Mapping Endpoint Profile

You can map an Endpoint Profile to a Customer, IP Addresses, Locations, or System.

To create an Endpoint Profile:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Endpoint > Profile. The PROFILE page is displayed.

    Figure: PROFILE page

  2. On the PROFILE page, select the Tenant,  and then select the Endpoint Profile that you want to map. On the ACTIONS panel, click PROFILE MAPPING.

    Figure: PROFILE page: PROFILE MAPPING icon

  3. On the ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page, select the appropriate value from the Type drop-down list to map the Endpoint Profile. Enter the required details. For more information about fields on the ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page, see Field Description.


  4. Click SUBMIT to map the Endpoint Profile.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page:





Displays the name of Endpoint Profile that you selected on the PROFILE page. You can select a different Endpoint Profile from the drop-down list.


Lists the configured Types to map the Endpoint Profiles. Select the appropriate value from the list.


Select Customer to map the Endpoint Profile with a Customer.
The Customer field with the list of Customers is displayed.

    • To select a Customer, click the Customer name and click the   icon. To select all the Customers, click the  icon.
    • To deselect a Customer, click the Customer name and click the   icon. To deselect all the Customers, click the  icon.

Click the ADD button to add the selected Customers to the Customer Details list.

Figure: ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page: Customer type

 IP Address

Select IP Address to map the Endpoint Profile with a set of IP Address.

The IP Address Range field is displayed. Type the IP Address range in the text boxes and click the ADD button to add the selected IP Address range to the IP Address Details list.

Figure: ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page: IP Address type


Select Location to map the Endpoint Profile to a Location.

The Location field is displayed. Select the Location and click ADD to include the selected Location in the Location Details list.

Figure: ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page: Location type


Select System to map the Endpoint Profile with a System.  

The System Name field is displayed. Type the Serial Number or the Host Name of the System and click ADD to include the selected System to the System Details list.

Figure: ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page: System type


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the ENDPOINT PROFILE MAPPING page.


 Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Endpoint Profiles. For more information, see Viewing Profile List.