SummitAI Tahoe SP1 HF01 Release Notes

SummitAI Tahoe SP1 HF01 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?


The following links provide Module-wise summary of key features introduced in Tahoe SP1 HF01 Release.


  • Enhanced Discovery License functionality provision to discover the devices based on the licenses.
  • The Deallocated Licenses function is enhanced to remove the discovered devices that are unwanted, or the devices are no longer required.
  • Introduced OTP Medium functionality in Multi-Factor Authentication Configuration.

Service Management

Database Schema DN Tables

The following new DN tables are added for Service Management in SummitAI Service Management Database Schema Definition Guide.

  • DN table is now developed to capture the Incident Work Order parameters such as WO Creation ID, Auto WO Config Name, Category ID – This can be used to build Reports that would help provide visibility on how the Incident Work Order Checklists are updated by the Analysts for Incident Management module. (IM_WO_RPT_DN_Change_Checklist_History)

  • DN table is now developed to capture the custom attributes multivalued record details such as Ticket ID, Updated Time, Row ID – This can be used to build Reports that would help provide visibility on how the multivalued custom attributes are updated by the Analysts for Incident Management module. (IM_RPT_DN_<Tenant Code>_<Group Name>_Multi_Valued.

  • DN table is now developed to capture the SR Work Order parameters such as WO Creation ID, Auto WO Config Name, Category ID – This can be used to build Reports that would help provide visibility on how SR Work Order Checklists are updated by the Analysts for Service Request module. (SR_WO_RPT_DN_Change_Checklist_History)

New Features


Feature Name 

Feature Description 

Feature Benefit 

Deallocated Licenses

The Deallocated Licenses enable you can remove the discovered devices that are unwanted, or the devices are no longer required.

To deallocate the discovered devices:

  1. Log in the application
  2. Navigate to Admin > Discovery & Monitoring > Deallocated Licenses.
  3. Click Filters to specify criteria to view a set of discovered device records.
  4. Select the required details and click SUBMIT.
    The list of discovered devices appears.

Figure : Deallocated License

5. Select the check box corresponding to the Discovered Devices and click SUMBIT.

6. Click OK to confirm the request for removing of discovered device.

A confirmation message ‘The selected Discovered Device(s) data is removed successfully’ appears.

Export Deallocated Licenses

The Export Deallocated Licenses function enable you download the complete list of deallocated licenses in spreadsheet.

Using deallocated licenses user could remove unwanted devices to add addition ones.
Discovery License 

Enhanced Discovery License functionality provision to discover the devices based on the licenses, the licenses can be of type Open or Closed. If you have enrolled to 100 licenses, then the discovery should be performed within that license. It enables you to configure a license to notify the user during certain use cases, such as expiry, tempered, or number of licenses consumed.

For Example

If the license (for close type licenses) is configured to the 100 counts. When the count of the licenses reached to 90 count a notification is triggered about the expiry to the configured user.

The following validation messages are enhanced to notify users to find status of the discovery licenses.

  • The status of Discovery License in Summit application.

  • The number discovery licenses count are consumed and pending for expiry.

  • The number of discovery licenses that are tempered.

  • The number of Discovery License that are overused.

Track the devices based on the licenses.

One Time Password (OTP) Medium

With hackers lurking around, it is of utmost importance to add additional layers of security that prevent compromising on data theft and ensure data privacy. A One Time Password (OTP) provides an additional layer of security in addition to the username and password.

The OTP Medium authentication includes entering the One Time Password (OTP) with a numeric verification code sent to the user’s registered email address, configured mobile number, or sent to both the mediums (email id and mobile number). 

Figure: OTP Authentication

OTP Medium Configuration

Figure: MFA Configuration using OTP

Select an appropriate option to enable the OTP Medium configuration to send the verification code. The values in the OTP medium field as described in the following table:

AllTo send OTP verification code to both user’s registered e-mail address and configured mobile number.

To send the verification code to user’s registered e-mail address.


To send the verification code to user’s configured mobile number.

Note: If the mobile number is not configured for user, then OTP is triggered to the E-mail Id, by default.

The OTP can be shared by SMS, E-mail, or both.


Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionImprovement Benefits
Tracking Incident Configuration 

In New Tracking Incident Configuration page of Offboarding User Policy List functionality, a new Rule Name field is added to provision a rule for tracking new incidents and to auto-close the tracking incident by executing the Inactive User Notification schedule job if all the associated dependencies are closed or assigned to a different analyst from offboarding user account.

Figure: New Tracking Incident Configuration

The rule options appear based on the rule configuration for more information, see Configuration Rules.

Auto-resolve the tracking incident.

License Usage

In Enterprise edition, the Discovery Management module is enhanced where an admin can configure number of devices based on the Licensing configuration. In License Usage page, you can view the count of devices that are purchased, consumed, and Available.

Navigate to Admin > Advanced > License > License Usage, select Feature from Discovery Management module type.

Note: Other module must be selected while configuring Discovery Management module in older versions from Tahoe_SP1_HF01 onwards, you can select Discovery Management module also without selecting any other module.

Incident Management

Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionImprovement Benefits
Introduced API in IMEnhanced the 'GetAutoFillItems' API in Incident Management (IM) module to support retrieving autofill controls. It is supported through API at Service Request category and provision to custom attribute in IM template.Enable to retrieving autofill controls.

Mobile Application 

Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionImprovement Benefits
Introducing Asset Tag for Search AssetAsset Search capability for Mobile App is enhanced, by providing ability to Search Assets using newly added Asset Tag list option.Assets can be searched by scanning the Asset tag.


Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionImprovement Benefits

Addition of support for Autofill control at incident level.

Target Persona: End user

  • Autofill control is enabled in the Log Incident page.
  • When you select a rule in Cinde and if the Autofill control is enabled for the same rule, then Cinde prompts you to enter the Autofill field.

For more information, see Autofill Control.

  • Enables automatic search and suggestion options based on specified keyword.
  • Specifically useful when too many records are present in drop-down lists (such as, Common Master, Customer Master, etc.).
  • Optimizes Application performance.


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