Enhanced End User Dashboard Search

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Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Denali SP1)

What's New?

Now, the End Users have a new search experience on the Self Service Portal. End Users get the categorized search results based on the modules while searching the record details in the Search field. By default, the search records display under the All tab. 

The enhanced search feature works in such a way that the users can select the available Knowledge Base, Incident, or Request records while searching in the Search field. For more information, see Configuring Themes.

For example:

Consider the user selects the Knowledge Base tab, the records related to the Knowledge Base gets displayed as shown in the below screenshot:

End User Dashboard - Knowledge Base Search Results

Figure: End User Dashboard - Knowledge Base Search Results

UI Changes

The following new tabs are added on the End User Dashboard page for the Search field:

  • All
  • Knowledge Base
  • Incident
  • Request 

End User Dashboard - Search Field

Figure: End User Dashboard - Search Field


The existing Search icon is replaced with a new Search icon on the End User Dashboard page.


On the THEME CONFIGURATION page, enable the End User Dashboard Search (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Theme Configurations > Select the Show Log Issue/Request Search checkbox > Click SUBMIT). For more information, see Configuring Themes.