Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Elbrus SP3 HF04

Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Elbrus SP3 HF04

Hotfix Merges

 This release is merged with the following HF release.

Resolved Issues

This section provides details about the fixed customer issues in following modules.

Service Management

Issue IDIssue DescriptionScenarioResolution


In the CMDB module, when filtering data by IP address, the filtered section displayed no data, or the CI data did not display as expected. 


  1. Navigate to CMDB > Configuration Item List
  2. Click the FILTERS icon to filter the data.

  3. Select the following combination in the Filter Conditions 
    • Field – IP
    • Operator – Contains
    • Value – 192.168.XXX.XXX

  4. Click Apply

The FILTER functionality in the CMDB module is working as expected. 

153787 An error message stating 'Specify Undefined' was displayed in the Incident module when performing a Bulk Update for an Incident. 


Add custom attributes as Multivalued drop-down fields in the General section of Incident Management and mark them as mandatory. 


  1. Navigate to Incident > Incident List
    1. Select check box corresponding to an Incident and click Bulk Update from the left pane.  
  2. Enter the required details, excluding the defined custom attribute, and click Submit
Bulk Update in the Incident Module is functioning as expected. 


Resolved or Closed Incidents could not be linked in the Problem  


  1. Navigate to Problem > User > Problem Record List. 
  2. Navigate to the Problem Record details page.  
  3. Navigate to the Relationship tab and click Link. 
  4. Choose a Relation and under BASIC FILTERS click the Status drop-down. 
  5. Resolved and Closed options are not available in the Status drop-down.    

Resolved and Closed options are present in the status dropdown. The user can link Resolved or Closed incidents with the problem record 


Note: The following enhancements have been made along with the resolution.  

  1.  When Resolved or Closed status is selected, then the Incident Log time, From and To dates become mandatory.  

  2. By default, there is 30-day time difference between the Log Time, From and To dates. User can change this to maximum 90 days.  


Search results for the Incident Management and Service Request modules were not displayed on the User Dashboard. 


  •  Navigate to Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings.  

  •  Under the General section, disable the Enable End User Dashboard Tabs for Themes. 


  1. Navigate to Dashboard > USER DASHBOARD.  

  2. Search for any record under Incident Management or Service Request under Looking for an Answer search bar.  

Search results are displayed for Incident and Service Request without any issues.    


When an Analyst is also a Change Manager and PI Reviewer then the Analyst was not able to close the PIR 


  • Configure an Analyst as a Change Manager, PIR Reviewer, and Group Owner for ‘Assigned’ and ‘Owner’ workgroups. 

  • In the Tenant configuration, enable ‘Allow Change Manager to update Change Record for specific status’ and disable the ‘Implemented’ status.  

  • Ensure that the analyst does not have access to the designated workgroup as an analyst. 


  1. Log in to the application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Change > User > New Change Record.  

  3. Raise the CR with the specific Analyst and Workgroup.

  4. Approve the CR till Implemented status.  

  5. Click PIR review. Observe that the PIR Review pop up should be available to update the review details.  

The Analyst can perform PI Review and change the status to closed in the Change Record.  



The CI description was not visible in the CI RELATIONS tab; however, it was visible in the CI Dashboard page. 


 Description field should be mapped in Discovery mapping.  


  1. Navigate to CMDB > User > Manage Configuration Items > Configuration Item List.  

  2. Open any existing CI.  

  3. Click CI RELATIONS tab.  

  4. Click Link > Child.  

  5. The RELATIONSHIP window is displayed.  

 Note: Ensure that the child CI has data in the description field.  

The CI description is visible in the CI RELATIONS tab.  


144548Resolved or Closed Incidents could not be linked in the Change Management module.


  1. Navigate to Change > User > Change Record List.

  2. Click the hyperlink of a Change Record to view the details page.

  3. Navigate to Relationship tab > click Link dropdown > click Incident.

  4. Click Status dropdown menu.

Resolved or Closed options are present in the Status dropdown. The user can link resolved or closed Incidents with the Change Records.


The following enhancements have been made along with the resolution:

  • Incident Log Time – From date and To date becomes mandatory fields when Resolved or Closed status is selected.
  • By default, there is 30-day time difference between From date and To date. User can update this to maximum 90 days.
152760Re-authentication dropdown was disabled for SSO login.


User should login with Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication.


  1. Navigate to Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > click Application Settings.

  2. Navigate to the RE-AUTHENTICATION section.

  3. Click on the drop-down menu of Re-Authentication type to select the re-authentication type.

  4. Click Submit.
Enabling re-authentication method is optional.
148200End User was redirected to New Service Request for User page (primarily which is for an Analyst role) after submitting a Service Request on behalf of someone else.


  1. Navigate to the left menu. Click Request > User > New Service Request
  2. Select Tenant
  3. Fill in all the mandatory details. 
  4. Click Submit. A success message pop-up is displayed.


Add key in web.config file <add key="IsDecryptExceptionIgnoreDisabled" value="true" />.

End User is successfully able to view the New Service Request page (which was previously an Analyst page) after submitting a Service Request on behalf of someone else.
154237 Unable to link Incidents, Service Requests, and Service Catalogs under Services in the CMDB module 


  1. Log in to the application with the CMDB module access.  
  2. Navigate to CMDB > User > Services.  
  3. Click any Service ID to open a Service details page.
  4. Navigate to Relationship tab.  
  5. Click Link.  
Incidents, SRs and Service Catalogs can be linked to Services in the CMDB module.  
153115 In the Mozilla Firefox browser, the Description field was disabled while creating a new Problem Record.  


  1. Log in to the application in Mozilla Firefox browser.  
  2. Navigate to Problem > User > New Problem Record.

The Description field is enabled and editable for Problem Records in Mozilla Firefox browser.  
154325 Bulk Update functionality on the SR ticket was not working as expected, users were experiencing an error as "Unable to update the Service Request. 


  1. Log in to the Application. 
  2. In the Tenant configuration, enable Bulk Update Icon on List Page. 

  3. Navigate Request > Manage Service Request

  4. On the SR list Page select the required SRs checkbox. 

  5. Click Bulk Update and fill the required values. 

  6. Click Submit.
Bulk Update functionality is working as expected in the SR Module. 
153467 The SR form was not allowing the user to enter the Ampersand ( & ) character. This issue occurred upon configuring the Email field in the Catalog using Form Builder and using the same Catalog while creating a Service Request, when user entered Ampersand (&) special character in the email field before the At (@) special character. 


  1. Log in to Application. 
  2. Navigate to Catalog > Create Service Catalog

  3. Using Form Builder, create Catalog with Email field. 

  4. Click Submit



  1. Navigate to Request > New Service Request. 
  2. Select Catalog that was configured in Prerequisites. 

  3. In the Email field enter Email ID that contain Ampersand (&) special character.

  4. Click Submit to validate
Email field on the Service Request is accepting Ampersand (&) character and displaying after Submitting the request. 
155051 In the Change module, for the Implemented status users were unable to select Actual Start Time less than the CR logged time for the Retrospective Change, an error was displayed. 


  1. Navigate to Tenant > Change Module > Retrospective Change Types
  2. Select Expedited

  3. Create a new CR with the Expedited Change type. 

  4. Select a lesser date than the log time in Planned Start Time and Planned End Time. 

  5. It should allow to create a CR with a lesser than date than that of the log time.

For Retrospective Change Types, system is allowing to provide the Planned Start Time less than CR logged Date and Time


Validate the Planned Start Time and Actual Start Time field. 


In Problem Management module, user was unable to update the problem ticket after completing the RCA and move to the next step due to the Private Log window under COMMUNICATIONS tab was greyed out.


  1. The Private Log field should be made mandatory in the tenant configuration page.


  1. Navigate to Problem > User > Problem Record List > Click the Problem Record ID of the problem you want to update.

  2. Update all mandatory details including RCA tab. Navigate to COMMUNICATIONS > Private Log.

Verify if you can update the field and click SUBMIT.  

Users can update the Private Log field and submit the changes.


Catalog Packages were not working when Requested For option was enabled so that End Users can raise a Service Request on behalf of other users.


  1. Create a package by navigating to Catalog > User > Package > ADD NEW.

  2. Create the Service Request (SR) using the Created package using path (Path: Request > User > New Service Request > Enter Requested For details and SUBMIT).

  3. Navigate Request > User > Manage Service Request > Service Request List > SR List page will be displayed.

  4. Verify if the caller details for all the SR (Part of the particular package) are reflecting.

Caller name is reflecting properly for the SR which is created based on a Catalog Package.


Incident was being marked as SLA breach due to a very small difference, measured in milliseconds, between the Response SLA Deadline and the Actual response time instead of rounding off.


  1. Navigate to Incident > User > Manage Incidents > New Incident for user. Create a new Incident.

  2. Open the created incident and update the resolution details with milliseconds difference in Response SLA and Actual response time.

  3. Check whether the Response SLA flag in backend table and Response SLA Actual time are both matching in the UI.

The Actual response time is rounding off to the Response SLA Deadline time when there is negligible difference.

149294 Work Orders were not creating through WO- Catalog Mapping, it was occurring intermittently. 


  1. Log in to the Application. 
  2. Navigate to Requests. 

  3. Select an SR and navigate to RELATIONSHIP tab.

  4. Validate the Work Order.
Work Orders through WO Catalog Mapping are created successfully. 
151576 After the Service Request was approved, the Final Approval Time on the SR list page was blank. 


  1. Create a Service Catalog with two user selectable approvals and publish it.  
  2. While creating a New Service Request, the Requestor or and User must select the relevant Service Catalog to the requirement. 


  1. Navigate to Request > New Service Request 
  2. Create a New Service Request. Select Tenant, Customer, and enter Requested for fields. 
  3. When raising the SR, select the same user for two-level approvals. 
  4. Navigate to Request > Approve Service Request 
  5. Click APPROVE SERVICE REQUEST icon on the top right panel to approve SR.  
The Final Approval Time appears on the SR list page once the Service Request is approved. 
152193 When the linked Configuration Item from CI Relations tab is clicked, incorrect CI was displayed instead of the correct CI linked.  


  1. Add the following key to the Application configuration file (web.config): <add key="IsDecryptExceptionIgnoreDisabled" value="true" /> 
  2. Create a CI and link Child CIs in the CI Relations tab. 



  1. Navigate to CMDB > User > Configuration Item List 
  2. Click CI NO hyperlink and navigate to CI Relations tab. 
  3. Click the linked Configuration Item hyperlink. 
When the linked Configuration Item from CI Relations tab is clicked, CI is displayed correctly. 
153281 In the CMDB Discovery Mapping, fields from other classifications were also displayed for the selected Classification. 


  1. Create Classifications.
  2. Navigate to Form Builder. Create Fields for the Classifications defined.  


  1. Navigate to CMDB > Configuration > CMDB Discovery Mapping 
  2. Select the Tenant and Classification. 
In the CMDB Discovery Mapping, the system accurately displays the respective fields for the selected Classification. 


Periodic Survey Details were not displayed in the incident Survey Report, if Customer and Location fields are not mapped with the USER ID. 


  1. Navigate to Reports > Admin. 
  2. Select Survey Reports from Reports to view the details. 
  3. Click (Filter) icon and select Survey Name. 
  4. Click Submit 

Periodic Survey Details are displayed in the incident Survey Report, even when the Customer and Location fields are not mapped with the USER ID   

153032End User was unable download Consumer SRE Team Requests catalog
  1. Navigate to AdminExport Configuration Export/Import by File > Select Module as Service Catalog Management > Select Catalog as Consumer SRE Team Requests. 

  2. Click Download.
End User is able to download Consumer SRE Team Requests catalog.
152908Classification data was not getting loaded.


  1. Navigate to Incident Module.

  2. Open the Classification page.
Classification data is getting loaded as expected.
155709 Users were unable to login to the application using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).  


MFA should be configured for the user in the domain. The medium should be set as email.  


  1. Open the application URL. 
  2. Enter the username and password 

  3. Enter the OTP received via email. 
Users can successful login to the application using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).  

Asset Management

Issue IDIssue DescriptionScenarioResolution

The report column values were not getting displayed as expected.


  1. Navigate to Reports > Select Asset Management module.  
  2. Select Asset Dashboard report. 

The report column values are getting displayed as expected.

Known Issues 

This section describes the known issues detected by the Summit Dev and QA team in the release, Elbrus SP3 Release.

Issue ID

Issue Description




Upload File/List uploaded files and delete functionality was not working.


Navigate to Project > User > Projects > Project List.



Go to Task > Edit Task > Attachment.

Edit Activity > Attachment.



The template “CI Owner Notification” is not available under the notification templates for the change module.  

Ensure that the Global Tenant is enabled.  



Navigate to Admin > Notifications > Notification Template

Select the tenant. 

Select the module as Change Management from the dropdown. 

Disable the Global tenant for the “CI Owner Notification” template to visible for other tenants.  


Push notifications to mobile device are sent after scheduler runs, even when user’s session is not active (user has logged off from Mobile device).


1. Enable the Mobile Notification in profile.

2. Ensure 'Mobile Notification job scheduler' is Running.


Log in to the Summit Mobile Application with your credentials.

Log an Incident with proper details.

Log off from the Summit Mobile Application.



Unable to click Classification and Category field drop-down list values, as the page is getting expanded.


Navigate to Request > Service Request List. The Service Request List page is displayed. Click on the required SR ID hyperlink. The Service Request details page is displayed.

Observe the Category and Classification fields under General tab.



The Business Rule was not getting saved without configuring Update fields.


Navigate to Admin > Infrastructure > Business Rule.

Click Add new.

Enter valid data in all mandatory fields except Update fields.

Configure Notification. Click Save.

Click Submit.



Getting oops error for specific business rules.


·       Business rules should be configured.


 Navigate to Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Business Rule.

Open a created Business rule (Business rule notification).


This issue is reproduceable for only a few business rules. 



Audit logs are not getting tracked after ending the session.


Log in to the application with Analyst access. 

Remote Desktop (RDP) should be configured at the Tenant/Application setting level for ScreenConnect.


Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents > Incident List

Click any Incident ID. 

Click the Remote Desktop icon below the requestor details. 

Connect the session successfully with the end user. 

End the session. 

Click Audit logs.



Cost is displayed incorrectly as CPI calculation is not working properly.


Create Project, Task and Activity.

Add Assignee for the Activity.

For the Assignee's Designation add rate card(Work-Price/Hour) in Project > open project > Actions panel > Configuration icon.

Log time sheet.

Approve the timesheet as approver (Project Manager).


Login to the application.

Navigate to Reports > Project Mgmt > Executive Management Dashboard.

Check the cost column in the Project-Wise Status.

Not applicable

124863On the Copy Service request tab, when Different Caller is selected, unable to enter the username or other details on the Select User pop-up 


Create a Catalog with all attributes.  

On the Form Builder page, under the Additional info tab for the catalog, enable “Enable Copy Service Request.” Publish the catalog. 

Create an SR (Service Request) with the created catalog.  


Login into the Summit application. 

Navigate to Request > Service Request List

Select the created SR. The SR page is displayed.  

Click Copy Service Request from the Actions Panel

Select Different Caller. Click the Search icon.  The Select User pop-up page is displayed.

Type in the Username in the Different Caller option instead of searching the username 


In the copy service request, when an SR is created for a catalog and the same catalog is modified by adding new attributes such as a multivalued dropdown (or any other attributes),  

Scenario 1: The record added for the new multivalued dropdown displays for the existing record. 

Scenario 2: Oops an error occurred error message is displayed when clicked on the pagination grid and the entire grid is not visible.  


Create a Catalog with a group as a multi-valued group.  

On the Form Builder page, under the Additional info tab for the catalog, enable “Enable Copy Service Request”. Publish the catalog. 

Create an SR with the created catalog.  

After creating the SR, modify the created Catalog and add any new multivalued dropdown. Publish the Catalog 


Login into the Summit application. 

Navigate to Request > Service Request List

Select the created SR. The SR page is displayed.  

Click Copy Service Request from the Actions Panel. 

Select Same Caller or Different Caller. Enter the username and click Submit. 

A new SR page is displayed. 


110901For Additional Information tab of Rule Template page, unable to attach the files based on the configuration done for the Attachment Limit (Single or Multiple) field on Form Builder page.


Navigate to Admin > Infrastructure > Form Builder.

Configure the Attachment field (single or multiple) using Attachment Limit field in the Form builder page so that it should appear in the Additional Information tab of Rule template page.

Navigate to Incident > Others > Rule. The Rule page is displayed. Click Add New under Actions.

Navigate to Additional Information tab and attach file based on the configuration done for the Attachment Limit (Single or Multiple) field on Form Builder page.  



An error ‘Opps! An error occurred’  or a Saved Successful message was displayed for all the modules, if the mandatory configuration fields were saved with a space (empty) value.

Scenario – I

1.       Navigate to Incident > SLA Configurations > Urgency.

2.       Select a Tenant.

3.       Click Add New from left panel.

4.       Press Space Key in Urgency Name field and click SUBMIT

Scenario – II

1.       Navigate to Problem Management > SLA Violation Reason.

2.       Select a Tenant.

3.       Click Add New from left panel.

4.       Select the Violation Type from the list.

5.       Press Space Key in SLA Violation Reason field and click SUBMIT.



After submission, the text is getting converted to code for Question and Answer fields.


1.       Navigate to Knowledge > User > New Knowledge Record. The New Knowledge Record details page is displayed. Specify the mandatory fields. Make sure for Question field use keyboard Enter key. Click Submit.

2.       Navigate to Knowledge > User > Knowledge Record List. The Knowledge Record List page is displayed. Open any KB article with Status as Published. The Knowledge Record details page is displayed. Click COPY KNOWLEDGE RECORD link under Action panel. Check for the Answer field.



When a Change Record (CR) is created with ‘special characters’ in status, it does not display any data in Change Record list page.


1.       Create a 'status' having special characters such as (*satus_test*).

2.       Create the CR.


1.       Log in as approver.

2.       Navigate to Change > Change record list.

3.       Click on the Filters icon.

4.       Select the 'Tenant' field as ALL.

5.       Select the previously created 'status'.

6.       Click Apply.

7.       Verify the results, after applying the status filter with special characters.



The ‘Category’ filters on the Change Record (CR) list page do not display any data results when you select ALL Tenant and Category.


1.    Navigate to Change > User > Change Record list.

2.    Select the 'Tenant' field as ALL.

3.    Select the field as Category.

4.    Click Apply.

5.    Check the results displayed on the Change Record list page.

The Category filter works fine, when you select individual Tenant and Category.

100781When a ‘User Contact Number’ is used to filter records on the list page of IM/SR/PM, it does not fetch any data records.

Below is just an example from Incident Management list page. It also applies to SR and PM list pages too where User Contact Number is used. as filter:

Steps: Incident Management (IM)

1.    Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident > Incident List.

The Incident List page is displayed with list of incidents.

2.    From Filter options, select User Attributes
> User Contact Number. Select the operator as = and enter the Contact Number in the Value field of the respective User.

3.    Click Apply.

4.    Verify the results, after applying the User Contact Number filter.

100796The ‘Time Selection’ option is not displayed to an Analyst on the SR list page, when Equals (=) operator is selected for Time Filter.


1.    Log in as an Analyst.

2.    Navigate to Request > Service Request List.

3.    Select the Time related Filter and choose Equals (=) operator.

4.    Click Calendar icon.

5. Check if you are getting the Time Selection option or not in Calendar popup.

100798The filter option ‘<=’ operator for Log Time Filter used by an Analyst on the SR list page, does not yield proper filter results.


1.    Log in as an Analyst.

2.    Navigate to Request > Service Request List.

3.    Select the Log Time filter and choose operator (<=).

4.    Click Calendar icon.

5.    Select date and time for an already existing SR.

6.    Click Apply.

7.    Check if you are getting the filter results.


The View names created by an Analyst for IM/SR/PM/CM

modules with long Japanese names are getting out of the container, unlike the English long names.


1.    Log in to the Application as an Analyst.

2.    Navigate to Request > Service Request List and create a view with long Japanese name and apply view.

3.    Navigate to Incident > Incident List and create a view with long Japanese name and apply view.

4.    Navigate to Problem >
Problem Record List and create a view with long Japanese name and apply view.

5.    Navigate to Change > Change Record List and create a view with long Japanese name and apply view.

6.    Verify the view name in Japanese language text which goes out of the container.

100813The Assigned To drop-down does not display the User list.


The key

<add key="App:MultiLanguageEncodingEnabled" value="true" /> is set to True in webconfig file.


1.  Navigate to Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List. In the Incident List Click Incident ID hyperlink. The Incident ID details page is displayed.
2. Click RELATIONSHIP tab Click on the displayed Work Order ID. The Work Order ID page is displayed. Check Assigned To drop-down field under ASSIGNMENTS tab.


Attachment details deleted during editing are not captured in the Change History.  

The same issue persists in ProblemRCA, and Diagnostic tabs. 



Navigate to Release > User > Release Record List. 

Select any desired RR ID to open a Release Record

Navigate to the Documents tab.  
Add an attachment and click SUBMIT

Click the document name link and update other attachment and click SUBMIT


After adding the Consumable Asset, a “No Data” message is displayed however, it is visible in the SEARCH ASSET popup. 



Log in to the SUMMIT Application with Admin module access having Consumable Assets present in the Asset Inventory with status as In-Store and Allocated

Consumable category should be configured by non-mandatory fields on the FORM BUILDER page.


Navigate to Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory. 

Select the Consumable Asset type on the Asset Inventory page. 

Click ADD icon from the right ACTIONS panel. 

Enter the Quantity. 

Click the VIEW LIST button on the confirmation pop-up. 

Filter the same asset ID through the FILTERS pop-up. 


Asset Attributes can be made mandatory in the action panel of Form Builder page by selecting Add Validation Rules for saved controls.

110654The uploaded file name is not displayed on the Preview and Update Category page when the user clicks the Update Category icon. 


Log in to the SUMMIT Application with Admin module access. 

Configure two Fixed Asset categories in the Form Builder consisting of all the required custom attributes along with File Upload control for both categories. 

Configure Key Field Mapping for both the Fixed Asset categories. 

Configure Location, Store, and Floor values. 

Add Asset to the Inventory by selecting/entering the values for the required fields and select a valid file for the File Upload control type. 



Navigate to Asset > User > Manage Assets >Asset Inventory. 

Select Fixed Asset type on the Asset Inventory page. 

Select the desired Tenant from the drop-down, which is a mandatory field. 

Click FILTERS option from the right ACTIONS panel. 
Filter the Asset which was added to the Asset Inventory. 

Select the asset and click the Update Category icon under the ACTIONS panel. 

Select the Destination Category value from the drop-down. 
(Source Category - Category 1, Destination Category - Category 2). 
Click NEXT

Map all the required Sources to Destination Custom Attributes.
Note: Do not map the File Upload control type source and destination attribute.

Click Map followed by  OK option on the confirmation message popup.
Click NEXT. 

 Select and upload a new file to the File Upload control type of Destination Category. 
The uploaded file name is displayed. 

 Click the Update Category icon followed by OK option on the confirmation message popup. 

 Verify the uploaded file name in the File Upload control attribute on the Update Category page. 


108230While creating a Report, if the report name was greater than 40 characters system displayed an error. 


Navigate to Reports > Change Management > Click the Icon for New Report.

Select the Report Type > CONTINUE TO FIELDS

Enter the fields > Click Save As > Enter the report name > Select the Category > Click OK.

Reports are getting created successfully even when the report name is greater than 40 characters. 
111814Due to performance issue in Database (DB), the Incident remarks are not updating in the event history. 


Create an Event through any API tool.

For the external Event created, create an internal Event and Incident in Summit.  

Bug Reproduction Steps: 

Resolve the Event created in Summit. 

Resolve the Incident created for the Event using external event

Once the Event and the Incident are resolved, the Incident Remarks are not updated in the Event History.  



133780The selected Catalog Category is not displaying under Subject Header in the Service Request Details Page.


Log in to the application.

Navigate to Catalog > Configuration > Service Category.

Create Categories named 'Linked_Category_EX1_', 'Linked_Category_EX2_', 'Linked_Category_EX3_'.

Create a Catalog 'Service_EX1_' and add it to all the Categories listed above by selecting the link to other category checkbox.


Navigate to Request > User > New Service Request.

Enter 'Service_EX1_' and click on the Catalog under Linked_Category_EX2_ Category.

Create a Service Request Record by providing input in all the mandatory fields.

Navigate to Request > User > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.

Click the Service Request Record that was created.

133693Unable to Navigate to the Next Page after clicking Next while creating the New Service Request.


Log in to the application.

Navigate to Catalog > User > Package.

Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.

Select Department as STA.Information Technology_EX1_

Select Category as DeskTop_Sevice.

Enter the Package Name as SRPackage1.

Select Status as PUBLISHED.

Select two catalogs
SR Package Cataog 1,
SR Package Catalog 2
in the Group named Group1.



Navigate to Request > User > New Service Request.

Select DeskTop_Service.

Select Package Name as SRPackage1

Select Group1 Checkbox .

Click Next.


The caller field does not populate search results while creating a new incident for user.


Navigate to Incident > New Incident for User.

Select the tenant from the dropdown.

Search for the caller. 


User was getting redirected to the BUSINESS RULE List Page post clicking on the SUBMIT button in the BUSINESS RULE configuration page.


Navigate to Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Business Rule.

Click ADD NEW.

Enter the mandatory details to configure business rule.

Click SUBMIT.   

142990For the selected classification, fields created for various classifications is also displaying in the CMDB Discovery Mapping.

  1. Login to the application.
  2. Classifications should be created as per the document provided
  3. Create fields in the form builder as per the classifications created.


  1. Navigate to CMDB> CMDB Discovery Mapping.
  2. Select the Tenant.
  3. Select the Classification.
  4. Verify the fields which will be displayed when classifications are selected.

Issue 1: For the Resource Type > Database - Resources are not discovered while performing Oracle Discovery. 

Issue 2: In CMDB Discovery Mapping page - Value for the Database is not present (Scripts should be provided).


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