Enhanced Change Record API
Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Tahoe SP3 HF01, Change Management)
What's New?
API Name: CM_LogOrUpdateCR
New requests are added to the CM_LogOrUpdateCR API.
The API Approver can now perform Objection or No Objection and add the objection Remarks in the Request.
Following are the two new requests added to the CM_LogOrUpdateCR API:
- Objection
- No Objection
Use the following
- ‘ApprovalStatus’ parameter to object or no object the CR in the Request.
- ‘ApprovalRemarks’ parameter to add the Remarks in the Request.
- ‘ApproverID’ parameter to add the Approver Id, who is current approver.
- ‘ApprovedBy’ parameter to add the Approver Id, who is the current approver.
In the ‘ApprovalType’ parameter, the value should be CAB for the Objection and No Objection requests.
Using the following Request, the Approver can Object the CR.
Confluence Cloud Migration Alert: Please refer to known issues you may encounter in Confluence Cloud: https://eitdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wDGwAQ