Configuring Closure Code in Incident Management

Configuring Closure Code in Incident Management

Closure Code configuration in Global Tenant

An option to add a Global Tenant to the Closure Code Master Configuration to allow the creation of Configurations in Global Tenant is newly added. A Global Tenant is a Tenant, which is configured and available to the Local Tenants (referred to as Tenants) as a default configuration. All the Local Tenants under the Global Tenant inherit the configurations made for the Global Tenant. The Global Tenant configurations cannot be modified from the Tenant configuration pages. For more information, see Global Tenancy Overview

The Closure Code is the status code used by the Analysts while resolving an Incident. You need to add these Closure Codes based on the organizational needs. The Closure Codes defined by you are available to the Analysts while resolving Incidents. For example, Temporary Solution Provided, Out of Scope, Waiting for User Response, Incomplete Information, Waiting for Approval Confirmation, Successful, and so on. You can add and modify Closure Codes for a Tenant. To know more about Closure Codes, see Configuring Closure Codes.

You can perform the following functions in Closure Code Configuration in Global Tenant:

Configure Closure Code for Global Tenant 

To add a Closure code in the Global Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Incident Masters > Closure Code.

The Closure Code List page is displayed.

Figure: Closure Code List Page.

2. Select the Tenant as GLOBAL TENANT > In the ACTIONS Panel, click ADD

The Closure Code Details page is displayed.

3. Enter the Details and click Some of the fields are explained in the following table.





Closure Code Name*

Enter the Closure Code Name.


Select this check box to display the Closure Code value as the default Closure Code value on the other pages of the application. 


If you select the Active check box, the Closure Code becomes an available option on the other pages of the application.

Viewing Configurations 

To view a configured Global value inherited to the Global Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Incident Masters > Closure Code.
  2. Select Tenant Global Tenant > In the ACTIONS Panel, click SHOW LIST.

The Closure Code List Page is displayed in Global Tenant.

3. Click the ID of the Closure Code Name to view the Details. 

Figure: Closure Code Details in Global Tenant. 


Since this is in Global Tenant, all the values should be configurable.

To view a configured Global value inherited to the Local Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Incident Masters > Closure Code.
  2. Select a Local Tenant > In the ACTIONS Panel, click SHOW LIST.

    The Configured Closure Code will be represented by a Globe Icon next to It.

    Figure: Global Icon next to Configured Closure Code.

In the List page, you can view the value configured at the Global tenant being inherited to the Local tenant.


  • As this is a Global Tenant configuration only few fields are editable. The changes made to the editable fields on this page are saved only for the selected Tenant. If any changes are made to the editable fields at the Global Tenant level, the changes made on this page are not overwritten.
  • All the configurations in the Global tenant are inherited to the Local tenant.
  • The ID of the Local value will not be same as the Global value. In the backend a copy of the copy value will be created for every Local tenant. These values will carry a reference to the Global value.

Editing configured Global value in Global Tenant 

To Activate/Deactivate a Global value, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Incident Masters > Closure Code.
    The Resolution Code List page is displayed.
  2. Select the Tenant as GLOBAL TENANT.
  3. Click the ID of the Closure Code to be Activated/Deactivated.
  4. Clear the Active checkbox to Deactivate the value (or) Select the Active checkbox to Activate the value.

    Figure: Activate/Deactivate Closure Code

  5. Click SUBMIT.


You cannot deactivate a Global value configuration if there are any open records using the same configuration. Upon clicking Submit, system will display validation message as “This value is being used in open transaction here. Modify them to deactivate the value. “

To edit Closure Code Name properties in Global Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Incident Masters > Closure Code.
    The Resolution Code List page is displayed.

  2. Select the Tenant as GLOBAL TENANT.
    Click the ID of the Closure Code.

    Figure: Edit Closure Code Details.

  3. Edit properties of the selected Closure Code > Click SUBMIT.
  4. Once the changes are saved, click SHOW LIST to see the edited value.

To view whether the changes have inherited to Local tenant, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Incident Masters > Closure Code.
  2. Select any Local Tenant.

    The Closure Code List is displayed, where you can find the edited Global configuration value.

    Figure: Edited Global value changes in Local Tenant.

The Delink option is provided in the Actions panel when there is a Global value configuration in details page of a Local tenant. You can Delink a Global value configuration in Local Tenant to make changes to any properties that were earlier restricted as they were a Global value configuration.

To Delink a Global Closure code value, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Incident Masters > Closure Code.
  2. Select the desired Local Tenant. The Closure Code List page is displayed.
  3. Click on the ID of the Closure Code value to be Delinked.

    Figure: Delinking Closure Code value

  4. In the ACTIONS Panel, Click the De-link option. 

    The Details will become configurable. 

    Figure: Delinking Closure Code Properties.


    All the properties of the configuration will be configurable upon clicking the De-link option and you will get a prompt, “By delinking the values, Global value will be converted to Local, post clicking on the Submit button.”

    5. Click
    SUBMIT and then click OK to Save the details.

After the details have been saved, click SHOW LIST to view the Delinked Configuration.

  • The Delinked Configuration will be replaced by a De-link Icon to signify that the configuration has been converted to Local value.

  • When you hover onto the De-link icon you can view the tooltip as ‘Global value converted to Local value.’

  • A Global value once Delinked cannot be Re-linked.


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