Configuring Incident Management Module
Aravind Naik (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
manikandan.subbiah (Unlicensed)
You can configure values for the various components of the Incident Management module for a Tenant. Based on the configuration, the values or fields are displayed for an Incident raised for a Tenant.
To configure Incident Management module:
- Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant. The TENANT page is displayed.
Figure: TENANT: List page
2. On the TENANT page under the LIST section, select the Tenant Name for which you want to configure the Incident Management module.
Figure: TENANT page
On the above TENANT page, Department Code, Display Name, and Description about the selected Tenant is displayed. If the Active check box is selected, it indicates that the selected Tenant is an active Tenant. The various modules configured, not configured, and disabled for the Tenant are displayed on the page by the different color check marks:
- Orange indicates not configured module.
- Green indicates configured module.
- Grey indicates disabled module.
3. Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel and select INCIDENT MANAGEMENT under MODULES section. The details about the Incident Management module are displayed under the DETAILS section. For more information about the fields on the DETAILS section, see Field Description.
4. Type in the required details and make appropriate selections, and then click SUBMIT. The TENANT page contains the following sections:
Figure: TENANT page: Configuring Incident Management module - Theme Settings
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the THEME SETTINGS section of TENANT page:
Field | Description |
Theme | Select the theme that you want to apply for the Tenant. Only the themes configured on the THEME CONFIGURATION page are displayed in the Theme drop-down list. |
Allow Users to Select Theme | If selected, the users can select the Theme on the MY PROFILE pop-up page that they want to apply for the Tenant. For more information about selecting a Theme on the MY PROFILE pop-up page, see Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details. |
Figure: TENANT page: Configuring Incident Management module - General
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the General section of TENANT page:
Field | Description |
General | |
Note: When you select the Incident Closing Mode as Auto, you need to provide a value for this field (Auto Closing Days). Also, the application will not consider the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) for Auto closure. |
Assign User Reopened incidents to Workgroup | Select the check box to assign the re-opened Incidents to the Workgroup to which it was assigned before resolving the Incident. |
Enable Auto-Completion for Logging Incidents | Select this check box to enable the auto-complete assistance option while logging Incidents. |
Incident Classification Model | Select a Classification model, Default or Enhanced. If you select Enhanced, you need to also specify Classification Source and Classification Display Mode. |
Enable Pending Status Change on End User Update | If selected, when the End User updates an Incident in Pending status, the status of the Incident changes to the previous status of the Incident for all Pending Reasons or for the selected Pending Reasons. |
Delete Attachments | Allows you to configure the following options:
Enable Auto-Assignment of Incidents | Select this check box to auto-assign Incidents to Analysts with least number of assigned Incidents. |
TREE VIEW POP-UP | Allows you to configure the following options:
E-MAIL NOTIFICATION | Select this option to send notification when the selected status is updated. Administrators can also choose the recipients to send notification. If All Incident Update Mails is selected, this is a read-only option. |
Notification For All Status Updates | If selected, e-mails are sent to the Caller and Workgroup Analysts for every update of the Incident. |
Notification For Selected Status Updates | If selected, e-mails are sent to the Caller and Workgroup Analysts for status change of Incident as per the following table.
Minimum Symptom Length | Specify the minimum number of characters that should be provided for the Symptom field. The default minimum length is 10 characters. |
Description Length | Specify the minimum and maximum number of characters that should be provided for the Description field. The default minimum length is 20 characters and the default maximum length is not limited. |
Do Not Allow Images in Description | If selected, no Images are allowed to be attached in the Description field. |
Configure Likert Scale Question Type | If selected, the Likert Scale is displayed in the Question Type drop-down list of the FEEDBACK QUESTION page under FEEDBACK CONFIGURATION. |
Enable Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing | If selected, Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing (Paid Version) is enabled in the SummitAI application. |
Advanced Remote Desktop Sharing URL | Type in the Remote Desktop Sharing URL. |
URL Display Name | Type in the Display name for the URL. |
User Name | Type in the User Name. |
Password | Type in the Password. |
Confirm Password | Re-type the Password. |
Figure: TENANT page: Configuring Incident Management module - For End Users
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the For End Users section of TENANT page:
Field | Description |
For End Users | |
Enable Last 5 Incidents Pop-up | Select the check box to display lst five incidents logged by the End User on the NEW INCIDENT page. |
Enable Chat Expiration | Select the check box to allow the End User to send the chat request for a specified duration. The chat request expires after the specified duration. Expiration Timeout(In Mins): Specify the duration of the chat request in minutes. After the specified time chat request becomes invalid. |
Enable Manual Incident Cancellation Icon | Select this check box to allow manual cancellation of Incidents. |
CONVERT INCIDENT TO SERVICE REQUEST OPTIONS | This section allows to configure the Incident status once the Service Request is created from it.
Rule Name | This field is enabled when Auto Resolve Incident check box is selected. If a Rule exists for the Tenant, the template is used to resolve the Incident. |
Provide Additional Incident Log Information | If selected, the End Users can view additional information (Priority, Service Window, and Resolution Deadline) in the confirmation pop-up after the Incident is logged. |
Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons | Select the Pending Reason in the drop-down list to send an e-mail reminder to the Callers. The Pending Reasons available in the drop-down list is configured in the PENDING REASON page (see: Configuring Pending Reasons). The Callers will be notified when the Incident is in Pending status for the selected Pending Reasons and the configured Alert Interval is exceeded. For more information about configuring the Alert Interval, see SUMMITAI General page. |
Auto-Resolve Incidents | If selected, the Incidents are resolved automatically after the maximum number of reminders are sent to the Caller. |
Maximum No. of Reminder | Specify the number of reminder e-mail(s) that should be sent to the Callers. |
Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Tickets | On the AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page, you can configure the default values to auto-resolve Incidents. Note: If the Do Not Overwrite Values check box is selected, the values configured on the AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT pop-up page are not overwritten while resolving Incidents automatically. |
Display Minimized Knowledge Base Pop-up | If selected, Knowledge Base pop-up is displayed on the NEW INCIDENT Page. |
Enable Follow-up for Incidents | If selected, the Incident Follow-up check box is displayed on the NEW INCIDENT page. Note: Ensure that the Incident Follow-up field is configured from the LOG INCIDENT PAGE (see: Configuring Log Incident Page) |
All Customers | If this check box and the Customer field check box on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE (Incident >Configuration >Incident Masters >Log Incident Page) are selected, all the Customers of the selected Tenant are displayed in the Customer drop-down list on the NEW INCIDENT page (Incident > User > New Incident). Click here
Note: On the LOG NEW INCIDENT page, Customer followed by Caller fields should be configured. The Callers are displayed based on the selected Customer in the Customer field. The Customer and Caller fields should be made mandatory. Example:
Customer and Sub Customers | If this check box and the Customer field check box on the LOG INCIDENT PAGE (Incident >Configuration >Incident Masters >Log Incident Page) are selected, the Customers/Sub Customers to which the user belongs reflect in the Customer drop-down list on the NEW INCIDENT page (Incident > User > New Incident). Note:
Figure: TENANT page: Configuring Incident Management module - For Analysts
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the For Analyst section of TENANT page:
Field | Description |
For Analysts | |
Hide 'Mail to Caller' check box on Incident Details page | Select the check box to hide the Mail to Caller check box. |
Disable Vendor Incident Status Check | If the check box is selected, the Analysts do not need to check the status of the Vendor Incidents before resolving the Incident. |
Enable First Call Resolution (FCR) Option | Select the check box to display the FCR option for the L2/ L3 team. |
Enable Major Incident | Select the check box to allow Analysts to manually indicate an Incident as a Major Incident (see: Major Incidents). |
Enable Conference Call | If selected, the analyst will have the option to join the conference call from the Major Incident pop-up page on INCIDENT DETAILS page. |
Enable Capture of Closure Category | Select the check box to allow Analysts to select a Closure Category. |
Enable Change Caller Icon | Select this check box to allow the Analyst to change the Caller. |
Restrict Transfer of Incidents Between Tenants | Select this check box to set a limit for the number of Incidents that can be transferred to a Workgroup by End Users. |
View Other Workgroup Incidents | If this check box is selected, Analysts can also view Incidents of other Workgroups for which they do not have Analyst access by selecting the Other Workgroups check box on the Filters pop-up of the INCIDENT LIST page (see: Viewing and Updating My Workgroup Incidents). In addition to this, the configured Analysts can view and edit Incidents of other Workgroups for which they do not have Analyst access using Global Search by enabling Allow the Analyst to edit all Incidents check box on the ANALYST page (see: Configuring Analysts). |
Allow Workgroup Owner to Edit Priority | If this check box is selected, the Workgroup Owner can edit the Priority of the Incident if it is disabled by any matrix configuration (see: Viewing and Updating Incident Details). |
Enable Bulk Update Icon in List page | Select this check box to enable bulk update of Incidents. |
Enable Secondary Analyst | If this check box is selected, Secondary Analysts can be assigned to an Incident (see: Logging Incidents for Users). |
Enable Linking of KBs for Resolved Incidents | If this check box is selected, the Analyst has to specify if any KB article was used to resolve the Incident. |
Display Expected Time to Resolve (ETR) section on Incident ID Page | If this check box is selected, the Expected Time to Resolve (ETR) section is displayed on the INCIDENT ID page, and the CONFIGURE ETR NOTIFICATION icon is displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the TENANT CONFIGURATION page. |
Enable Evaluation | If selected, Incident Evaluation is enabled for the selected Tenant. |
Display End User Follow-up Details | If selected, the FOLLOW-UP DETAILS section is displayed under the COMMUNICATION tab of INCIDENT DETAILS page. |
Minimum Characters For Private Log | Specify the minimum number of characters that should be provided for the Private Log field. The default minimum length is 10 characters. |
Minimum Characters For User Communication | Specify the minimum number of characters that should be provided for the User Communication field. The default minimum length is 10 characters. |
Minimum Characters For Solution | Specify the minimum number of characters that should be provided for the Solution field. The default minimum length is 10 characters. |
Notify Workgroup Owner(s) for Incident Reassignment | If selected, an e-mail notification is sent to the Workgroup owner of the selected tenant upon updating the existing Analyst on the INCIDENT ID page. If both the existing Workgroup and Analyst are changed, the previous and current Workgroup Owners receive e-mail notifications. Additionally, in order to notify Workgroup owner(s), the Notify Workgroup Owner for Incident checkbox must be enabled on the WORKGROUP page. For more information, see Configuring Workgroups. |
Allow Analyst to Edit Symptom | If selected, the Analysts can edit the Symptom of Incidents for the selected tenant using the SummitAI application. |
Allow Analyst to Edit Description | If selected, the Analysts can edit the Description of Incident for the selected tenant using the SummitAI application. |
ENABLE TABS ON INCIDENT DETAILS PAGE | Select the check box in this section to enable the respective tab on the Incident Details page. |
MANDATORY CONFIGURATION FOR PRIVATE LOG/USER COMMUNICATION | Allows you to configure Private Log and/or User Communication as mandatory for specific actions.
Workgroup | Displays the Workgroups for which Private Log and/or User Communication is configured as mandatory. |
Status | Displays the status for which Private Log and/or User Communication is configured as mandatory. |
Private Log | Indicates if Private Log is configured as mandatory. |
User Communication | Indicates if User Communication is configured as mandatory. |
Delete | Allows you to delete the configuration. Click |
Effort Logging | The Effort logging is done based on any of the following selected options:
Effort Log Validation | Select the required check box to define when logging effort is mandatory.
CONFIGURE CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE FIELDS | The fields selected in this section are not updated in the Child Incident when those fields are modified in the Parent Incident. |
Select Custom Fields | Select the fields in the drop-down list. |
CAPTURE REASON FOR CHANGE OF FIELDS | Select the field to capture the reason for change when the selected fields are modified. |
Priority Validation Order | Select an appropriate option in the Priority Validation Order drop-down list. |
Enable E-Mail Notification to Workgroup Owner for Change in Priority on Incident Details Page | If this check box is selected along with the Priority check box, and the priority is changed on the INCIDENT ID page, an e-mail is sent to the configured workgroup owner. |
Enable Location Field on the NEW INCIDENT FOR USER Page | If selected, the Location field is displayed on the NEW INCIDENT FOR USER page using which the Analysts can select the location of the user for whom the Incident is raised. |
Active | Indicates the status set for the configuration details for incident management module.
Mandatory In-Progress Status Before Changing the Status to Pending | If selected, the Incident must be in the In-Progress status at least once before being moved to the Pending status. |
Disable Resolved Status If Incident is in Pending Status Or Mandatory In Progress Status to Resolve the Incident | If selected, the Resolved status is disabled if the Incident is in the Pending status. Or, the Incident must be in the In-Progress status at least once before being moved to the Resolved status. |
Display "Show Incidents Updated By E-mail" Check Box on Filters and Display Icons on Incident List Page | If this check box is selected, the "Show Incidents Updated By E-mail" check box is displayed on the FILTERS pop-up of the INCIDENT LIST page and the following three icons are displayed on the INCIDENT LIST page: Last Updated by Analysts Using E-mail, Last Updated by External Users Using E-mail, and Last Updated by End Users Using E-mail. These icons indicate that the respective Incident is updated by either an Analyst, External User, or End User through e-mail. |
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the TENANT page.
Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Tenants.
Figure: TENANT page: List of Tenants
- To update a Tenant details, click the configured Tenant Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
- To display the inactive Tenants, click the Include Inactive check box.
When the list Tenants is displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW and TENANT LABEL DISPLAY actions are displayed on the ACTIONS panel.
- Click ADD NEW to configure a new Tenant.
- Using the TENANT LABEL DISPLAY action, you can configure a name for Tenant label (see: Tenant).
Click SHOW TENANT to display the details of the selected Tenant. The TENANT page is displayed.
Click CATEGORY to configure a new Category for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring Category, see Configuring Category IM.
Click CLASSIFICATION to configure a new Classification for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring Classification, see Configuring Classification.
Click CLOSURE CODE to configure a new Closure Code for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring Closure Codes, see Configuring Closure Codes.
Click IMPACT to configure new Impact values for the selected Tenant. For more information about configuring Impact values, see Configuring Impact.
Click PARTNER to configure a new Partner for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring Partners, see Adding Vendors.
Click PENDING REASONS to configure a new Pending Reason for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring Pending Reasons, see Configuring Pending Reasons.
Click PRIORITY to configure a new Priority value for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring Priority values, see Configuring Priority.
Click RESOLUTION CODE to configure a new Resolution Code. For information about configuring Resolution Codes, see Configuring Resolution Codes.
Click ANALYSTS to configure a new Analyst. For information about configuring Analysts, see Configuring Analysts in SUMMITAI General
Click SLA SERVICE WINDOW to configure a new SLA Service Window. For information about configuring SLA Service Window, see Configuring SLA Service Windows.
Click URGENCY to configure a new Urgency value for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring Urgency values, see Configuring Urgency.
Click WORKGROUPS to configure a new Workgroup. For more information configuring Workgroups, see Configuring Workgroups in Online Help
Click CONFIGURE ETR NOTIFICATION to configure the ETR e-mail notification for the selected Tenant. For information about configuring ETR e-mail notification, see Configuring ETR E-mail Notifications.
- The red asterisk on the icons on the ACTIONS panel indicates that all of these values must be configured to complete configuration of the Incident Management module for the selected Tenant.
- The orange color bar on the icon on the ACTIONS panel means that particular value is not configured.
- The green color bar on the icon indicates that it is configured.
- Until all the icons marked in red asterisk is configured for the selected Tenant, the Incident Management module will not be available to the selected Tenant. This means the selected Tenant will not be available to the users while raising Incidents until all the mandatory configuration values are configured.