Manually Closing Incidents and SRs Overriding Auto-Closure Configurations
Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#23272, Incident Management and Service Request Management, Denali)
What's New?
The Analysts can now choose to manually close the Incidents and Service Requests, which are configured for auto-closure. This provides more options and flexibility to the Analysts to close the Incidents and Service Requests.
Two new check boxes, Enable Manual Incident Closure and Enable Manual Service Request Closure, are added on the CATEGORY and WORKGROUP pages for the Incident Management and Service Request Management modules. If these check boxes are selected, they override the Auto Closure configuration made on the TENANT page, see Configuring Tenant. The Analysts can manually close the Incidents and Service Requests irrespective of the Tenant level configuration.
The override occurs based on the following logic:
Incident Management Module
- If the Enable Manual Incident Closure check box is selected on the CATEGORY page (Incident > Configurations > Incident Masters > Category > Select the Tenant > Right-click any node to perform configurations, under DETAILS section), the Analysts can manually close the Incident irrespective of the Tenant level and Workgroup level configurations. The Category level configuration takes precedence. For more information, see Configuring Category.
Figure: CATEGORY DETAILS pop-up page
- If the Enable Manual Incident Closure check box is selected on the WORKGROUP page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Workgroup > Select the Tenant > Select the Workgroup Name from the list), the Analysts can manually close the Incident irrespective of the Tenant level configuration. For more information, see Configuring Workgroups.
Figure: WORKGROUP page
Service Request Management Module
- If the Enable Manual Service Request Closure check box is selected on the SERVICE CATEGORY page (Request> Configurations > Service Request Masters > Service Category > Select the Tenant), the Analysts can manually close the Service Requests irrespective of the Tenant level and Workgroup level configurations. The Category level configuration takes precedence. For more information, see Configuring Service Category.
- If the Enable Manual Service Request Closure check box is selected on the WORKGROUP page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Workgroup > Select the Tenant > Select the Workgroup Name from the list), the Analysts can manually close the Service Request irrespective of the Tenant level configuration. For more information, see Configuring Workgroups.
Figure: WORKGROUP page
- If the Incident/SR Closing Mode is selected as Manual on the TENANT page, the configurations on the CATEGORY and WORKGROUP pages are hidden for the Incident Management and Service Request Management modules, see Configuring Tenant.
To view the Enable Manual Incident Closure and Enable Manual Service Request Closure check boxes, the Service Management and Incident Management & Problem Management check boxes should be selected on the WORKGROUP page, see Configuring Workgroups.
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