Send Email on Problem Record Update

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Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Denali SP3)

What's New?

A new action item "Send Email" is added on the ACTIONS panel of the PROBLEM RECORD page. Now, the Analyst can send an update on a given problem record to workgroup members, assigned Analyst, End Users, and Requestor etc. using the Send Email functionality. For more information, see Sending E-mails.



The Send Email functionality is available to the Analyst only when the Problem Record status is Initial Authorization or later.

How it works?

To send e-mails:

  1. On the PROBLEM RECORD DETAIL page (Problem > User > Problem Record List > Click on Problem ID), click the SEND E-MAIL icon on the ACTIONS panel. The SEND MAIL pop-up is displayed.

    Figure: SEND EMAIL pop-up

  2. Mark the recipients, draft your mail, and then click SEND E-MAIL to send the e-mail.

Email Template

Following two new template are added in the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template > Select module as Problem Management).

  • When Problem Record Information is not included in the Email.

Figure: Send Email template without Problem Record information

  • When Problem Record Information is included in the Email.

Figure: Send Email template with Problem Record information