required Tenant, Sub Status, and other options (non-mandatory fields are optional). 
  3. Click SUBMIT. The Search & Book List Page is displayed.

Figure: SEARCH & BOOK List Page.

To enhance the search for a particular asset in the list page, click the Filters Icon , update the details and click SUBMIT

Figure: Filters pop-up

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Filters pop-up:




Select the Tenant for which you want to search the Assets.

Sub Status

Select the Sub Status


Lists all the configured Categories. The Categories are displayed based on the Asset type that you select in the Asset Type field. Select the Category from the list.


Search by the user the asset is assigned to.


Search by Location.

Search By

Search by other details.

Available From Date

Select the Available From Date.

Available To Date

Select the Available To Date.

To raise a request for a reusable asset to the Asset Owner/Delegate for Booking, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Asset and click BOOK NOW.

Figure: Book an Asset.

2. BOOK NOW pop-up window is displayed.

Figure: Book Now

3. Enter the booking From Date and To Date. In the Remarks field, enter the remarks if any.
4. Click SUBMIT. A booking request will be sent to the Asset Owner.


You can only make one booking at a time. If more than one asset is selected for Booking, you will get a message stating “Select one Asset to request Booking Reusability Request.”


Requests tab to view the received requests

  1. Click the Request tab. Click Filters on the Action Panel.

Figure: Request tab

2. Select the required Tenant and Category. The Status is selected by default as Pending Approval and Pending Acceptance. Click Submit.

Figure: Filters

3. The Pending Approval and Pending Acceptance records are displayed. Select only the Pending Acceptance asset record and click Accept on the Actions Panel.

Figure: Accept Asset

Enter the remarks if any. Click Accept on the pop-up.

Once the Asset is accepted, after the reusability period is over the Requestor must return the asset to the Asset Owner.

4. To reject the reusability request, select the asset and click Reject.

Figure: Reject

5. To return the reusability asset, select the asset and click Return. If the Asset status is Accepted, only then they can be returned. 

Figure: Return

6. To cancel the reusability request, select the asset and click Cancel Request. If the Asset status is Pending Approval, then the request can be cancelled.

Figure: Cancel Request

7. The Export to Excel and Export All options can be used to export the list of assets to Excel format.


Approvals tab to view the received approval requests

  1. Select the Asset whose status is Pending Acceptance, click Accept. Enter the remarks and click Accept.

Figure: Accept  

2. Select the Asset whose status is Pending Approval, click Approve.  Enter the remarks and click Submit.

Figure: Approve

Booking History

Booking History tab lists out the asset currently in use and the asset that had been shared/used earlier.

​1 . Navigate to Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Reusability. 

2. The list page of Asset Reusability is displayed as shown below.

Figure: Asset Reusability List page

The list page contains a record of all the assets that are available for reuse. It contains a list of records with the following details.

Booking History

 The record of all assets returned to the user and being currently used (Active) by the requestor.


Filters have been implemented in the Asset Reusability page for easy access to records. Filters help to find assets that can be effectively reused based on their booking history and current condition. 

Figure: Filters




Select the Tenant from the dropdown menu.


Choose the Category of Asset that needs to be used in the filter for Booking History.

Booking From Date

Select the From date for booking.

Booking To Date

Select the To date for booking.

Delegated Users

Filter the KB records for the requestor and the delegated user of the requestor.


Choose the status of the asset.

Returned – The status of the asset that has been returned or Active.

Active – The status of the asset which are Active

Asset ID Hyperlink


The Asset ID is a hyperlink that can be used to redirect to the asset details page.

  1. Click the Asset ID and the following page is displayed.

Figure: Asset Details page


Reports tab displays the reports of Assets shared, Asset Requests Approved/Rejected, and Assets Due for Return.

To generate a report, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Filters Icon on the REPORTS FILTERS Pop-up is displayed.

Figure: FILTERS Pop-up.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Filters pop-up:




Select the Tenant for which you want to generate the report.

Report Type

Select the Report Type:

Assets Shared

 To show the assets shared by the owner for reuse.

Assets Requests Approved/Rejected

To show the assets that the owner/approver has approved/rejected for reuse.

Assets Due for Return

 To show the assets shared for reuse that are due for return or approaching the due date.

Report Period

Select the Report Period:

Weekly – To generate a weekly report from the selected start date onwards.

Monthly – To generate a monthly report from the selected start date onwards.

Quarterly – To generate a quarterly report from the selected start date onwards.

Yearly – To generate a yearly report from the selected start date onwards.

Date Range – To manually select a date range for the report.

Start Date*

Select the start date from which you want to generate the report.

Delegated Users

You can choose to generate the report from yourself or to the delegated user(s).

2. Click SUBMIT. All the records requested in this report will be displayed.

To export the records displayed on this page, click EXPORT TO EXCEL. To export all the records, click EXPORT ALL.

Send Reminder Email

Send a mail template to the temporary asset owner to remind them when the booking return date is closer. A key needs to be added to trigger the custom scheduler to run the job. Following are the key details.

 <add key = Notification: ReusableAsset ReturnDays” value = “4”/>

Note: As per the above configured key value, a reminder gets triggered to the requestor 4 days before the asset return date.  If the value is not added to the key, the default value will be 7 days.

Configure Reminder Email

  1. Navigate to Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler.

Figure: Custom Scheduler

2. Go to Filters on the right side panel.

3. Select the Monitoring Source as ‘Summit Server’ and the Job  Options as ‘Asset Reusability Return Reminder’.

4. The following mail gets triggered to the requestor.

Figure: Mail Template

Note: The mail gets sent only once a day even if the job is triggered multiple times in the day.

Mail notification to Requestors and Approvers

In Asset Reusability, we have introduced four email notification templates which are triggered from requestors to the asset owners for the allocation of the reusable assets.

The four types of Email Notification Templates are:

  1. Reusable Asset Allocation Accept - Requestor
  2. Reusable Asset Return Acceptance - Approver
  3. Reusable Asset Allocation - Approver
  4. Reusable Asset Allocation Rejected – Requestor

Reusable Asset Allocation Accept – Requestor

An email notification is sent to the requestor when their asset reuse request has been accepted. This notification provides confirmation that the request has been approved and may include additional details or next steps regarding the reuse of the asset.

Please find the Reusable Asset Allocation Accept – Requestor template:

Reusable Asset Return Acceptance – Approver

An email notification is sent to the approver for acceptance when the reusable asset is returned. This notification informs the approver that the asset has been successfully returned and prompts them to confirm its condition and completeness.

Please find the Reusable Asset Return Acceptance – Approver template:

Reusable Asset Allocation – Approver

An email notification is sent to the approver (asset owner) for the approval of the asset reuse request. This notification informs the asset owner that a reuse request has been submitted and requires their review and decision.

Please find the Reusable Asset Allocation - Approver template:

Reusable Asset Allocation Rejected – Requestor

An email notification is sent to the requestor upon rejection of the asset reuse request. This notification informs the requestor that their request has been denied and may include reasons for the rejection or instructions for any potential follow-up actions or revisions.

Please find the Reusable Asset Allocation Rejected - Requestor template:

To define the attributes, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Summit Application.

  2. Navigate to Admin > Notifications > Notification Template.

  3. Select the required Tenant and select the module as Asset Management.

  4. In the Search textbox, type in the reusable template name and click the Template Name hyperlink.

The Notification Template details page is displayed.

Figure: Notification Template - Details

5. Click Keywords hyperlink to view the Keywords screen and click More to view all the attributes.
The Keywords attributes are displayed.

Figure: Keywords

6. Select the check box corresponding to the Keywords description and click SUBMIT.
An email is triggered to the asset owner or asset requestor based on the selected template to following statues:

  1. Approve
  2. Request Acceptance
  3. Pending Acceptance
  4. Rejected

Please find samples screenshot of the emails triggered to the asset owner or asset requested.

Reusable Asset Allocation Rejected – Requestor

Reusable Asset Allocation Accept – Requestor

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