Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Tahoe SP5 HF01

Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Tahoe SP5 HF01

On this page: Customer Fixed Issues | Known Issues 

Merged Releases

Customer Fixed Issues 

This section provides details about the fixed customer issues in following modules.

Service Management 

Issue IDIssue DescriptionScenarioResolution
120099In IM module tenant configurations, the Analyst section was not showing any data to configure.


  1. Log in as Admin.

  2. Click Admin > Tenant > click desired Tenant.
    Tenant details are displayed.

  3. Click Configure Details.

  4. Select Incident Management (or Service Request Module).

In IM and SR modules tenant configurations, the Analyst section is showing data to configure successfully.

120994The status of the ticket was not getting updated to In progress status for the SR which is having default analyst in the catalog configuration.


  1. Navigate to Admin > Form Select the required Tenant and Module as Service Catalog Management. Create a new catalog. Specify the required details under Form Details, Form Builder, Preview tabs. Under Additional Info tab enable the Enable Default Analyst. Map the required Analyst under Default Analyst.

  2. Publish the above configured catalog.

  3. Raise the SR using the above published catalog. Observe the status of the SR.

The status of the ticket is getting updated to In progress status for the SR which is having default analyst in the catalog configuration.

121810The service name of the underpinning contract was not getting displayed in the drop-down list when selected any location under Vendor Information tab.


The UNDERPINNING CONTRACT AGREEMENT should be created for vendor for ALL Location. (SLA > User > Underpinning Contract)


  1. Navigate to Incident > Incident List. The Incident List page is displayed.

  2. Open an incident. The Incident Details page is displayed. Navigate to Vendor Information tab and select the vendor.

  3. Select any specific location from the Location.

  4. Select the service name from the Service Name dropdown.

The service name of the underpinning contract is getting displayed in the drop-down list when selected any location under Vendor Information tab.

124436 When the user was opening PR and clicking Submit without performing actions, the page was getting refreshed and triggering mail to Requestor, Assigned Analyst and Workgroup members. 


  1. Select Problem > New Problem Record
  2. On the NEW PROBLEM RECORD page, type in the mandatory details and click SUBMIT. A new Problem Record is created. 
  3. Click SHOW LIST, open the PR created in previous step. 
  4. Without editing any data, just click on submit button. Mail is getting triggered to Requestor, Assigned Analyst and Workgroup members. 

No mail triggers when the user clicks Submit without modifying any data in PR and whenever status of PR changes, mail triggers to respective users.

124713The Service Request Number was not visible on the Catalog details page when the user printed the page using the print icon option on the Catalog details.


  1. Navigate to Request > User > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.

  2. Click SR ID.

  3. On the Actions Panel of the Service Request Detail page click CATALOG DETAIL

  4. Click Print Icon.

  5. Validate the SR Number on the Print Page.
The Service Request is visible on the Catalog details page when the user prints the page using the print icon option.
124439Workgroup was not editable post approval of Problem Record.


  1. Navigate to Problem > Problem Record List. 
  2. Open a resolved Problem Record. 
  3. After the details page load, scroll down to Re-open. 
  4. Click the checkbox next to Re-open and type-in the Re-open reason. 
  5. Scroll up the page, ‘Assigned Workgroup’ field is non-editable. 
  6. Click Submit.
Workgroup is editable when user Re-opens the Problem Record.

Issue 1: 

The feedback icon missing on the My SR Page for Resolved and Closed SRs.  

Issue 2: 

The end user gets an email notification to provide feedback along with a feedback link on the Closed SR status. Upon clicking on the SR ID  on the email, end user unable to provide Feedback.


  1. Create a Catalog by selecting the checkbox for Resolve Service Request and Do Not Overwrite Values on the ADDITIONAL INFO tab of the form builder. 
  2. Configure Work Order-Catalog mapping. Configure Feedback configuration. Log an SR. 
  3. Resolve the WORK order attached in SR, then As a Requestor navigate to My SR Page. 
  4. Open the SR.  


  1. Navigate to Request > User > My Service Request. 
  2. Click on SR ID with Closed / Resolved status. 
  3. Validate the Feedback option on the Actions Panel. 

A feedback option is available to the end users of the tool. The end user can provide feedback from the link provided on the email notification as well. 

Customer was unable to click the Next button during the raising of a Service Request (SR).


  • Configure a Catalog with number attribute.

  • Log in to the SymphonyAI Summit application.


  1. Navigate to Request > New Service Request.

  2. Select the configured Catalog.

  3. Copy paste text into the number field.

  4. Click Next button.
The Number attribute accepts only numeric values.

In the Change Management module, a Change Record Status Change to Requested notification was triggered on clicking the Submit button without changing anything in the Change Record. 


  1. Log in to the SymphonyAI Summit application.

  2. Navigate to Change > User > New Change Record.

  3. Enter the required details and click Submit.

  4. Navigate to Change > User > Change Record List.

  5. Click the newly created CR NO hyperlink.

  6. Click Submit without modifying anything.

Notifications are not triggered on clicking the Submit button without changing anything in the Change Record.


The notifications are triggered on modifying the following fields:

  • Status
  • Assigned Workgroup
  • Assigned Engineer
  • Priority

IVR changed to be implemented for New Incident for User  


  1. Navigate to Admin > Infrastructure > Application Settings. 

  2. Select the Incident module under the Modules dropdown.  

  3. Enable the option “Enable IVR Mode on Log Incident, New Incident for User and New Service Request for User”.

IVR changes are implemented on the New Incident for User page. It accepts the phone number and UCID to find the Caller's name.  

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