Summit Elbrus Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?


The following info-graphics provides Module-wise summary of key features introduced in the Elbrus Release.

User Persona(s) Used in HighlightsIcons Used

Analyst / IT Asset Manager

End User

Service Management

Platform and Event Management Engine (EME)

IT Asset Management

Agentless Discovery

New Features and Improvements

The following sections, provide module-wise crisp summary of new features and improvements introduced in the Elbrus Release. 

Service Management

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Service Management:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

Re-authentication at Service Catalog level for Service Request module.

User Persona: Admin, End-User, Analyst

You now have provision to re-authenticate while creating an SR or Approving an SR, or updating an SR, based on the configurations done at Application Settings and Service Catalog level.

The re-authentication can be done via One Time Password (OTP) or Password.

For more information, refer to Configuring Application Settings, Creating Service Catalog, Configuring Notification Parser to Create Service Request.

  • Brings enhanced security mechanism with additional layer of security.

  • Flexible user-friendly OTP or unique Password based approach.

Ability to switch between List and Tile view for linked CRs.

Provision to apply Filters on linked CRs.

User Persona: Analyst

The user can view the linked CRs in a tabular or grid. Introduced Filters to apply a filtering criterion to display the linked CRs.

The UI level changes are done for Minutes of Metting (MoM) section along with a new checkbox General MOM. The CAB Information is newly introduced under ACTIONS on Change Record List page.

For more information, refer to Scheduling CAB Meeting and Viewing List of Change Records.
  • Ability to quickly view linked SRs to a CR.

  • Flexibility to switch between the two views as per the requirement.

  • Superior and enhanced UI design. 

Mutli-selection and addition of CAB members as a group.

User Persona: Analyst

Provides an option to add the CAB members as a group for the CR approval along with individual CAB members.

For more information, refer to Scheduling CAB Meeting.

  • Reduces the time and efforts by quickly adding multiple CAB members as a group.

  • Simplified process to add a large group.

Approve or Reject the Change Record (CR) proposed for the Standard Change directly via e-mail.

User Persona: Analyst

The CAB members are notified that the CR is proposed for Standard change and can directly approve or reject the CRs proposed for Standard Change along with the CR itself via email notification based on the TENANT level configuration. The same information gets tracked in Change History of the CR as well.

For more information, refer to Approving Change Records.

An Administrator can enable or disable the above functionality at Tenant level.

For more information, refer to Configuring Change Management Module.

  • Better tracking and control over approval and rejection of CR proposed for Standard Change.

  • Instant approval or rejection improves the overall customer experience.

Capture the Original CR details while CR creation using Import Template or Cloning.

User Persona: Analyst

The original CR details from which the template is created are captured when you log a CR using Import Template / Standard Import Template or Clone CR.

The Original CR and the template name details will be displayed in Change History and Export to PDF actions as well.

For more information, refer to Creating Change Records and Exporting Change Record Details in PDF.

  • Easier for the Analyst to relate with logical relationship between the original CR and the newly created CR.

  • Quickly to get the more insight on the Original CR thereby reducing the number of clicks and time spent.

Option to add multiple attachment in the following modules:

  • Problem Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Release Management

User Persona: Analyst

Attach multiple files from Attachment field at once. The details of the multiple files are displayed in a grid format with the details such as File Name, Attachment Date and Remove.

The Change History and Export to PDF captures the details of the multiple attachments added or deleted.

For more information, refer to Creating Problem Records, Creating Release Records, Adding Knowledge Records, Configuring Custom Fields for Customers, and Configuring Custom Fields for Users.


  • Brings consistency with other modules such as IM and SR.

  • Boost efficiency by reducing repetitive tasks and hence quick process.

Making Child Node selection mandatory while creating a Change Record

User Persona: Analyst

A new configuration Enable Change Category Parent Node Selection is introduced at Tenant level.

If Enable Change Category Parent Node Selection is not selected at Tenant level configuration (Admin > Tenant > Select Module as Change Management > Configure Details) then you can select only the child category. If you attempt to select the parent category, the following message is displayed:
"Cannot select parent node."

For more information, refer to Configuring Change Management Module, Creating Change Records and Configuring CR Approval Workflow.
  • Reduces the ticket cancellations because of incorrect triggered Workflow.

  • Brings consistency with other modules such as IM and SR modules.

Option to edit Subject field

User Persona: Admin

The Subject field is displayed for Problem Management, Work Order and Release Management modules as well, along with other modules such as Incident Management, Service Request, Change Management, Asset Management and IT Operations Management.

The Release Management module will be available in the Change drop-down list of modules.

For more information, refer to Configuring Notification Templates.

  • Enhanced user experience

  • Brings consistency with other modules such as IM and SR modules.

Enhanced Approve Change Record list 

User Persona: Admin

Improvised Approve Change Record list page with additional list and filter options to enhance the better understanding of a CR.

For more information, refer to Approving Change Records.

  • Brings Simplicity and efficiency
  • Detailed understanding and information of a CR

Introduction of HTML editor in Business Rule Designer (BRD) custom notifications. 

User Persona: Admin

An option of HTML editor is introduced in the editable BRD notifications.  

Previously only Out-Of-Box standard notifications was supported in HTML editor. 

With this enhancement we bring the HTML editor support to custom notifications too. 

For more information, refer Field description in NOTIFICATION section of Business Rule Designer.

This enhancement is introduced in Change Management too. Show HTML and Keywords are introduced. For more information refer Notification section of Configuring Change Request Workflow

  • Enables flexibility in defining BRD notifications. 

  • Provides uniformity across the application. As HTML editor is already supported in OOB notifications, now the custom notifications also support HTML editor.

Enhanced Business Rule Designer with EQUAL TO (=) Operator for fields with Data Type ad Long Text.

User Persona: Admin

Earlier only operators Contains and Does not contain were available. There was a limitation with only these operators available. 

If the incoming Ticket had a Symptom or Description like following: 

  • Error Code: TPF103311_SR_RESTARTED 
  • Error Code: TPF103311_SR_RESTART_Success 

if a rule was defined using the existing condition chances were that both the tickets got picked up when only one ticket had to be picked up based on condition. 

That is Symptom CONTAINS TPF103311_SR_RESTART, both the tickets with error code will be picked up for action which is not the intended action and lead to inaccuracy. 

 A new operator = (Equal To) is introduced in Filters of Business Rule Designer fields. This is added to fields like Symptom and Description and those with Data Type as Long Text. 

For more information, refer the CONDITION section in Field Description of the page Business Rule Designer.


  • Enhanced accuracy in rule definitions because of the newly introduced = (Equal To) operator. 

  • As the operator is not case sensitive when there is an exact match with the defined condition irrespective of upper or lower case the rule fetches the result. 

Log Time and Final Approval Time in Service Request Configure Columns. 

User Persona: End-User, Analyst

  • APIs are enhanced with the Final Approval Time. For more information, refer Retrieve Service Request List

  • The Log Time is modified to display the actual SR creation time. 
  • With this new column, Final Approval Time we can view the Approval Time of SR which was not captured earlier. 

  • Discrepancies in the Log Time display is rectified, and Log Time now displays the actual creation time of the SR. 

  • With this new addition the SR List Page will have two columns which displays the Actual Log Time and the Final Approval Time for a Service Request.

Introduction of Multi select drop-down in the field Workgroup. 

User Persona: Analyst 

While linking the Change Requests (CRs) to CAB meeting for the field Workgroup multi selection is introduced in Basic Filters. 
Grid view is enhanced to accommodate more columns. 


For more information, refer Link in Scheduling CAB Meeting.

  • This option of multiselect simplifies the way to link Change Requests (CRs) to CAB meetings. 

  • Enables uniformity across all the fields. 

  • Less time-consuming to filter the required Change Records.
Avoid the selection of Self as approver when the Approver is not mapped or is inactive. 

User Persona: Admin and End User  
This feature has been introduced to overcome the scenario where the End User (who is not mapped to any Reporting Manager or if Reporting manager is Inactive) can select themselves as Approvers. The selection of self as Approvers is removed not only at Reporting Manager level but also in Head of Customer (HOD), Custom Dynamic Table and Technician Selectable. 
New check box: Allow Self Selection as Approver is introduced in Admin Tenant level configuration of Service Request.  
For more information, refer Approval Tab section in Logging Service Requests.
  • Audit and security issues are avoided as the End users cannot select themselves as Approvers.  

  • Appropriate End User validation message ensures the reason why End users cannot select themselves as Approver. 

Introduction of Search option for Tenant selection. 


User Persona: Admin, Analyst, and End User 

In the List page filters, Record details or configuration screens and throughout the application Search option is introduced for Tenant selection. 
For more information, view  

Similarly, Tenant Search is introduced wherever it is applicable. 

Refer the following figure: 


This Tenant search feature is introduced throughout the application too wherever Tenant Search is applicable. 


The SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App has this improvement as well. For more information, refer to SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App User Guide.

  • Enhanced user experience while searching Tenants instead of scrolling down a long list. 

  • Search is case insensitive. 

  • Provision to clear and reset the Search, which resets the search quickly rather than deleting manually individual characters.

Link Common Master Currency Configurations to Problem Management.  


User Persona: Admin
In the Problem Management module under the Cost Tab, the Currency Field was hardcoded to display only two currencies USD & INR. This area needed to be taken care of by mapping the Common Master Currency to the field. As per the requirement, Dirham or AED needed to be present in the Currency dropdown present in the Cost tab of Problem Record. Hence this feature is being added where the user can Configure and map different types of currencies from the Common Master Configurations.  

For more information, see Common Master Currency Configuration for Problem Management.
  • Providing users with the flexibility to add different Currencies.

  • Enhanced options for the user to view and manage Currencies.  

Mail Parser Troubleshooting. 


User Persona: Admin

A new addition to the Notification Parser list page action panel is the Troubleshooting icon. This Troubleshooting option will help the Admin view the data related to the mails that were parsed such as which mailbox was used for the incoming mails, what all rules got applied, and which rule was considered for parsing the mail.  All these details are displayed in this new option. These details can also be extracted to an excel for future reference. 

For More information, refer Mail Parser Troubleshooting in Configuring Notification Parser.
    • Enhanced Troubleshooting Options.  

    • Ability to view Mail Logs in Grid View. 

    • Enhanced Filtering in Mail Logs.  

    • Ability to View & Expand Rule Details. 

Configure Incident Rules based on Customer 


User Persona: Admin 

We have Introduced Customer based rules, where the rules feature is enhanced, so that the rules can be defined specific to the customers configuring them. 

For Instance, if a User is mapped to a specific Customer A and wants to create a Rule to modify an Incident which is mapped to that same Customer A, in that case only those rules which are mapped to customer A should be visible to the User. 

For More information, see Configuring Incident Rules Based on Customer.

    • Ability to configure Incident rules based on Customer.
    • Category mapping based on selected Customers.
    • Flexibility to configure rules based on Customers.  

Providing a Curated List of Search Results 


User Persona: Admin/End User/Analyst 

The Search functionality has been refined to display a curated list of Rules. This newly defined Rule filtering logic is refined to display the most relevant rules based on the matching keywords.  The Rule is created by the admin to help the analyst in troubleshooting an incident. 

An end user, while creating an incident, can choose whether to select a Rule or not select a Rule.  

  • If the end user selects a Rule, all the suggestions recorded for the Rule will be added to the troubleshooting tab. 

  • If a Rule is not selected, then the troubleshooting suggestions will appear to be blank. 

For more information, see Providing a Curated List of Search Results.

    • Arrange relevant suggestions in descending order of no. of keywords matched.  

    • Capability to view relevant suggestions while searching for Templates through a curated list.  

    • Provision to view similar open Incidents in suggestions for troubleshooting an incident. 

New Get CR Master API is introduced in Change Management module and enhanced Change Record List API

User Persona: Admin

We have introduced following new API and enhanced filter criteria in Change Record List:

  • In the Get CR Master API you can retrieve the Change Category, Classification, and Impact list for All Tenants or Specific Tenants based on the requirement. For more information, refer to Get CR Master API.

  • In the Change Record List API, you can filter the records based on the Change Category, Classification, and Impact. For more information, refer to Change Record List.
    • Enhanced Filtration to view customized results.

    • Better Visibility.

A new Incident Template Matrix is introduced in Incident Management module.

User Persona: Admin

In this Incident Template Matrix API, you can retrieve template matrix details. For more information, refer to Get Incident Template Matrix.
  • Ability to Provide Flexibility.

  • Give accurate statistics on incident templates.

We have enhanced the following APIs:

  • CM_GetCR_Details
  • CM_GetChangeRecordList

User Persona: Admin

In these APIs we have enhanced to hide/ remove the categories which are not mapped to the customer and retrieve categories which are not mapped to the customers.

For more information, refer to Change Record List and Get Change Record Details.

  • Ease to customize for better visibility.

  • Provides Comprehensive list.

We have introduced two new APIs in the Asset Management module:

  • AM_GetReconciliationAssetList
  • AM_SaveUserReconciliationDetails

User Persona: Admin

We have introduced two new APIs in the Asset Management module to retrieve and update the asset reconciliation list. For more information, refer to Retrieve Asset Reconciliation List and Update Asset Reconciliation Details.
  • Enhanced user experience

  • Better Visibility

In the Service Request module, following APIs are newly introduced:

  • SR_GetApprovarCatalogDetails_Workflow
  • SR_GetUserPendingApprovals
  • SR_GetSelectedCatalogDetail
  • ADM_IsCredentialValid
  • ADM_ValidateOTP
  • ADM_GenerateOTP

We have introduced newly APIs to restrict unauthorized access of the SRs while creating or approving. For more information the APIs, refer to the following links:

  1. Retrieve SR Approver Catalog Details
  2. Retrieve Caller Pending Requests for Approvals
  3. Retrieve Selected Service Catalog Details
  4. Re-authenticate Credentials, Validate OTP
  5. Generate OTP
  • Restrict Unauthorized access to the SRs.

  • Quick authentication.


The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Platform:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

Digital Agent 2.0 Compatibility 

User Persona:


The following two new fields are added on Application Settings page to make the application compatible with Digital Agent 2.0.

  • Token Expiry Limit (in mins)
  • Assistant Version

You can enable CINDE functionality version wise (1.0 or 2.0). To make the Digital Agent live in action, it should be enabled first using Summit application.

For more information, refer Enabling Digital Agent with Summit application and Configuring Application Settings.

  • Flexibility to work with two different versions.

  • Enhanced customer experience.

New API introduced for: Incident Rules based on Customer. 

User Persona: End User 

This feature enhances the rules feature so it can be defined to specific customers.  A new option to select customers is introduced in the rule’s configuration. 

For this enhancement new API is introduced, refer Incident Rules Based on Customer 


The SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App has this improvement as well. For more information, refer to SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App User Guide.

  • Rules are now specific to Customers; this ensures filtered search and restrictions. 

New API introduced to Restrict user from selecting self as an Approver. 

User Persona: End User

This feature has been introduced to overcome the scenario where the End User (who is not mapped to any
Reporting Manager or is inactive) is able to select themselves as Approvers. The selection of self as Approvers is removed not only
at Reporting Manager level but also in Head of Customer (HOD), Custom Dynamic Table, and Technician Selectable.  

New checkbox is introduced in Admin Tenant level configuration of Service Request.  

For this enhancement new API is introduced. For more information, refer Selecting Self as Approver API. 

  • Audit and security issues are avoided as the End users cannot select themselves as Approvers.  

  • Appropriate End User validation message ensures the reason why End users cannot select themselves as Approver. 

Form Designer - Dropdown Relationships 

User Persona: Admin 

This feature helps you in adding a Single Value dropdown as Parent to a Multi value Dropdown and Multi value dropdown as Parent to a Multi value Dropdown.  

For more information, refer the section Dropdown Mapping in Configuring Custom Fields for Change Management.

Modifications and enhancements are made to the API requests to accommodate these changes. 

For more information, refer Get Master Data.

and Modifications in Change Record API.

  • Adding Single value Dropdown as Parent to a Multi Value Dropdown.  

  • Adding Multi Value Dropdown as Parent to Multi Value Dropdown. 

  • Mapping Parent Child Relationships.  

View Other Callers Service Requests (SRs) 


User Persona: Admin and End User 

Capability to view, edit, filter, and delegate a Service Request raised by other users who belong to different Customers and/or Locations. You will be able to configure user properties where you can avail of the option for viewing and editing other users’ Service Requests. 

For more information, see Viewing Other Callers Service Requests.

The SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App has this improvement as well. For more information, refer to SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App User Guide.

For this enhancement API modifications are done. For more information, see Retrieve My Incidents.
Refer Retrieve My Service Requests.

Refer Save feedbacks on other User's Incidents.

Refer SR Escalation.
Few modifications done in IM_LogorUpdateIncident.

 View - Information on Incidents

 View - Close status
 View - Cancel status
 View - Reopen status
  • Ability to View and Edit Service Requests raised by other End Users. 

  • Enhanced Filtering to view Other Users’ Service Requests. 

  • Ability to Edit & Delegate rights to View Other Users’ Service Requests. 

  • Better visibility on Service Requests. 
SR Re-Authentication

User Persona: Admin and End User

A new feature ‘Re-Authentication’ is introduced at the Catalog level for the Service Request module.
On configuring the Reauthentication in Application Setting and Catalog level based on the configuration a user must re-enter the credentials before Logging an SR or Approving an SR to confirm the authentication.

For more information, see Creating Service Catalog, Configuring Re-Authentication.


This Re-Authentication feature is implemented in Summit Mobile App. For more information, refer to SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App User Guide.

  • Restrict unauthorized access.

  • Additional layer to safeguard authorization.

Asset Reconciliation in Summit Old Mobile App.

User Persona: Admin

Enables you to perform asset reconciliation that provision you to use all the allocated fixed assets and keep the Asset Inventory Data updated. Also, allows you to Accept or Reject the reconcile assets.

For more information, refer to SymphonyAI Summit Mobile App User Guide.

Ease to perform asset allocation.

IT Asset Management

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for IT Asset Management:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

Enhancements on New Discovery Page.

User Persona: 

IT Asset Manager 

New discovered asset detail columns such as Date of Discovery, Source of Discovery, Location (Store and Floor location), and a Select All checkbox is introduced on the New Discovery List page.

The New Discovery Details page now includes a Preview option for viewing the collection of discovered assets chosen for the Import activity. 

For more information, refer to Viewing New Discovery, and Configuring Location and Store.

  • Aids in more accurate asset identification. 

  • The discovered asset records can be easily verified.

  • The Select All option will enable selecting all records, in turn assisting in the bulk import of assets.

  • The Preview option provides precise visibility of assets to the IT Asset Manager.

Field Order Configuration for My Asset List Page. 

User Persona: 

IT Asset Manager 

Field Order Configuration enables the IT Asset Manager to arrange the columns dynamically on Asset Inventory and My Asset List page based on the requirement.   

  • As part of this feature, the functionality of Add New option is updated from overwriting to new form creation. 
  • Add More Attributes option is introduced for the My Asset List page to enable the addition of multiple attributes which are unavailable on the List page. 

 For more information, refer to Configuring Field Display Order, and My Assets.

  • Provides provision to configure the columns for My Asset List page and Asset Inventory. 
  • Multiple feature additions and enhancements like Add More Attributes and Add New provides flexibility to configure the columns as per the requirement. 
  • Provides a consolidated view of asset details. 

Enhancement of Asset Movement Gate Pass. 

User Persona: 

IT Asset Manager/ Approver 

Address Details are captured on the Location, Store, and Floor configuration pages.  Dispatch From and To Addresses can be viewed on the Store Movement page. 

For more information, refer to Configuring Location and Store, Moving Assets from One Store to Another, Approving Asset Movements.

  • Precise address details provide an advantage of proper visibility and clarity for asset movement. 

  • The complete address is captured and printed on the gate pass along with the source store address and the destination store address. 

Asset Movement between Categories by using the Update Category option. 

User Persona: 

IT Asset/Store Manager 

The Update Category option is introduced on the Asset List page which enhances the update functionality and enables updating the category of records. 


For more information, refer to Asset Movement Between Categories, and Configure Category Mapping.

  • Provides flexibility to update the asset category, to fix incorrect data upload. 
  • Saves time and effort as the categories can be updated within the UI, instead of starting the process from the beginning. 
  • Multiple records (from various statuses and categories) can be updated at once. 

OS Language Mapping in Key Field Mapping 

User Persona: 


The feature involves the discovery of OS Language and its mapping with a custom field in the Key Field Mapping.  
The details are captured in Asset Details under the Hardware Discovery tab. 

For more information, refer to Configuring Key Field Mapping.

  • Provides provision to analyse details on different user machines and the languages being used. 
  • Helps the Administrator to do changes in their policy based on the organizational requirements. 

Option for Multiple Attachments 

User Persona:

IT Asset Manager/ End User

Attach multiple files from Attachment field at once. The details of the multiple files are displayed in a grid format with the details such as File Name, Attachment Date and Time.


For custom attachment controls, a user can define the attachment limit in the Form Builder page.

Refer to Configuring Asset Category using Form Builder page for more information.

For standard attachment controls multiple attachment limit is enabled.

For more information, refer to Contract or Agreement Details, Configuring Asset Category using Form Builder.

View- Viewing Asset Details, Consumable, Accessories.

Add- Adding Fixed Assets, Consumables, Accessories, Software.

Update- Updating Asset Details, Consumables, Accessories, Software.

Allocate/Reallocate- Allocating Fixed Assets, Reallocating Fixed Assets.

Deallocate/Deactivate- Deallocating and Deactivating Fixed Assets, Deactivating Fixed Assets.

  • Boosts productivity and captures all the relevant details in one go.

  • Reduces manual efforts.

Capturing Warranty and End of Life Information of assets. 


User Persona: 

Admin/IT Asset Manager

This feature enables integrating with vendor portal and helps in extracting the required asset inputs from the vendor portal. 

This feature enables an Asset Administrator to: 

  • Configure the setup for various vendors. 
  • Connect with the vendor portal through API and extract the information which is visible to the public. 
  • Map the extracted data to the standard fields offered by Summit AI and then map the same to the custom field created for various categories. 

For more information, refer Configuring Vendor Portal

NOTE: This feature is implemented only for FIXED ASSETS in this phase of release. 

  • Captures inputs directly from the vendor which helps in the category creation process for Asset Management. 
  • Establish a connection with the vendor for smooth operation. 

Business Rule Designer for IT Asset Management. (Beta Release)

User Persona: 


Using Business Rule Designer, an Administrator can define a business rule in three steps. 
Trigger - Lets you to define when (After or Async) the business rules should execute (Trigger Type: Create or Update). 

Condition - Lets you to define criteria to apply the action. 

Action - Lets you to define what should happen if the trigger – matches the set of conditions defined. The actions can be:   

  1. Update specific fields of the record
  2. Notify set of audience
  3. Use API to create or update record


This feature will be released shortly as part of Beta Release.

  • Few examples specific To asset, you can call out as Benefits. Such as:  
  • Sending email notification, if asset is not returned OR Auto importing assets from Discovery page. 
  • Do it yourself using the Front-end. 
  • Enables automation of actions by defining conditions and specifying actions to trigger when the condition is met. 
  • Faster time to market. 
  • Eliminates all Operational activities. 
  • Reduces Feature requests. 
  • No need to develop point solutions 

Event Management Engine

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Event Management Engine:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

Event Console Report is newly introduced which provides a summarized view of events(alerts) created by 3rd party monitoring tools.  


User Persona: Analyst and End User

Event correlation receives alerts and events from various monitoring tools. Based on User defined rules alert creation, creating Incidents in respective Workgroups is performed. 


For more information, refer Event Console.

  • IT event noise is reduced because of Rule based event correlation engine. 

  • Provides a detailed view of events created, processed and action taken with date and time. 

  • Event de-duplication with event suppression.

  • Event suppression with Parent and child relationships.

  • Event suppression for flood of events. 

Agentless Discovery

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Agentless Discovery:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

Discovery Job Enable & Disable  

User Persona: Admin/Analyst

You can now enable the inactive and disable the active job associated with discovery. It helps to view the list of active and inactive Discovery jobs.

For more information, refer to Discovery Job Enable & Disable.

  • Helps the user to pause the discovery scan for all discovery related jobs.

  • Track the discovery details and the threats associated with potential security domains.

Discovery Job Cloning 

User Persona: Admin/Analyst 

Capability to clone the attributes of an existing job. The cloning feature takes all the data from the existing job and binds it to the cloned job.

For more information, refer to Discovery Job Cloning.

  • Helps in saving time for creating multiple jobs.
  • Improves the effectiveness of discovery activity.  

Discovery Proxy Multi-Select 

User Persona: Admin/Analyst

Provision to select Multi Proxy on the search box filter and obtain Discovery report at the same time.

For more information, refer to Discovery Proxy Multi-Select. 

  • Displays the Discovery job from the multiple Proxy at the same time.
  • Increases the visibility and effectiveness of job record page. 

Discovery Ping Protocol 

User Persona: Admin/Analyst 

NONE option added under Ping Protocol skips the advanced discovery such as WMI, SNMP and starts directly with basic discovery process. 

For more information, refer to Discovery Ping Protocol.

  • Disables the Ping option for discovery of devices in a secured environment.

Discovery Pre-requisites Check

User Persona: Admin/Analyst 

Enables the Analyst to do a Pre-requisite Check for a specific job. The feature captures the system name and IP address of the devices and generates success or failure reports for configured jobs.

For more information, refer to Discovery Pre-requisite Check.

  • Enhances the rate of basic Discovery scan activity.  

  • Helps to understand system availability in the IT environment.  

  • Refines Discovery job based on success or failure reports.

  • Aids to troubleshoot the errors before building or configuring the Discovery job.

Nmap Discovery Report 

User Persona: Admin/Analyst 

Analyst can filter the Nmap report based on IP address, Device type, OS Family, Host Name, OS caption, Vendor, Discovery date and export the Nmap Discovery records to Excel sheet.

For more information, refer to Nmap Discovery report.

  • Identifies active hosts and IP addresses in the network.

  • Generates the Discovery report of active assets in an IT landscape. 

Discovery Report Generation

User Persona: Admin/Analyst

The following UI capabilities are added under Discovery report:

  • Free text job search field in the Discovery List page. 

  • Pagination option on the Discovery List page, to provide better navigation if the number of records per page increases.

  • Refresh button in the Discovery List Page, so that analyst can refresh all the jobs and check their status.

  • Disable Discovery list page action for the jobs which are running, so that analyst cannot modify the existing jobs details.

    For more information, refer to Generating Discovery Report.
  • Enhances search ability of Discovery jobs using the new search field.

  • Customizes the number of Discovery records per page.

  • Easily identify jobs based on last or next run from the Discovery list page.


CMDB CI Multi-Valued Custom Attributes DN

Purpose: This process will populate data into multi-valued dynamic tables of CMDB CI custom attribute.

Dynamic custom attribute table naming convention would be as follows:

CMDB_RPT_DN_<Tenant Name>_<Classification Name>_Multi_Valued

Note: Bold italic highlighted areas are dynamic.

Example: CMDB_RPT_DN_Info_Laptop_Multi_Valued

Steps for Custom Deployment

Recommended Display Options 

The optimal settings for Scale and Layout to view the Summit application are as follows:

  • 100% scaling is recommended for (1360*768 to 1680*1050) display resolution.
  • 125% scaling is recommended for 1920*1080 display resolution.