Closure Code

The Closure Code is the status code used by the Analysts while closing a Service Request (SR). You need to add these Closure Codes based on the organizational needs. The Closure Codes defined by you are available to the Analysts while closing SRs. You can add and modify Closure Codes for a Tenant. You can create a configuration in Global Tenant which is inherited from all the Local Tenants. For more information, see Global Tenancy Overview.

You can perform the following functions in Closure Code Configuration.

Configure Closure Code with Global Tenant

You can create a Closure Code with Global Tenant which is inherited by all the Local Tenants.

To configure the Closure Code, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Request > Configuration > Service Request Masters > Closure Code.

  2. Select a GLOBAL TENANT from the Tenant list to create a Closure Code.
    The Closure Code List page is displayed.

    Figure: CLOSURE CODE

  3. On the CLOSURE CODE page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
    The CLOSURE CODE DETAILS page is displayed.


  4. Enter the name for the new Closure Code in the Closure Code Name text box. If you select the Active check box, the Closure Code becomes an available option in the Closure Codes list on the other pages of the application.

  5. Click SUBMIT.
    Configure a new Closure Code.

For more information on configuring Closure Code, see Configurating Closure Code

View Closure Code with Global Tenant in Local Tenant

You can view the Closure Code with Global Tenant in Local Tenant. The created Closure Code displayed with a Globe icon indicating that this Closure Code inherited from Closure Code created by Global Tenant.

To view the Global Category configuration in the Local Tenant, perform the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to Request > Configuration > Service Request Masters > Closure Code.

  2. On the CLOSURE CODE page, select the desired Local Tenant.
    A list of all the configured Closure Code for the selected Tenant is displayed.

    Figure: CLOSURE CODE LIST page


  • The Global Configuration is indicted with a grey-colored Globe Icon .
  •  The Global Configuration which is edited locally is indicated with a blue colored Globe icon .

Delink Closure Code

Delink means detaching connect from the Global configuration. In the CLOSURE CODE page, you can delink a Closure Code of Local Tenant from the Global Tenant.

To delink Closure Code, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Request > Configuration > Service Request Masters > Closure Code.

  2. On the CLOSURE CODE LIST page, click Closure Code hyperlink.

    Figure: Closure Code – Delink

  3. Click DE-LINK icon from the ACTIONS panel.
    A message ‘A message 'By delinking Global Config, it will be converted to a Local Config, upon clicking Submit’ displayed on top of screen.


  4. Click SUBMIT to delink it from Global configuration and changed it to a Local configuration.  The delinked Global Configuration is indicated with a delink icon .
    The de-linked Closure Code displayed with de-link icon. 

    Figure: De-linked Closure Code


When the Closure Codes are displayed under the LIST table, the button ADD NEW, and IMPORT are displayed on the ACTIONS panel.

  • Click ADD NEW to configure a new Closure Code.
  • Click IMPORT to update or create multiple Checklists, importing the Master Excel template. Upon clicking IMPORT, you will be redirected to the EXCEL MASTERS IMPORT page, where you can download the excel template and fill in the required data to update in the CLOSURE CODE page. For more information see Importing Master Template.

When the incident is closed post resolved incident approval workflow in that case:

  • If Incident Closure Mode is selected as Auto at Tenant level, then the Closure Code and Category specified at the time of resolution will be updated during the incident closure.
  • If Incident Closure Mode is selected as Manual at and Closure Code is set as default Tenant level, then the default closure code and category will be updated during the incident closure.
  • If Incident Closure Mode is selected as Manual at and Closure Code is not set as default Tenant level, then the first value (1st) from closure code table will be updated during incident closure.