SummitAI Tahoe SP3 Release Notes
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On this page:
What's New?
The following info-graphics provides Module-wise summary of key features introduced in Tahoe SP3 Release.
Service Management
IT Asset Management
IT Operations Management
New Features and Improvements
The following sections, provide module-wise crisp summary of new features and improvements introduced in Tahoe SP3 Release.
Service Management
The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Service Management:
Auto Approve KBA and Granular Approval Levels
- Analyst can now configure Approval Type as Manual or Auto-Approve.
- Capability to move a KBA from Draft to Published and skip approve and publishing stages, if Auto Approval is configured.
- Provides flexibility to configure approval granularly for Category and Sub Category levels.
- Supports up to 2 levels of configuration which is Parent Category and 1 Sub category level.
For more information, refer Configuring Knowledge Record Approvers.
Service Validity Email notifications to Analysts
- Periodic mails are sent to Analysts now, earlier mails were sent to only End users.
- Analysts as well as Workgroup are notified about Service Validity expiry and extension requests.
- New arrow icon is introduced for Service Validity requests, this differentiates other SRs and Validity SRs.
For more information, refer Service Request Validity Emails to Analyst.
Knowledge Article Access to Analysts based on Workgroup
- Knowledge Articles are accessible to Analysts based on the Workgroup.
- Capability to publish the KR for selected Workgroup Analysts.
- E-mail notification on Knowledge Articles access is sent to the configured workgroup analysts.
For more information, refer Access Tab - Restricted to Analysts.
Image in Mail-to-Ticket (Service Request, Incident and Call Record)
- Provides flexibility to include Image in the mail body description.
- Provides an ability to view the complete mail-to-ticket description in new Description pop-up.
- Provides more clarity to understand and visualize the ticket problem.
For more information, refer Image in Mail-To-Ticket for SR, Image in Mail-To-Ticket for Incident and Image in Mail-To-Ticket for CR.
Table creation through Excel in Web Service Designer
- Flexibility for an Admin to create a Table using an Excel file in Web Service Designer.
- A new option ‘TABLE LIST’ is introduced under the ACTIONS panel of Web Service Designer.
- Admin can view the table along with the records or can edit the table, which now simplifies the custom table creation.
For more information, refer Creating Table via Excel in Web Services, TABLE LIST.
Post Resolution Approval introduced in Incident Management
- Additional approval checks implemented before an Incident move from Resolved to Closed state, by configuring post resolution audit process.
- A new status ‘Pending Approval’ is introduced, post resolving an incident
- Using this functionality, you can:
i. Configure the approval groups.
ii. Configure the status post resolution of the incident.
iii. Configure the approval workflow.
iv. Send e-mail notifications to the assigned set of approvers.
For more information, refer Configuring Approval, Configuring Approver Group, Viewing Approval Incident Records, Configuring Status, and Viewing and Updating Incident Details.
Additional Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Mechanism for a Knowledge Record Attachment
- Introduced MS Azure Blob Storage mechanism to upload and store the attachment while creating a Knowledge Record, in addition to classic local web server mechanism.
- Provision to upload even the larger attachments (more than 8MB) such as Training Videos, Project Reports etc.
For more information, refer Adding Knowledge Records.
Configure Category based on Customer for Incident Management Module
- Configure category based on the all customer or specific customer/s in addition to Location.
- Configure Workgroup Routing based on the customer in addition to Location.
For more information, refer Configuring Category.
Initiate Return of an asset or End of Service before expiry
- Provision to initiate the return of an asset or End of Service before the service validity expiry date using the Asset return icon (via web) or using the ASSET RETURN/SERVICE CLOSURE hyperlink (via e-mail).
- Better control over Service Validity Reminder notifications.
- Effective utilization of the assets.
For more information, refer Returning an Asset or End of Service.
Better control over E-Mail Notifications for a Change Record based on Status
- Trigger automated email-notifications to desired Requestor/Initiator or Workgroup/Analysts based on the status.
- Admin can now restrict the e-mail notifications which leads to better user experience.
For more information, refer Configuring Change Management Module.
Modification in PIR Reviewer Configuration
- Flexibility for an Admin to configure multiple PIR Reviewers.
- Two new options ‘Workgroup’ and ‘Change Category’ are introduced on PIR Reviewer.
For more information, refer Configuring PIR Reviewer.
Bulk Import of Services using Excel sheets
- Facility to add and update multiple services.
- With the help of Import and Update excel templates, the import of services is quicker.
For more information, refer Importing Services.
Approver Details in Change Record List
- Workflow details are configurable as a column in CR List page.
- Option to view Approver/Level details where a Change Record is stuck waiting for its approval.
- Helps an Analyst to fast-track the progress by easily identifying the blockers and addressing the delay.
For more information, refer Approver Details in Change Records.
E-Signatures in Service Request
- E-Signatures of approvers displayed in Service Request Details.
- E-Signatures are included in the exported PDF files.
For more information, refer Approving Service Requests, PDF Content Designer Configuration and Service Request Detail.
Differentiate Pending for Approval as Sub Status
Pending for approval status is differentiated into Sub Status such as Refer Back, On-hold, and Forwarded.
- Sub Status included as filter option as well as in List pages.
- Analyst gets an exact count of Pending for Approval records as per the Sub Status.
- Accurately identifies and calls out the reason behind Pending cases.
For more information, refer Pending Sub Status in Filter.
New APIs in Change Management
Following APIs are added in Change Management module.
- CM_GetApprovalStatusSummaryCount
- CM_GetChangeRecordList
- CM_GetCR_Details
- CM_LogOrUpdateCR
- CM_GetOverallBusinessOperationalRisk
- CM_GetPriorityMatrix
For more information, refer Change Management APIs.
Introducing New DN Tables
Introducing the new DN Tables in the Service Management Module.
Purpose: Workorder custom attribute functionality (both single-valued and multi-valued) and Change management workflow functionality requires DN datamart for using DN table in the reporting tool.
Following DN tables are added for Incident Management, Service Request Management, Problem Management, and Change Management modules.
- WO_IM_RPT_DN_ Single_Valued
- WO_SR_RPT_DN_Custom_Single_Valued
- WO_IM_RPT_DN_Multi_Valued
- WO_SR_RPT_DN_Multi_Valued
The following DN table is updated with few new columns:
- PM_RPT_DN_ProblemMaster
New Notifications Introduced for Problem and Change management
Provision to add and modify email notifications for problem management and change
management. Using this functionality you can :
- Trigger automated email-notifications to desired email ids, upon matching the
specified conditions. - Reduce manual activity of informing respective stakeholders.
- Keep key stakeholders informed as soon as PR and CR status matches those
defined in the conditions to trigger email notification to respective workgroup.
For more information on Change Management mail notifications, refer Configuring Change Management Email Notifications.
For more information on Problem Management mail notifications, refer Configuring Problem Management Email notifications.
Enhanced Notification functionality of Business rule designer
Using this functionality, you can :
- Add additional email IDs using Custom Attributes from Incident details page, in
addition to pre-configured recipients. - Add custom attributes of type Text Area, Text Box and Email Id.
- Reduce manual activity of notifying multiple stakeholders separately and
provides flexibility to add multiple recipients.
For more information on Problem Management mail notifications, refer Field description of NOTIFICATION in Business Rule Designer.
Owner Workgroups in concurrence with the Initiator
- A checkbox option is introduced in Tenant level called Displays only the Owner Workgroups, which the logged-in Analyst is a member of, while raising a New Change Request. This is to control the display of Owner Workgroup in creating Change Requests.
- The Owner Workgroup will only display the workgroups the user is mapped to while creating Change Requests.
For more information, refer Field description in Configuring Change Management Module.
Rephrase of message in Change Management
- Based on the logged in user type as Approver or Authorizer the message that is displayed is changed.
- This different message display based on type of logged in user avoids the confusions with the message displayed in approving Change Records.
For more information, refer the section Display of messages based on User Personas and Privileges in Approving Change Record.
The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Platform.
Admin can now able to differentiate between humans and computers for better security and minimize spams. It is easy for humans to solve, but hard for bots and other malicious software to figure out. The reCAPTCHA uses recognizable graphic elements, such as pictures of City Roads, Birds or Animals, Vehicles, or Scenes that require end-users to recognize and select images matching the puzzle.
Using this feature, you can:
- Blocks automated usage of services.
- Ensures online activity is safe.
- Protects against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.
For more information, refer Signing In.
Social Watch
Social Watch is an integrated plugin developed by SummitAI to extend the capability of ITSM to Enterprise Social Media platforms. The Social Watch enables you to configure a set of configurations to retrieve the information, such as tweets from Twitter hashtags by applying additional filters to number of results to fetch, created time (UTC format) etc.
Using this feature, you can:
- Defines the sentiment score threshold to the prevailing emotions of a consumer’s post.
- Create real human connections brand.
For more information, refer Configuring Social Watch.
Suppress Notification Emails Configuration
Admin can now restrict unwanted emails and allow critical email notifications being triggered to an analyst or a workgroup using a configuration.
In the ‘IM_LogOrUpdateIncident’ API, a new parameter ‘IsSuppressNotification_WG’ is added to restrict email notifications to the respective Workgroup or Analyst in Incident Management module. For more information, see Create or Update an Incident.
Using this feature, you can:
- Provision an analyst to restrict unwanted email notifications.
- Increase productivity of an analyst.
- Better usage of Time on critical high-priority work items.
Multi-Factor Authentication Using Authenticator App
Hardened security by introducing a new option Authenticator App in Domain configuration.
Using this feature, you can:
- Enforce QR code authentication on SummitAI Login page, in addition to username and password, by enabling Authenticator App.
- Scan QR code and key-in the OTP sent, to access the SummitAI Application.
Autofill Control in Form Builder
- Admin can view the tables created in Web Services and can configure the Custom table dynamic column as a data source.
- Administrators can create parent-child relationships using the custom data of the Custom tables.
Editing Priority Field by Workgroup Owner
- Workgroup owner can edit the Priority field in the Incident Details page or Log New Incident.
- Overriding the Priority Matrix configuration.
CMDB Details Page
- Improve the performance and usability of the CMDB module in CI Details, Global Search, and CMDB List pages.
- No time delay while performing the CMDB functions
UI changes and Enhancements
Enhanced the look and feel of application which gives you more power and control.
- Better UI : Search Functionality and left panel menu is introduced on the
Application settings page. New search-bar eases navigations within the
Application settings page. On the Profile dropdown at the top right alignments along with look and feel of Set Away Time icon button is updated
For more information on Application settings page UI changes, Application Settings.
- Page revamps: The UI design of Incident detail page is followed in Change
Record, Knowledge Record and Release Record list pages. The Redesigned
pages bring in uniformity throughout the application.
For more information on Change Record UI changes, Change Record List.
For more information on Knowledge Record UI changes, Knowledge Record List.
For more information on Release Record UI changes, Release Record List.
Asset Management
Precision to Locate Assets by Store or Floor
To better identify the exact location of an Asset, hierarchy path of Store and Floor location of assets have been added to AM Reports.
Using this functionality, you can:
- Accurately find the store and floor at which the Asset is located.
- Resolves ambiguity, by including hierarchical path if two stores have same name.
For more information on the configuration setting for this feature, refer Application Settings of AM.
Removal of mandatory criteria in Asset Inventory filter option
One of the mandatory criteria has been removed from Asset Inventory Filter options.
With this improvement:
- Analyst/Admin is no more restricted with mandatory constrictions.
- End users can get the asset details even without knowing earlier mandatory criteria such as user name, customer name, etc.
For more information, refer Enhancement in Filter Options.
Custom Status and Sub Status availability in Reports
Asset Management Reports are now equipped with custom status and sub status asset details wherever applicable.
For more information, check this report → Assets by Floor Report.
IT Operations Management
Monitoring Meraki Network Devices by providing additional controls in editing devices
- Monitor network devices through APIs.
- New fields - Monitoring Protocol, Environment and Environment Network ID are introduced for API authentication from Discovery.
For more information, refer Adding or Modifying Devices.
For Public KB articles the attachments on blob will not be supported.
Security Enhancements implemented to ensure data security and integrity.