Adding Contract or Agreement Details
Saranya S (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
sivani.sahu (Unlicensed)
What is Contract Management?
Using Contract Management, you can add Vendor Agreements and other required Contract details. You can add multiple Contracts to an Agreement. The Assets can be linked to these Contracts for tracking and reference. E-mail alerts can also be configured to notify the Administrator before a Contract expires.
Managing Contracts
To add Contract details:
Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Contract Management.
On the ACTIONS panel of the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page, click ADD NEW.
On the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page, fill in the required fields and click SUBMIT. For more information about the fields on the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page, see Field Description.
- To customize the Contract Management page, go to the APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page (see: Configuring Asset Application Settings).
- The e-mails are triggered to the Reseller, Vendor, and Notify Users if the Contract SPOC is checked on the Asset Alert Configuration page.
- An e-mail is triggered to Reseller and Vendor only if the respective check box is selected on the Contract Management page.
Field Description
The following table describes the fields of the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page:
Field | Description |
Contract ID | Specify the contract ID. |
Program | Type in the program name. |
Agreement | Select frame agreement from the list. |
Program Number | Type in the program number. |
Enrollment Type | Specify the enrollment type. |
Enrollment Number | Specify the enrollment number. |
Enrollment Owner | Select an enrollment owner from the list. |
Product and Price List Reference | Upload the product and price reference document, if any. |
Contract Start Date | Click the Calender icon to select a start date for the contract. |
Contract End Date | Click the Calender icon to select a end date for the contract. |
Enrollment Status | Select an enrollment status. |
Reseller | Select a reseller from the list. Select the check box to send e-mail notifications to the reseller. |
Vendor | Select a vendor from the list. Select the check box to send e-mail notifications to the vendor. |
Contract Reference | Upload the contract reference document, if any. |
Active | Indicates the status of the contract.
Remarks | Type in the remarks. |
Category | Select a Category from the list. |
Sub Category | Select a sub-category from the list. |
Account Manager | Type in the name of the Account Manager. |
Contact Account Manager | Type in the name of the Contract Account Manager. |
Product Head | Type in the name of the Product Head. |
Sales Head | Type in the name of the Sales Head. |
License Type | Select license type from the list. |
Purchase Quantity | Type in the purchase quantity. |
Contact First Level | Type in the name of the First Level Contact person. |
Contact Second Level | Type in the name of the Second Level Contact person. |
First Level Escalation | Type in the name of the First Level Escalation Contact Person. |
Second Level Escalation | Type in the name of the Second Level Escalation Contact Person. |
Notify Users | Type in the e-mail recipients to send e-mail notifications. Click the |
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT page.
Click SHOW LIST to view the list of Contracts.
To update a Contract, click the required Contract ID. Make appropriate changes, link or unlink the Asset(s) from the Contract, and then click SUBMIT. For more information about linking or unlinking Asset(s),
click hereYou can link or unlink Asset(s) from the Contract using the Link or De-link option, respectively. When you link an Asset to the Contract, the Asset is displayed under the RELATIONSHIP tab.
Figure: RELATIONSHIP tabTo link an Asset to a Contract:
- Under the RELATIONSHIP tab, in the Link drop-down list, select Link Assets.
- On the RELATIONSHIP pop-up page, ensure that Link Asset is selected in the Relation drop-down list, specify other filter criteria, and then click SEARCH. The list of Assets are displayed.
Figure: RELATIONSHIP pop-up page: Linking Asset Select the Asset(s) that you want to link to the Contract, and then click LINK at the lower-right corner of the RELATIONSHIP pop-up page.
To unlink an Asset from a Contract:
- Select the Asset(s) under the RELATIONSHIP tab, and then click De-Link.
- Figure: RELATIONSHIP tab: Unlinking Asset
When the Contracts are displayed under the LIST table, the following actions are displayed on the ACTIONS panel:
- Filters: Click Filters to specify a filter criteria to view a particular set of Contracts.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page - ADD NEW: Click ADD NEW to configure a new Contract.
- EXPORT TO EXCEL: Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the records displayed on this page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
Managing Agreements
Click AGREEMENT DETAIL to view the Agreement details. For information about the AGREEMENT DETAILS page,
On the AGREEMENT DETAILS page, select the Tenant and type in the required details. For information about the fields on the AGREEMENT DETAILS page, see Field Description. Click SUBMIT to save the agreement details.
Field Description
The following table describes the fields of the AGREEMENT DETAILS page:
Field | Description |
Agreement ID | Specify the agreement ID. |
Publisher | Select a publisher from the list. |
Agreement No. | Type in the agreement number. |
Agreement | Select an agreement from the list. |
Start Date | Click the Calendar icon to select a start date for the agreement. |
Agreement Owner (Organization) | Select the agreement owner. |
End Date | Click the Calendar icon to select an end date for the agreement. |
Agreement Status | Select an agreement status from the list. |
Agreement Reference | Attach frame agreement references. Click the Upload icon to browse and upload the document. |
Active | Indicates the status of the frame agreement.
Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the agreement details to Microsoft Excel.
Click CONTRACT MANAGEMENT to add, view or update the Contract details for the Agreement.
E-mail Alerts
You can configure e-mail Alerts for Assets. These Alerts are notified through e-mails to the assigned Analysts. Select the Alert Type as Custom Type (see: Configuring Asset Alerts).
Custom Scheduler Jobs
The following Custom Scheduler Job should be configured for the e-mail configuration to function correctly.
Contract management alert: Responsible for sending e-mails when the contract is about to expire. This job
should be configured on the SummitAI Application Server. It is recommended to schedule this job to run once
every day.