Mobile App Enhancement

Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Tahoe HF01)

What's New?

The following functionalities are introduced in the Mobile Application to provide a seamless and consistent user experience between the Web App and Mobile App:

  1. A new section, Service Validity is introduced under the SR DETAILS tab of the following pages:
  • Log Request page
  • My Service Request page
  • Approver Service request page

Under the newly added Service Validity section, the From Date and To Date values of the Service is displayed.

  • From Date: It is current date.
  • To Date: It is the end date. The end date is equal to the sum of From Date and Default duration value. For more information, Creating Service Catalog (Additional Info)


    • User can edit the From Date and To Date based on the configuration done under the ADDITIONAL INFO tab on the FORM BUILDER page of the Service Catalog Management.
    • For the Referred back SRs, user can also edit the From Date and To date based on the requirements
    • By default, the Service Validity section is displayed under the SR DETAILS section. This section can be hidden if the “hideServiceValidity” key value in the database is set to “True”.

2. The Auto Populate option for the Service Catalog module is introduced in mobile application.  If configured, it auto-populates the User details for the selected Custom Fields. A new Auto Populate check box is available on the PROPERTIES panel for the following controls for Service Catalog Management Custom Attributes on the FORM BUILDER page:

  • Text Box
  • Text Area
  • Check Box
  • Drop Down
  • Date
  • Number
  • E-mail
  • User

The newly added Custom Attributes are displayed on the Service Catalog and Service Request pages (requesting Service from the Service Catalog).


The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

  • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to the requestor user details in the form.
  • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
  • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values.

3. Service Request Extend Validity functionality is now implemented in the Mobile Application. Using this, the validity of the services can be extended. By default, the validity of newly created Service Request is auto extended from the Validity expiry date of the parent SR. It is also extended based on default duration configured in the web application.

How it works?

The below illustration depicts the flow to extend the validity of Service Request.


  • The extended date details are displayed under the Service Validity section on the SR Details page.
  • The Analyst can view the new SR ID on the Catalog Details pop-up page.