Improved Change Management Module
Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Denali SP3, Change Management)
What's New?
Following are the new functionalities added to the Change Management module:
Monitoring Change Requests Pending for Post Implementation Review
Now, by clicking APPROVALS on the Quick Action Bar, the users configured as PIR Reviewer can view the Change Requests (CRs) pending for Post Implementation Review (PIR) under the CHANGE RECORDS PENDING FOR PIR REVIEW section.
Improved Process for Approvals via E-mails
Now, the Administrators can configure whether the mandatory fields need to be filled by the approver (each level) or not while approving a Change Request via e-mail.
Exporting Change Request Details in PDF
Now, the Analysts can export Change Request details into a PDF.
Introduced Export to Excel Option
Now, the Analysts can export Change Request details to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.
Capturing Referred Back CR Resubmission Timestamp in Change History
Now, on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up, CR resubmission date and time are getting captured when the initiator resubmits the referred back Change Request. It helps the analyst to view the complete details of a change record in the change history.
Enable Auto Cancellation for Referred back CRs Pending with Initiator
Now, the system auto cancels the Change Requests referred back to the Initiator and pending with Initiator without any action on it for a long time.
Now, the Analyst can view all the attachments added to a Change Request in one place.
Added New Approval Levels in Change Management Workflow
Added two new approval levels (Reporting Manager and Line Manager) in the Change Management workflow. The Administrator can configure new approval levels in the workflow.
Change Record Approver access for Change Manager
Now, the user configured as a Change Manager gets the CR approver access along with the existing privileges. Also, the Change Manager can approve the CRs on behalf of the workflow approvers based on configuration.
To allow the Change Manager to approver CRs on behalf of workflow approvers, the Administrator needs to select the Allow Change Manager to approve check box on the approval PROPERTIES pop-up.
Change Record Update access for Change Manager
Now, the Administrator can provide access to Change Manager to update Change Record for specific or all status. It is a tenant-based functionality. On the TENANT page, a new field, Allow Change Manager to update Change Record for specific status is added.
Using this functionality, the Administrator can remap the CRs pending with a particular Approver due to role change or relocation or department change to a new Approver.
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