A Workplan constitutes a set of Tasks, defining these Tasks for the systematic execution of a CR through an automated process is Workplan Configuration. The purpose of configuring a Workplan is to map these Tasks to auto-create a CR once the SR is logged by the end user. This document helps in Configuring a Workplan for Global Tenant and the Global Configuration can be used on a Local Tenant.
Let's explore more about Global and Local Tenancy in a Workplan.
Configure Global Tenancy in Workplan
Workplan can be configured at the Global Tenant Level which is populated to all the Local Tenants by default.
To configure Global Tenancy in Workplan, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Change > Configuration > Workplan.
This will navigate the admin to the Workplan Configuration page.
Figure: Workplan Navigation - Select GLOBAL TENANT on the Tenant list page.
All the Workplans in the Global Tenant are displayed on the List page.
Figure: Global Tenant Workplans - Click ADD NEW on the Actions panel.
This Action will help you to add a new Workplan.
Figure: Add New Workplan - Click ADD TASK on the Workplan Configuration page.
This will allow the admin to add a new Task Template for Workplan on the Global Tenant.
Figure: Workplan Configuration - Enter the required details and click SUBMIT.
Upon submitting, a new Task Template is added to the Workplan on the Global Tenant.
Figure: Task Template - Select Rule from the dropdown list or click plus icon to create a Rule for Task Template on the Global Tenant.
On the Rule dropdown list, rules created for Global Tenant is displayed.
Figure: Add Rule on Workplan Configuration Enter the required details and click Submit.
Figure: Rule for Global Tenant
The Below table describes the usage of icons for the Rule label on the Task list.Icon Name Description Add Adds new Rule. Refresh Refreshes the Rule List on the dropdown. - Click Submit.
On submission, all the configured Task Templates along with the Workplan are created.
Figure: Workplan Configuration - The newly created Workplan on Global Tenant is displayed on the Workplan List page.
Figure: Global Workplans
Configure Global Workplan on Local Tenant
All the Workplans created on Global Tenant are inherited to all the Local Tenants. Globally configured Workplan can be used on Local Tenant on de-linking from the Global Tenant.
To configure Global Workplan on Local Tenant, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Change > Configuration > Workplan.
- Select Local Tenant from the Tenant list.
- Select Workplan configured on Global Tenant.
Upon selecting you can configure the Global Workplan on Local Tenant.
Figure: Global and Local Workplan List - Click DE-LINK.
All the fields will be disabled. upon de-linking it allows you to edit the globally configured Workplan on the Local Tenant.
Figure: De-link Global Workplan - Click SUBMIT.
Upon submission Global Configuration will be converted to a Local Configuration.
Figure: De-link Global Workplan - As all the fields are enabled, you can edit the Workplan.
Figure: Edit Workplan - Click ADD TASK.
This option allows you to add new task template for a de-linked Workplan on a local tenant.
Figure: Global Task Template on Local Tenant - Click Submit.
- De-linked Globally configured Workplan is represented with De-link icon on the Local Tenant.
Figure: De-linked Workplan