External Web Services Enhancement

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#23751, Denali, Incident and Service Request Management)

What's New?

External Web Service Mapping helps the Administrators to configure data flow from SummitAI to Client Web Services and vice versa. The configuration page for External Web Services is now organized and improved.

Now, using the improved configurations, the following configurations can be done:

  • Incident creation from SummitAI to Client Web Service

  • Incident creation from Client Web Service to SummitAI

  • Incident update from SummitAI to Client Web Service

  • Incident update from Client Web Service to SummitAI

  • Service Request creation from SummitAI to Client Web Service

  • Service Request creation from Client Web Service to SummitAI

  • Service Request update from SummitAI to Client Web Service

  • Service Request update from Client Web Service to SummitAI

  • Word Order creation from SummitAI to Client Web service

  • Word Order creation from Client Web Service to SummitAI

  • Word Order update from SummitAI to Client Web Service

  • Word Order update from Client Web Service to SummitAI

  • User Master creation from Client Web Service to SummitAI

  • User Master update from Client Web Service to SummitAI

UI Changes 

The EXTERNAL WEB SERVICE CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > External Web Service Configuration) is segregated into three different tabs, CONFIGURATION, SUCCESS, and FAILUREFor more information about the fields on the SUCCESS tab, see External Web Service Mapping.


The CONFIGURATION tab has the following sections:






Under this section, configuration details, such as Configuration Name, Configuration Description, etc., are specified.


Under this section, Web Service details for both the Source and the Target fields are specified.


Under this section, the attachment configurations for Incidents, Service Requests, and Work Orders are specified.


The ATTACHMENT DETAILS section is only available when the Include Attachment check box is selected under the CONFIGURATION DETAILS section.


Job details, such as Job schedule, Frequency, and universal time can be specified under this section. 

Figure: External Web Service Mapping - CONFIGURATION tab

For more information about the fields on the SUCCESS tab, see External Web Service Mapping.


The SUCCESS tab configuration is optional. You can configure the Success tab to capture information about the successful data flow of data from SummitAI to client web services and vice versa. If configured, the success details are recorded in the SummitAI or client database accordingly. 

Figure: External Web Service Mapping - SUCCESS tab

For more information about the fields on the SUCCESS tab, see External Web Service Mapping.


The Failure configuration is the system-created configuration when SummitAI is the target and few tickets (Incidents, Service Requests, and Work Orders) failed to process. All the failed tickets are picked up for re-processing based on the FAILURE tab configuration. Also, you can configure e-mail notification for failed tickets (Incidents, Service Requests, and Work Orders). For more information about the fields on the FAILURE tab, see External Web Service Mapping.

Figure: External Web Service Mapping - FAILURE Tab

Quick Help

A new Quick Help icon is added on the EXTERNAL WEB SERVICE CONFIGURATION page. Using the Quick Help icon, a user can search for a particular keyword in the search box. Upon searching for the desired keyword, the respective results are displayed on the related tab. 


The QUICK HELP pop-up page consists of four different tab namely Incident, Service Request, Work Order, Name, and User Master along with the search text box .


The ACTIONS panel is revised to include the new action items. A new action item, IMPORT CONFIGURATION, is added on the ACTIONS panel for the ADD NEW screen. Also, new action items, IN QUEUE, SYNCED RECORDS, RETRY, EXPORT CONFIGURATION, and COPY CONFIGURATION are added on the View Configuration screen. For more information on the new action items, see External Web Service Mapping.